-- Any system name is candidate for inlining. Never inline user-defined
-- functions, to preserve structure.
inlinetoplevel expr@(Var f) | not $ isUserDefined f = do
- norm_maybe <- Trans.lift $ getNormalized_maybe f
- case norm_maybe of
- -- No body or not normalizeable.
- Nothing -> return expr
- Just norm -> if needsInline norm then do
+ body_maybe <- needsInline f
+ case body_maybe of
+ Just body -> do
-- Regenerate all uniques in the to-be-inlined expression
- norm_uniqued <- Trans.lift $ genUniques norm
+ body_uniqued <- Trans.lift $ genUniques body
-- And replace the variable reference with the unique'd body.
- change norm_uniqued
- else
+ change body_uniqued
-- No need to inline
- return expr
+ Nothing -> return expr
-- Leave all other expressions unchanged
inlinetoplevel expr = return expr
inlinetopleveltop = everywhere ("inlinetoplevel", inlinetoplevel)
-needsInline :: CoreExpr -> Bool
-needsInline expr = case splitNormalized expr of
- -- Inline any function that only has a single definition, it is probably
- -- simple enough. This might inline some stuff that it shouldn't though it
- -- will never inline user-defined functions (inlinetoplevel only tries
- -- system names) and inlining should never break things.
- (args, [bind], res) -> True
- _ -> False
+-- | Does the given binder need to be inlined? If so, return the body to
+-- be used for inlining.
+needsInline :: CoreBndr -> TransformMonad (Maybe CoreExpr)
+needsInline f = do
+ body_maybe <- Trans.lift $ getGlobalBind f
+ case body_maybe of
+ -- No body available?
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just body -> case CoreSyn.collectArgs body of
+ -- The body is some (top level) binder applied to 0 or more
+ -- arguments. That should be simple enough to inline.
+ (Var f, args) -> return $ Just body
+ -- Body is more complicated, try normalizing it
+ _ -> do
+ norm_maybe <- Trans.lift $ getNormalized_maybe f
+ case norm_maybe of
+ -- Noth normalizeable
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just norm -> case splitNormalized norm of
+ -- The function has just a single binding, so that's simple
+ -- enough to inline.
+ (args, [bind], res) -> return $ Just norm
+ -- More complicated function, don't inline
+ _ -> return Nothing
-- Dictionary inlining