import qualified Id
import qualified CoreSubst
import qualified CoreUtils
+import qualified Type
import Outputable ( showSDoc, ppr, nest )
-- Local imports
import CLasH.Normalize.NormalizeTypes
import CLasH.Translator.TranslatorTypes
+import CLasH.Utils
import CLasH.Utils.Pretty
import qualified CLasH.Utils.Core.CoreTools as CoreTools
import CLasH.VHDL.VHDLTypes
-- reason these are not marked as system, probably because the name itself
-- is not made up by the compiler, just this particular binding is.
compiler_names = ["fromInteger"]
+-- Is the given binder normalizable? This means that its type signature can be
+-- represented in hardware, which should (?) guarantee that it can be made
+-- into hardware. Note that if a binder is not normalizable, it might become
+-- so using argument propagation.
+isNormalizeable :: CoreBndr -> TransformMonad Bool
+isNormalizeable bndr = do
+ let ty = Id.idType bndr
+ let (arg_tys, res_ty) = Type.splitFunTys ty
+ -- This function is normalizable if all its arguments and return value are
+ -- representable.
+ andM $ mapM isRepr (res_ty:arg_tys)