local symbols = {
-- Note, the space we replace with is a Unicode non-breaking space
-- (U+00A0).
- [' '] = {repr = ' '},
- ['_'] = {repr = '\\_'},
- ['->'] = {repr = '→'},
- ['=>'] = {repr = '⇒'},
+ {symbol = ' ', repr = ' '},
+ {symbol = '_', repr = '\\_'},
+ {symbol = '->', repr = '→'},
+ {symbol = '=>', repr = '⇒'},
-- The default * sits very high above the baseline, \ast (u+2217) looks
-- better.
- ['*'] = {repr = '\\ast'},
- ['~'] = {repr = '\\HDLine[width=.20 * \\the\\textwidth]'},
- ['|'] = {repr = '\\char' .. utf.byte('|')},
+ {symbol = '*', repr = '\\ast'},
+ {symbol = '~', repr = '\\HDLine[width=.20 * \\the\\textwidth]'},
+ {symbol = '|', repr = '\\char' .. utf.byte('|')},
-- Use ▶ from our roman font, since Iwona doesn't have the glyph
- ['▶'] = {repr = '{\\rm{}▶}'},
+ {symbol = '▶', repr = '{\\rm{}▶}'},
-- Keywords that should be bold
-- character. We can do a lookup directly, since symbols can be different in
-- length, so we just loop over all symbols, trying them in turn.
local function take_symbol(str)
- for symbol,props in pairs(symbols) do
+ for i,props in ipairs(symbols) do
-- Try to remove symbol from the start of str
- symbol, newstr = utf.match(str, "^(" .. symbol .. ")(.*)")
+ symbol, newstr = utf.match(str, "^(" .. props.symbol .. ")(.*)")
if symbol then
-- Return this tokens repr, or just the token if it has no
-- repr.