import CLasH.Normalize
import CLasH.Translator.TranslatorTypes
import CLasH.Translator.Annotations
+import CLasH.Utils
import CLasH.Utils.Core.CoreTools
import CLasH.Utils.GhcTools
import CLasH.VHDL
-> Bool -- ^ Is it stateful? (in case InitState is empty)
-> IO ()
makeVHDLStrings libdir filenames topentity initstate testinput stateful = do
- makeVHDL libdir filenames findTopEntity findInitState findTestInput stateful
+ makeVHDL libdir filenames finder stateful
- findTopEntity = findBind (hasVarName topentity)
- findInitState = findBind (hasVarName initstate)
- findTestInput = findExpr (hasVarName testinput)
+ finder = findSpec (hasVarName topentity)
+ (hasVarName initstate)
+ (hasVarName testinput)
-- | Turn Haskell to VHDL, Using the Annotations for Top Entity, Initial State
-- and Test Inputs found in the Files.
-> Bool -- ^ Is it stateful? (in case InitState is not specified)
-> IO ()
makeVHDLAnnotations libdir filenames stateful = do
- makeVHDL libdir filenames findTopEntity findInitState findTestInput stateful
+ makeVHDL libdir filenames finder stateful
- findTopEntity = findBind (hasCLasHAnnotation isTopEntity)
- findInitState = findBind (hasCLasHAnnotation isInitState)
- findTestInput = findExpr (hasCLasHAnnotation isTestInput)
+ finder = findSpec (hasCLasHAnnotation isTopEntity)
+ (hasCLasHAnnotation isInitState)
+ (hasCLasHAnnotation isTestInput)
-- | Turn Haskell to VHDL, using the given finder functions to find the Top
-- Entity, Initial State and Test Inputs in the Haskell Files.
makeVHDL ::
FilePath -- ^ The GHC Library Dir
-> [FilePath] -- ^ The Filenames
- -> (HscTypes.CoreModule -> GHC.Ghc (Maybe CoreSyn.CoreBndr)) -- ^ The Top Entity Finder
- -> (HscTypes.CoreModule -> GHC.Ghc (Maybe CoreSyn.CoreBndr)) -- ^ The Init State Finder
- -> (HscTypes.CoreModule -> GHC.Ghc (Maybe CoreSyn.CoreExpr)) -- ^ The Test Input Finder
+ -> Finder
-> Bool -- ^ Indicates if it is meant to be stateful
-> IO ()
-makeVHDL libdir filenames topEntFinder initStateFinder testInputFinder stateful = do
+makeVHDL libdir filenames finder stateful = do
-- Load the modules
- (cores, top, init, test, env) <- loadModules libdir filenames topEntFinder initStateFinder testInputFinder
+ (cores, env, specs) <- loadModules libdir filenames (Just finder)
-- Translate to VHDL
- vhdl <- moduleToVHDL env cores top init test stateful
- -- Write VHDL to file
- let top_entity = Maybe.fromJust $ head top
+ vhdl <- moduleToVHDL env cores specs stateful
+ -- Write VHDL to file. Just use the first entity for the name
+ let top_entity = (\(t, _, _) -> t) $ head specs
let dir = "./vhdl/" ++ (show top_entity) ++ "/"
prepareDir dir
mapM (writeVHDL dir) vhdl
moduleToVHDL ::
HscTypes.HscEnv -- ^ The GHC Environment
-> [HscTypes.CoreModule] -- ^ The Core Modules
- -> [Maybe CoreSyn.CoreBndr] -- ^ The TopEntity
- -> [Maybe CoreSyn.CoreBndr] -- ^ The InitState
- -> [Maybe CoreSyn.CoreExpr] -- ^ The TestInput
+ -> [EntitySpec] -- ^ The entities to generate
-> Bool -- ^ Is it stateful (in case InitState is not specified)
-> IO [(AST.VHDLId, AST.DesignFile)]
-moduleToVHDL env cores topbinds' init test stateful = do
- let topbinds = Maybe.catMaybes topbinds'
- let initialState = Maybe.catMaybes init
- let testInput = Maybe.catMaybes test
+moduleToVHDL env cores specs stateful = do
vhdl <- runTranslatorSession env $ do
let all_bindings = concat (map (\x -> CoreSyn.flattenBinds (HscTypes.cm_binds x)) cores)
-- Store the bindings we loaded
tsBindings %= Map.fromList all_bindings
- test_binds <- Monad.zipWithM (createTestbench Nothing) testInput topbinds
+ test_binds <- catMaybesM $ Monad.mapM mkTest specs
+ let topbinds = map (\(top, _, _) -> top) specs
createDesignFiles (topbinds ++ test_binds)
mapM (putStr . render . Ppr.ppr . snd) vhdl
return vhdl
+ where
+ mkTest :: EntitySpec -> TranslatorSession (Maybe CoreSyn.CoreBndr)
+ -- Create a testbench for any entry that has test input
+ mkTest (_, _, Nothing) = return Nothing
+ mkTest (top, _, Just input) = do
+ bndr <- createTestbench Nothing input top
+ return $ Just bndr
-- Run the given translator session. Generates a new UniqSupply for that
-- session.
import Data.Accessor
+import qualified GHC
import qualified CoreSyn
import qualified Type
import qualified HscTypes
-- Local imports
import CLasH.VHDL.VHDLTypes
+-- | A specification of an entity we can generate VHDL for. Consists of the
+-- binder of the top level entity, an optional initial state and an optional
+-- test input.
+type EntitySpec = (CoreSyn.CoreBndr, Maybe CoreSyn.CoreExpr, Maybe CoreSyn.CoreExpr)
+-- | A function that knows which parts of a module to compile
+type Finder =
+ HscTypes.CoreModule -- ^ The module to look at
+ -> GHC.Ghc [EntitySpec]
+-- The TranslatorSession
-- A orderable equivalent of CoreSyn's Type for use as a map key
newtype OrdType = OrdType { getType :: Type.Type }
instance Eq OrdType where
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as State
-import qualified CoreSyn
-import qualified CoreUtils
-import qualified HscTypes
-import qualified Outputable
-import qualified Var
-- Local Imports
-import CLasH.Utils.GhcTools
-import CLasH.Utils.Pretty
-listBindings :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> IO [()]
-listBindings libdir filenames = do
- (cores,_,_,_,_) <- loadModules libdir filenames bogusFinder bogusFinder bogusFinder
- let binds = concat $ map (CoreSyn.flattenBinds . HscTypes.cm_binds) cores
- mapM (listBinding) binds
- where
- bogusFinder = (\x -> return $ Nothing)
-listBinding :: (CoreSyn.CoreBndr, CoreSyn.CoreExpr) -> IO ()
-listBinding (b, e) = do
- putStr "\nBinder: "
- putStr $ show b
- putStr "\nType of Binder: \n"
- putStr $ Outputable.showSDoc $ Outputable.ppr $ Var.varType b
- putStr "\n\nExpression: \n"
- putStr $ prettyShow e
- putStr "\n\n"
- putStr $ Outputable.showSDoc $ Outputable.ppr e
- putStr "\n\nType of Expression: \n"
- putStr $ Outputable.showSDoc $ Outputable.ppr $ CoreUtils.exprType e
- putStr "\n\n"
--- | Show the core structure of the given binds in the given file.
-listBind :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> String -> IO ()
-listBind libdir filenames name = do
- (_,corebind,_,coreexpr,_) <- loadModules libdir filenames bindFinder bindFinder exprFinder
- listBinding (Maybe.fromJust $ head corebind, Maybe.fromJust $ head coreexpr)
- where
- bindFinder = findBind (hasVarName name)
- exprFinder = findExpr (hasVarName name)
-- Make a caching version of a stateful computatation.
makeCached :: (Monad m, Ord k) =>
k -- ^ The key to use for the cache
import qualified Annotations
import qualified CoreSyn
+import qualified CoreUtils
import qualified DynFlags
import qualified HscTypes
import qualified GHC
import qualified Name
import qualified Serialized
import qualified Var
+import qualified Outputable
-- Local Imports
+import CLasH.Utils.Pretty
+import CLasH.Translator.TranslatorTypes
import CLasH.Translator.Annotations
+import CLasH.Utils
+listBindings :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> IO [()]
+listBindings libdir filenames = do
+ (cores,_,_) <- loadModules libdir filenames Nothing
+ let binds = concat $ map (CoreSyn.flattenBinds . HscTypes.cm_binds) cores
+ mapM (listBinding) binds
+listBinding :: (CoreSyn.CoreBndr, CoreSyn.CoreExpr) -> IO ()
+listBinding (b, e) = do
+ putStr "\nBinder: "
+ putStr $ show b
+ putStr "\nType of Binder: \n"
+ putStr $ Outputable.showSDoc $ Outputable.ppr $ Var.varType b
+ putStr "\n\nExpression: \n"
+ putStr $ prettyShow e
+ putStr "\n\n"
+ putStr $ Outputable.showSDoc $ Outputable.ppr e
+ putStr "\n\nType of Expression: \n"
+ putStr $ Outputable.showSDoc $ Outputable.ppr $ CoreUtils.exprType e
+ putStr "\n\n"
+-- | Show the core structure of the given binds in the given file.
+listBind :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> String -> IO ()
+listBind libdir filenames name = do
+ (cores,_,_) <- loadModules libdir filenames Nothing
+ bindings <- concatM $ mapM (findBinder (hasVarName name)) cores
+ mapM listBinding bindings
+ return ()
-- Change a DynFlag from within the Ghc monad. Strangely enough there seems to
-- be no standard function to do exactly this.
loadModules ::
FilePath -- ^ The GHC Library directory
-> [String] -- ^ The files that need to be loaded
- -> (HscTypes.CoreModule -> GHC.Ghc (Maybe CoreSyn.CoreBndr)) -- ^ The TopEntity finder
- -> (HscTypes.CoreModule -> GHC.Ghc (Maybe CoreSyn.CoreBndr)) -- ^ The InitState finder
- -> (HscTypes.CoreModule -> GHC.Ghc (Maybe CoreSyn.CoreExpr)) -- ^ The TestInput finder
+ -> Maybe Finder -- ^ What entities to build?
-> IO ( [HscTypes.CoreModule]
- , [Maybe CoreSyn.CoreBndr]
- , [Maybe CoreSyn.CoreBndr]
- , [Maybe CoreSyn.CoreExpr]
, HscTypes.HscEnv
- ) -- ^ ( The loaded modules, the TopEntity, the InitState, the TestInput
- -- , The Environment corresponding of the loaded modules
- -- )
-loadModules libdir filenames topEntLoc initSLoc testLoc =
+ , [EntitySpec]
+ ) -- ^ ( The loaded modules, the resulting ghc environment, the entities to build)
+loadModules libdir filenames finder =
GHC.defaultErrorHandler DynFlags.defaultDynFlags $ do
GHC.runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
dflags <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags
GHC.setSessionDynFlags dflags
cores <- mapM GHC.compileToCoreModule filenames
env <- GHC.getSession
- top_entity <- mapM topEntLoc cores
- init_state <- mapM initSLoc cores
- test_input <- mapM testLoc cores
- return (cores, top_entity, init_state, test_input, env)
+ specs <- case finder of
+ Nothing -> return []
+ Just f -> concatM $ mapM f cores
+ return (cores, env, specs)
findBind ::
- GHC.GhcMonad m =>
+ Monad m =>
(Var.Var -> m Bool)
-> HscTypes.CoreModule
-> m (Maybe CoreSyn.CoreBndr)
bndrs -> return $ Just $ fst $ head bndrs
findExpr ::
- GHC.GhcMonad m =>
+ Monad m =>
(Var.Var -> m Bool)
-> HscTypes.CoreModule
-> m (Maybe CoreSyn.CoreExpr)
-- | Find a binder in module according to a certain criteria
findBinder ::
- GHC.GhcMonad m =>
+ Monad m =>
(Var.Var -> m Bool) -- ^ The criteria to filter the binders on
-> HscTypes.CoreModule -- ^ The module to be inspected
-> m [(CoreSyn.CoreBndr, CoreSyn.CoreExpr)] -- ^ The binders to meet the criteria
-- | Determine if a binder has a certain name
hasVarName ::
- GHC.GhcMonad m =>
+ Monad m =>
String -- ^ The name the binder has to have
-> Var.Var -- ^ The Binder
-> m Bool -- ^ Indicate if the binder has the name
hasVarName lookfor bind = return $ lookfor == (Name.occNameString $ Name.nameOccName $ Name.getName bind)
+-- | Make a complete spec out of a three conditions
+findSpec ::
+ (Var.Var -> GHC.Ghc Bool) -> (Var.Var -> GHC.Ghc Bool) -> (Var.Var -> GHC.Ghc Bool)
+ -> Finder
+findSpec topc statec testc mod = do
+ top <- findBind topc mod
+ state <- findExpr statec mod
+ test <- findExpr testc mod
+ case top of
+ Just t -> return [(t, state, test)]
+ Nothing -> error $ "Could not find top entity requested"