module Flatten where
import CoreSyn
import Control.Monad
+import qualified Var
import qualified Type
import qualified Name
import qualified TyCon
flattenApplicationExpr binds (CoreUtils.exprType app) f args
flattenBuildTupleExpr = error $ "Tuple construction not supported: " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr app)
- flattenApplicationExpr binds ty f args = error $ "Function application not supported: " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr app)
+ -- | Flatten a normal application expression
+ flattenApplicationExpr binds ty f args = do
+ -- Find the function to call
+ let func = appToHsFunction ty f args
+ -- Flatten each of our args
+ flat_args <- (State.mapM (flattenExpr binds) args)
+ -- Check and split each of the arguments
+ let (_, arg_ress) = unzip (zipWith checkArg args flat_args)
+ -- Generate signals for our result
+ res <- genSignalUses ty
+ -- Create the function application
+ let app = FApp {
+ appFunc = func,
+ appArgs = arg_ress,
+ appRes = useMapToDefMap res
+ }
+ addApp app
+ return ([], res)
+ -- | Check a flattened expression to see if it is valid to use as a
+ -- function argument. The first argument is the original expression for
+ -- use in the error message.
+ checkArg arg flat =
+ let (args, res) = flat in
+ if not (null args)
+ then error $ "Passing lambda expression or function as a function argument not supported: " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr arg)
+ else flat
flattenExpr _ _ = do
return ([], Tuple [])
+appToHsFunction ::
+ Type.Type -- ^ The return type
+ -> Var.Var -- ^ The function to call
+ -> [CoreExpr] -- ^ The function arguments
+ -> HsFunction -- ^ The needed HsFunction
+appToHsFunction ty f args =
+ HsFunction hsname hsargs hsres
+ where
+ hsname = Name.getOccString f
+ hsargs = map (useAsPort . mkHsValueMap . CoreUtils.exprType) args
+ hsres = useAsPort (mkHsValueMap ty)
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