-{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, TemplateHaskell, FlexibleContexts, TypeFamilies #-}
-module Reducer where
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, TemplateHaskell, FlexibleContexts, TypeFamilies, ScopedTypeVariables, RecordWildCards #-}
+module Main where
import System.Random
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO,unsafeInterleaveIO)
import qualified Prelude as P
import CLasH.HardwareTypes
import CLasH.Translator.Annotations
+-- =======================================
+-- = System size configuration variables =
+-- =======================================
type DataSize = D8
type IndexSize = D8
-type DiscrSize = D3
-type DiscrRange = D7
-type AdderDepth = D2
+type DiscrSize = D7
+type DiscrRange = D127
+type AdderDepth = D14
+-- =================
+-- = Type Aliasses =
+-- =================
+type Shift = RangedWord D2
type DataInt = SizedWord DataSize
type ArrayIndex = SizedWord IndexSize
type Discr = RangedWord DiscrRange
-type ReducerState = State ( DiscrState
- , InputState
- , FpAdderState
- , OutputState
- )
-type ReducerSignal = ( ( DataInt
- , Discr
- )
- , Bit
- )
-type OutputSignal = ( (DataInt
+type OutputSignal = ( ( DataInt
, ArrayIndex
- , Bit
+ , Bool
-type DiscrState = State ( ArrayIndex
- , SizedWord DiscrSize
- )
-type InputState = State ( Vector (AdderDepth :+: D1) ReducerSignal
- , RangedWord AdderDepth
+data CellType = Valid | NotValid
+ deriving (Eq)
+type Cell = ( CellType
+ , ( DataInt
+ , Discr
+ )
-type FpAdderState = State (Vector AdderDepth ReducerSignal)
-type OutputState = State ( MemState DiscrRange DataInt
- , MemState DiscrRange DataInt
- , MemState DiscrRange ArrayIndex
- , RAM DiscrRange Bit
- )
-Discriminator adds a discriminator to each input value
-prev_index: previous index
-cur_discr: current discriminator
-data_in: input value
-index: row index
-data_in: output value
-discr: discriminator belonging to output value
-new_discr: value of new discriminator, is -1 if cur_discr hasn't changed
-index: Index belonging to the new discriminator
-discriminator :: DiscrState -> (DataInt, ArrayIndex) ->
- ( DiscrState
- , ((DataInt, Discr), (Bit, ArrayIndex))
- )
-discriminator (State (prev_index,cur_discr)) (data_in, index) =
- (State (prev_index', cur_discr'), ((data_in, discr),(new_discr, index)))
+notValid :: Cell
+notValid = (NotValid,(0::DataInt,0::Discr))
+-- ================================
+-- = Cell type accessor functions =
+-- ================================
+valid :: Cell -> Bool
+valid (Valid, _) = True
+valid _ = False
+value :: Cell -> DataInt
+value (_, (v, _)) = v
+discr :: Cell -> Discr
+discr (_, (_, d)) = d
+-- =======================
+-- = Reducer State types =
+-- =======================
+data DiscrRecord = DiscrR { prev_index :: ArrayIndex
+ , cur_discr :: SizedWord DiscrSize
+ }
+type DiscrState = State DiscrRecord
+data CircRecord = Circ { mem :: Vector (AdderDepth :+: D1) (DataInt, Discr)
+ , rdptr :: RangedWord AdderDepth
+ , wrptr :: RangedWord AdderDepth
+ , count :: RangedWord (AdderDepth :+: D1)
+ }
+type CircState = State CircRecord
+type FpAdderState = State (Vector AdderDepth Cell)
+data OutputRecord = Outp { res_mem :: RAM DiscrRange Cell
+ , lut :: MemState DiscrRange ArrayIndex
+ }
+type OutputState = State OutputRecord
+data OutputRecordO = OutpO { valid_mem :: RAM DiscrRange CellType
+ , mem1 :: MemState DiscrRange DataInt
+ , mem2 :: MemState DiscrRange DataInt
+ , lutm :: MemState DiscrRange ArrayIndex
+ }
+type OutputStateO = State OutputRecordO
+data ReducerRecord = Reducer { discrState :: DiscrState
+ , inputState :: CircState
+ , pipeState :: FpAdderState
+ , resultState :: OutputStateO
+ }
+type ReducerState = State ReducerRecord
+data ReducerZeroRecord = ReducerZ { i0 :: ArrayIndex
+ , inp :: CircState
+ , pipe ::
+ ,
+ }
+-- ===========================================================
+-- = Discrimintor: Hands out new discriminator to the system =
+-- ===========================================================
+discriminator :: DiscrState -> (DataInt, ArrayIndex) -> (DiscrState, (DataInt, Discr), Bool)
+discriminator (State (DiscrR {..})) (data_in, index) = ( State ( DiscrR { prev_index = index
+ , cur_discr = cur_discr'
+ })
+ , (data_in, discr)
+ , new_discr
+ )
- -- Update discriminator if index changes
- cur_discr' | prev_index == index = cur_discr
- | otherwise = cur_discr + 1
- -- Notify OutputBuffer if a new discriminator becomes in use
- new_discr | prev_index == index = Low
- | otherwise = High
- prev_index' = index
+ new_discr = index /= prev_index
+ cur_discr' | new_discr = cur_discr + 1
+ | otherwise = cur_discr
discr = fromSizedWord cur_discr'
-Second attempt at Fifo
-Uses "write pointer"... ugly...
-Can potentially be mapped to hardware
-mem: content of the FIFO
-wrptr: points to first free spot in the FIFO
-inp: (value,discriminator) pair
-enable: Flushes 2 values from FIFO if 2, 1 value from FIFO if 1, no values
- from FIFO if 0
-out1: ((value, discriminator),valid) pair of head FIFO
-out2: ((value, discriminator),valid) pair of second register FIFO
-valid indicates if the output contains a valid discriminator
-inputBuffer :: InputState ->
- ((DataInt, Discr), RangedWord D2) ->
- (InputState, ReducerSignal, ReducerSignal)
-inputBuffer (State (mem,wrptr)) (inp,enable) = (State (mem',wrptr'),out1, out2)
+-- ======================================================
+-- = Input Buffer: Buffers incomming inputs when needed =
+-- ======================================================
+circBuffer :: CircState ->
+ ((DataInt, Discr), Shift) ->
+ (CircState, Cell, Cell)
+circBuffer (State (Circ {..})) (inp,shift) = ( State ( Circ { mem = mem'
+ , rdptr = rdptr'
+ , wrptr = wrptr'
+ , count = count'
+ })
+ , out1, out2
+ )
- out1 = last mem -- output head of FIFO
- out2 = last (init mem) -- output 2nd element
- -- Update free spot pointer according to value of 'enable'
- wrptr' | enable == 0 = wrptr - 1
- | enable == 1 = wrptr
- | otherwise = wrptr + 1
- -- Write value to free spot
- mem'' = replace mem wrptr (inp,High)
- -- Flush values at head of fifo according to value of 'enable'
- mem' | enable == 0 = mem''
- | enable == 1 = zero +> (init mem'')
- | otherwise = zero +> (zero +> (init(init mem'')))
- zero = (((0::DataInt),(0::Discr)),(Low::Bit))
-floating point Adder
-output discriminator becomes discriminator of the first operant
-state: "pipeline" of the fp Adder
-input1: out1 of the FIFO
-input2: out2 of the FIFO
-grant: grant signal comming from the controller, determines which value enters
- the pipeline
-mem_out: Value of the output buffer for the read address
- Read address for the output buffer is the discriminator at the top of
- the adder pipeline
-output: ((Value, discriminator),valid) pair at the top of the adder pipeline
-valid indicates if the output contains a valid discriminator
-fpAdder :: FpAdderState ->
- ( ReducerSignal
- , ReducerSignal
- , (RangedWord D2, RangedWord D2)
- , ReducerSignal
- ) ->
- (FpAdderState, ReducerSignal)
-fpAdder (State state) (input1, input2, grant, mem_out) = (State state', output)
+ n = fromIntegerT (undefined :: AdderDepth)
+ (rdptr',count') | shift == 0 = (rdptr , count + 1)
+ | shift == 1 = if rdptr == 0 then (n , count ) else
+ (rdptr - 1, count )
+ | otherwise = if rdptr == 1 then (n , count - 1) else
+ if rdptr == 0 then (n - 1 , count - 1) else
+ (rdptr - 2, count - 1)
+ rdptr2 | rdptr == 0 = n
+ | otherwise = rdptr - 1
+ wrptr' = if wrptr == 0 then n else wrptr - 1
+ mem' = replace mem wrptr inp
+ out1 | count == 0 = notValid
+ | otherwise = (Valid,mem!rdptr)
+ out2 | count <= 1 = notValid
+ | otherwise = (Valid,mem!rdptr2)
+-- ============================================
+-- = Simulated pipelined floating point adder =
+-- ============================================
+fpAdder :: FpAdderState -> (Cell, Cell) -> (FpAdderState, Cell)
+fpAdder (State pipe) (arg1, arg2) = (State pipe', pipe_out)
- -- output is head of the pipeline
- output = last state
- -- First value of 'grant' determines operant 1
- operant1 | (fst grant) == 0 = fst (fst (last state))
- | (fst grant) == 1 = fst (fst input2)
- | otherwise = 0
- -- Second value of 'grant' determine operant 2
- operant2 | (snd grant) == 0 = fst (fst input1)
- | (snd grant) == 1 = fst (fst mem_out)
- | (otherwise) = 0
- -- Determine discriminator for new value
- discr | (snd grant) == 0 = snd (fst input1)
- | (snd grant) == 1 = snd (fst (last state))
- | otherwise = 0
- -- Determine if discriminator should be marked as valid
- valid | grant == (2,2) = Low
- | otherwise = High
- -- Shift addition of the two operants into the pipeline
- state' = (((operant1 + operant2),discr),valid) +> (init state)
-Output logic - Determines when values are released from blockram to the output
-mem: memory belonging to the blockRAM
-lut: Lookup table that maps discriminators to Index'
-valid: Lookup table for 'validity' of the content of the blockRAM
-discr: Value of the newest discriminator when it first enters the system.
- (-1) otherwise.
-index: Index belonging to the newest discriminator
-data_in: value to be written to RAM
-rdaddr: read address
-wraddr: write address
-wrenable: write enabled flag
-data_out: value of RAM at location 'rdaddr'
-output: Reduced row when ready, (-1) otherwise
-outputter :: OutputState ->
- ( Discr
- , ArrayIndex
- , Bit
- , DataInt
- , Discr
- , Discr
- , Bit
- ) ->
- (OutputState, ReducerSignal, OutputSignal)
-outputter (State (mem1, mem2, lut, valid))
- (discr, index, new_discr, data_in, rdaddr, wraddr, wrenable) =
- ((State (mem1', mem2', lut', valid')), data_out, output)
+ new_head | valid arg1 = (Valid, ((value arg1 + value arg2), discr arg1))
+ | otherwise = notValid
+ pipe' = new_head +> init pipe
+ pipe_out = last pipe
+-- ==============================================================
+-- = Partial Results buffers, purges completely reduced results =
+-- ==============================================================
+resBuff :: OutputState -> ( Cell, Cell, ArrayIndex, (Discr, Bool)) -> (OutputState, Cell, OutputSignal)
+resBuff (State (Outp {..})) (pipe_out, new_cell, index, (discrN, new_discr)) = ( State ( Outp { res_mem = res_mem''
+ , lut = lut'
+ })
+ , res_mem_out, output)
- -- Lut is updated when new discriminator/index combination enters system
- (lut', lut_out) = blockRAM lut index discr discr new_discr
- -- Location becomes invalid when Reduced row leaves system
- valid'' | (new_discr /= Low) && ((valid!discr) /= Low) =
- replace valid discr Low
- | otherwise = valid
- -- Location becomes invalid when it is fed back into the pipeline
- valid' | wrenable == Low = replace valid'' rdaddr Low
- | otherwise = replace valid'' wraddr High
- (mem1', mem_out1) = blockRAM mem1 data_in rdaddr wraddr wrenable
- (mem2', mem_out2) = blockRAM mem2 data_in discr wraddr wrenable
- data_out = ( ( (mem_out1)
- , rdaddr
- )
- , (valid!rdaddr)
- )
- -- Reduced row is released when new discriminator enters system
- -- And the position at the discriminator holds a valid value
- output = ( ( (mem_out2)
- , (lut_out)
- )
- , (new_discr `hwand` (valid!discr))
- )
-Arbiter determines which rules are valid
-fp_out: output of the adder pipeline
-mem_out: data_out of the output logic
-inp1: Head of the input FIFO
-inp2: Second element of input FIFO
-r4 - r0: vector of rules, rule is invalid if it's 0, valid otherwise
-arbiter :: (ReducerSignal, ReducerSignal, ReducerSignal, ReducerSignal) ->
- Vector D5 Bit
-arbiter (fp_out, mem_out, inp1, inp2) = (r4 +> (r3 +> (r2 +> (r1 +> (singleton r0)))))
- where -- unpack parameters
- fp_valid = snd fp_out
- next_valid = snd mem_out
- inp1_valid = snd inp1
- inp2_valid = snd inp2
- fp_discr = snd (fst fp_out)
- next_discr = snd (fst mem_out)
- inp1_discr = snd (fst inp1)
- inp2_discr = snd (fst inp2)
- -- Apply rules
- r0 | (fp_valid /= Low) && (next_valid /= Low) && (fp_discr == next_discr)
- = High
- | otherwise = Low
- r1 | (fp_valid /= Low) && (inp1_valid /= Low) && (fp_discr == inp1_discr)
- = High
- | otherwise = Low
- r2 | (inp1_valid /= Low) && (inp2_valid /= Low) &&
- (inp1_discr == inp2_discr) = High
- | otherwise = Low
- r3 | inp1_valid /= Low = High
- | otherwise = Low
- r4 = High
-Controller determines which values are fed into the pipeline
-and if the write enable flag for the Output RAM should be set
-to true. Also determines how many values should be flushed from
-the input FIFO.
-fp_out: output of the adder pipeline
-mem_out: data_out of the output logic
-inp1: Head of input FIFO
-inp2: Second element of input FIFO
-grant: Signal that determines operants for the adder
-enable: Number of values to be flushed from input buffer
-wr_enable: Determine if value of the adder should be written to RAM
-controller :: (ReducerSignal, ReducerSignal, ReducerSignal, ReducerSignal) ->
- ((RangedWord D2, RangedWord D2), RangedWord D2, Bit)
-controller (fp_out,mem_out,inp1,inp2) = (grant,enable,wr_enable)
+ -- Purge completely reduced results from the system
+ clean_mem | new_discr = replace res_mem discrN notValid
+ | otherwise = res_mem
+ -- If a partial is fed back to the pipeline, make its location invalid
+ res_mem' | valid pipe_out = replace clean_mem (discr pipe_out) notValid
+ | otherwise = clean_mem
+ -- Write a new partial to memory if it is valid
+ res_mem'' | valid new_cell = replace res_mem' (discr new_cell) new_cell
+ | otherwise = res_mem'
+ -- Output a partial if it is needed, otherwise output invalid
+ res_mem_out | valid pipe_out = res_mem ! (discr pipe_out)
+ | otherwise = notValid
+ -- Lut maps discriminators to array index
+ (lut', lut_out) = blockRAM lut index discrN discrN new_discr
+ -- Output value to the system once a discriminator is reused
+ output' = res_mem ! discrN
+ output = ( (value output', lut_out)
+ , new_discr && valid output'
+ )
+-- ===================================================
+-- = Optimized Partial Result Buffer, uses BlockRAMs =
+-- ===================================================
+resBuffO :: OutputStateO -> ( Cell, Cell, ArrayIndex, (Discr, Bool)) -> (OutputStateO, Cell, OutputSignal)
+resBuffO (State (OutpO {..})) (pipe_out, new_cell, index, (discrN, new_discr)) = ( State ( OutpO { valid_mem = valid_mem'
+ , mem1 = mem1'
+ , mem2 = mem2'
+ , lutm = lutm'
+ })
+ , res_mem_out, output)
- -- Arbiter determines which rules are valid
- valid = arbiter (fp_out,mem_out,inp1,inp2)
- -- Determine which values should be fed to the adder
- grant = if (valid!(4 :: RangedWord D4) == High)
- then (0,1)
- else if ((drop d3 valid) == $(vectorTH [High,Low]))
- then (0,0)
- else if ((drop d2 valid) == $(vectorTH [High,Low,Low]))
- then (1,0)
- else if ((drop d1 valid) == $(vectorTH [High,Low,Low,Low]))
- then (2,0)
- else (2,2)
- -- Determine if some values should be flushed from input FIFO
- enable = if (grant == (1,0))
- then 2
- else if ((grant == (0,0)) || (grant == (2,0)))
- then 1
- else 0
- -- Determine if the output value of the adder should be written to RAM
- wr_enable' = if (valid!(4 :: RangedWord D4) == High)
- then Low
- else if ((drop d3 valid) == $(vectorTH [High,Low]))
- then Low
- else if ((drop d2 valid) == $(vectorTH [High,Low,Low]))
- then High
- else if ((drop d1 valid) == $(vectorTH [High,Low,Low,Low]))
- then High
- else High
- wr_enable = if ((snd fp_out) /= Low) then wr_enable' else Low
-Combines all the earlier defined functions. Uses the second implementation
-of the input FIFO.
-'n': specifies the max discriminator value.
-State: all the states of the used functions
-Input: (value,index) combination
-Output: reduced row
+ addr = discr pipe_out
+ -- Purge completely reduced results from the system
+ clean_mem | new_discr = replace valid_mem discrN NotValid
+ | otherwise = valid_mem
+ -- If a partial is fed back to the pipeline, make its location invalid
+ valid_mem' | valid new_cell = replace clean_mem addr Valid
+ | otherwise = replace clean_mem addr NotValid
+ -- Two parrallel memories with the same write addr, but diff rdaddr for partial res and other for complete res
+ (mem1', partial) = blockRAM mem1 (value new_cell) addr addr (valid new_cell)
+ (mem2', complete) = blockRAM mem2 (value new_cell) discrN addr (valid new_cell)
+ -- Lut maps discriminators to array index
+ (lutm', lut_out) = blockRAM lutm index discrN discrN new_discr
+ res_mem_out = (valid_mem!addr, (partial,addr))
+ -- Output value to the system once a discriminator is reused
+ output = ((complete,lut_out), new_discr && (valid_mem!discrN) == Valid)
+-- ================================================================
+-- = Controller guides correct inputs to the floating point adder =
+-- ================================================================
+controller :: (Cell, Cell, Cell, Cell) -> (Cell, Cell, Shift, Cell)
+controller (inp1, inp2, pipe_out, from_res_mem) = (arg1, arg2, shift, to_res_mem)
+ where
+ (arg1, arg2, shift, to_res_mem)
+ | valid pipe_out && valid from_res_mem = (pipe_out, from_res_mem , 0, notValid)
+ | valid pipe_out && valid inp1 && discr pipe_out == discr inp1 = (pipe_out, inp1 , 1, notValid)
+ | valid inp1 && valid inp2 && discr inp1 == discr inp2 = (inp1 , inp2 , 2, pipe_out)
+ | valid inp1 = (inp1 , (Valid, (0, discr inp1)), 1, pipe_out)
+ | otherwise = (notValid, notValid , 0, pipe_out)
+-- =============================================
+-- = Reducer: Wrap up all the above components =
+-- =============================================
{-# ANN reducer TopEntity #-}
-reducer :: ReducerState ->
- (DataInt, ArrayIndex) ->
- (ReducerState, OutputSignal)
-reducer (State (discrstate,inputstate,fpadderstate,outputstate)) input =
- (State (discrstate',inputstate',fpadderstate',outputstate'),output)
+reducer :: ReducerState -> (DataInt, ArrayIndex) -> (ReducerState, OutputSignal)
+reducer (State (Reducer {..})) (data_in, index) = (reducerState',output)
- (discrstate', discr_out) = discriminator discrstate input
- (inputstate',fifo_out1, fifo_out2) = inputBuffer inputstate (
- (fst discr_out), enable)
- (fpadderstate', fp_out) = fpAdder fpadderstate (fifo_out1,
- fifo_out2, grant, mem_out)
- discr = snd (fst discr_out)
- new_discr = fst (snd discr_out)
- index = snd (snd discr_out)
- rdaddr = snd (fst fp_out)
- wraddr = rdaddr
- data_in = fst (fst fp_out)
- (outputstate', mem_out, output) = outputter outputstate (discr,
- index, new_discr, data_in, rdaddr,
- wraddr, wr_enable)
- (grant,enable,wr_enable) = controller (fp_out, mem_out,
- fifo_out1, fifo_out2)
+ (discrState' , inpcell@(_,discrN), new_discr) = discriminator discrState (data_in,index)
+ (inputState' , inp1 , inp2) = circBuffer inputState (inpcell, shift)
+ (pipeState' , pipe_out) = fpAdder pipeState (arg1, arg2)
+ (resultState', from_res_mem, output) = resBuffO resultState (pipe_out, to_res_mem, index, (discrN, new_discr))
+ (arg1,arg2,shift,to_res_mem) = controller (inp1, inp2, pipe_out, from_res_mem)
+ reducerState' = State ( Reducer { discrState = discrState'
+ , inputState = inputState'
+ , pipeState = pipeState'
+ , resultState = resultState'
+ })
-- -------------------------------------------------------
-- -- Test Functions
(state', o) = func state i
out = run func state' input
--- -- "Special" Run function, also outputs new state
--- run' func state [] = ([],[])
--- run' func state (i:input) = ((o:out), (state':ss))
--- where
--- (state',o) = func state i
--- (out,ss) = run' func state' input
--- Run reducer
+runReducerIO :: IO ()
+runReducerIO = do
+ let input = siminput
+ let istate = initstate
+ let output = run reducer istate input
+ mapM_ (\x -> putStr $ ("(" P.++ (show x) P.++ ")\n")) output
+ return ()
runReducer = ( reduceroutput
, validoutput
, equal
- input = siminput
+ -- input = randominput 900 7
+ input = siminput
istate = initstate
output = run reducer istate input
- reduceroutput = P.map fst (filter (\x -> (snd x) /= Low) output)
+ reduceroutput = P.map fst (filter (\x -> (snd x)) output)
validoutput = [P.foldl (+) 0
(P.map (\z -> toInteger (fst z))
- (filter (\x -> (snd x) == i) input)) | i <- [0..10]]
+ (filter (\x -> (snd x) == i) input)) | i <- [0..30]]
equal = [validoutput!!i == toInteger (fst (reduceroutput!!i)) |
- i <- [0..10]]
--- -- Generate infinite list of numbers between 1 and 'x'
--- randX :: Integer -> [Integer]
--- randX x = randomRs (1,x) (unsafePerformIO newStdGen)
--- -- Generate random lists of indexes
--- randindex 15 i = randindex 1 i
--- randindex m i = (P.take n (repeat i)) P.++ (randindex (m+1) (i+1))
--- where
--- [n] = P.take 1 rnd
--- rnd = randomRs (1,m) (unsafePerformIO newStdGen)
--- -- Combine indexes and values to generate random input for the reducer
--- randominput n x = P.zip data_in index_in
--- where
--- data_in = P.map (fromInteger :: Integer -> DataInt) (P.take n (randX x))
--- index_in = P.map (fromInteger :: Integer -> ArrayIndex)
--- (P.take n (randindex 7 0))
--- main =
--- do
--- putStrLn (show runReducer)
--- simulate f input s = do
--- putStr "Input: "
--- putStr $ show input
--- putStr "\nInitial State: "
--- putStr $ show s
--- putStr "\n\n"
--- foldl1 (>>) (map (printOutput) output)
--- where
--- output = run f input s
+ i <- [0..30]]
+-- Generate infinite list of numbers between 1 and 'x'
+randX :: Integer -> [Integer]
+randX x = randomRs (1,x) (unsafePerformIO newStdGen)
+-- Generate random lists of indexes
+randindex 15 i = randindex 1 i
+randindex m i = (P.take n (repeat i)) P.++ (randindex (m+1) (i+1))
+ where
+ [n] = P.take 1 rnd
+ rnd = randomRs (1,m) (unsafePerformIO newStdGen)
+-- Combine indexes and values to generate random input for the reducer
+randominput n x = P.zip data_in index_in
+ where
+ data_in = P.map (fromInteger :: Integer -> DataInt) (P.take n (randX x))
+ index_in = P.map (fromInteger :: Integer -> ArrayIndex)
+ (P.take n (randindex 7 0))
+main = runReducerIO
initstate :: ReducerState
-initstate = State
- ( State ( (255 :: ArrayIndex)
- , (7 :: SizedWord DiscrSize)
- )
- , State ( copy ((0::DataInt,0::Discr),Low)
- , (2 :: RangedWord AdderDepth)
- )
- , State (copy ((0::DataInt,0::Discr),Low))
- , State ( State (copy (0::DataInt))
- , State (copy (0::DataInt))
- , State (copy (0::ArrayIndex))
- , (copy Low)
- )
- )
+initstate = State ( Reducer { discrState = State ( DiscrR { prev_index = (255 :: ArrayIndex)
+ , cur_discr = (127 :: SizedWord DiscrSize)
+ })
+ , inputState = State ( Circ { mem = copy (0::DataInt,0::Discr)
+ , rdptr = (14 :: RangedWord AdderDepth)
+ , wrptr = (14 :: RangedWord AdderDepth)
+ , count = (0 :: RangedWord (AdderDepth :+: D1))
+ })
+ , pipeState = State ( copy notValid )
+ -- , resultState = State ( Outp { res_mem = copy notValid
+ -- , lut = State (copy (0::ArrayIndex))
+ -- })
+ , resultState = State ( OutpO { valid_mem = copy NotValid
+ , mem1 = State (copy (0::DataInt))
+ , mem2 = State (copy (0::DataInt))
+ , lutm = State (copy (0::ArrayIndex))
+ })
+ })
{-# ANN siminput TestInput #-}
siminput :: [(DataInt, ArrayIndex)]
-siminput = [(13,0)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(7,0)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(14,0)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(14,0)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(12,0)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(10,0)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(19,1)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(20,1)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(13,1)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex)
- ,(5,1)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(9,1)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(16,1)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(15,1)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(10,2)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(13,2)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(3,2)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(9,2)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(19,2)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(5,3)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex)
- ,(5,3)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(10,3)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(17,3)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(14,3)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(5,3)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(15,3)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(11,3)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(5,3)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(1,3)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(8,4)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex)
- ,(20,4)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(8,4)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(1,4)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(11,4)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(10,4)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(13,5)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(18,5)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(5,5)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(6,5)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(6,5)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex)
- ,(4,6)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(4,6)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(11,6)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(11,6)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(11,6)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(1,6)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(11,6)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(3,6)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(12,6)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(12,6)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex)
- ,(2,6)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(14,6)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(11,7)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(13,7)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(17,7)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(9,7)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(19,8)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(4,9)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(18,10)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex)
- ,(6,10)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(18,11)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(1,12)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(3,12)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(14,12)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(18,12)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(14,12)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(6,13)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex)
- ,(9,13)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(11,14)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(4,14)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(1,14)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(14,14)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(14,14)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(6,14)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(11,15)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex)
- ,(13,15)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(7,15)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(2,16)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(16,16)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(17,16)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(5,16)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(20,16)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(17,16)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex)
- ,(14,16)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(18,17)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(13,17)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(1,17)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(19,18)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(1,18)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(20,18)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(4,18)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex)
- ,(5,19)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(4,19)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(6,19)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(19,19)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(4,19)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(3,19)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(7,19)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(13,19)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex),(19,19)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex)
- ,(8,19)::(DataInt, ArrayIndex)
- ]
+siminput = [(1,0),(5,1),(12,1),(4,2),(9,2),(2,2),(13,2),(2,2),(6,2),(1,2),(12,2),(13,3),(6,3),(11,3),(2,3),(11,3),(5,4),(11,4),(1,4),(7,4),(3,4),(4,4),(5,5),(8,5),(8,5),(13,5),(10,5),(7,5),(9,6),(9,6),(3,6),(11,6),(14,6),(13,6),(10,6),(4,7),(15,7),(13,7),(10,7),(10,7),(6,7),(15,7),(9,7),(1,7),(7,7),(15,7),(3,7),(13,7),(7,8),(3,9),(13,9),(2,10),(9,11),(10,11),(9,11),(2,11),(14,12),(14,12),(12,13),(7,13),(9,13),(7,14),(14,15),(5,16),(6,16),(14,16),(11,16),(5,16),(5,16),(7,17),(1,17),(13,17),(10,18),(15,18),(12,18),(14,19),(13,19),(2,19),(3,19),(14,19),(9,19),(11,19),(2,19),(2,20),(3,20),(13,20),(3,20),(1,20),(9,20),(10,20),(4,20),(8,21),(4,21),(8,21),(4,21),(13,21),(3,21),(7,21),(12,21),(7,21),(13,21),(3,21),(1,22),(13,23),(9,24),(14,24),(4,24),(13,25),(6,26),(12,26),(4,26),(15,26),(3,27),(6,27),(5,27),(6,27),(12,28),(2,28),(8,28),(5,29),(4,29),(1,29),(2,29),(9,29),(10,29),(4,30),(6,30),(14,30),(11,30),(15,31),(15,31),(2,31),(14,31),(9,32),(3,32),(4,32),(6,33),(15,33),(1,33),(15,33),(4,33),(3,33),(8,34),(12,34),(14,34),(15,34),(4,35),(4,35),(12,35),(14,35),(3,36),(14,37),(3,37),(1,38),(15,39),(13,39),(13,39),(1,39),(5,40),(10,40),(14,40),(1,41),(6,42),(8,42),(11,42),(11,43),(2,43),(11,43),(8,43),(12,43),(15,44),(14,44),(6,44),(8,44),(9,45),(5,45),(12,46),(6,46),(5,46),(4,46),(2,46),(9,47),(7,48),(1,48),(3,48),(10,48),(1,48),(6,48),(6,48),(11,48),(11,48),(8,48),(14,48),(5,48),(11,49),(1,49),(3,49),(11,49),(8,49),(3,50),(8,51),(9,52),(7,52),(7,53),(8,53),(10,53),(11,53),(14,54),(11,54),(4,54),(6,55),(11,55),(5,56),(7,56),(6,56),(2,56),(4,56),(12,56),(4,57),(12,57),(2,57),(14,57),(9,57),(12,57),(5,57),(11,57),(7,58),(14,58),(2,58),(10,58),(2,58),(14,58),(7,58),(12,58),(1,58),(11,59),(8,59),(2,59),(14,59),(6,59),(6,59),(6,59),(14,59),(4,59),(1,59),(4,60),(14,60),(6,60),(4,60),(8,60),(12,60),(1,60),(8,60),(8,60),(13,60),(10,61),(11,61),(6,61),(14,61),(10,61),(3,62),(10,62),(7,62),(14,62),(10,62),(4,62),(6,62),(1,62),(3,63),(3,63),(1,63),(1,63),(15,63),(7,64),(1,65),(4,65),(11,66),(3,66),(13,66),(2,67),(2,67),(5,68),(15,68),(11,68),(8,68),(4,69),(11,69),(12,69),(8,69),(7,70),(9,70),(6,70),(9,70),(11,70),(14,70),(5,71),(7,71),(11,72),(5,72),(3,72),(2,72),(1,73),(13,73),(9,73),(14,73),(5,73),(6,73),(14,73),(13,73),(3,74),(13,74),(3,75),(14,75),(10,75),(5,75),(3,75),(8,75),(9,76),(7,76),(10,76),(10,76),(8,77),(10,77),(11,77),(8,77),(2,77),(9,77),(9,77),(12,77),(4,77),(14,77),(10,77),(7,77),(3,77),(10,78),(8,79),(14,79),(11,80),(15,81),(6,81),(4,82),(6,82),(1,82),(12,83),(6,83),(11,83),(12,83),(15,83),(13,83),(1,84),(2,84),(11,84),(5,84),(2,84),(2,84),(3,84),(4,85),(6,86),(5,86),(15,86),(8,86),(9,86),(9,87),(9,87),(12,87),(4,87),(13,88),(14,88),(10,88),(11,88),(7,88),(4,88),(9,88),(1,88),(4,88),(4,88),(12,88),(8,89),(3,89),(10,89),(10,89),(5,89),(14,89),(11,89),(10,89),(5,90),(6,90),(10,90),(9,90),(8,90),(10,90),(5,90),(11,90),(6,90),(10,90),(7,90),(3,91),(7,91),(5,91),(15,91),(4,91),(6,91),(8,91),(1,91),(8,91),(12,92),(8,93),(9,93),(12,94),(8,94),(5,94),(11,95),(13,95),(5,96),(12,96),(8,96),(4,96),(7,97),(6,97),(4,97),(1,98),(5,98),(12,98),(13,99),(7,100),(12,100),(4,100),(10,100),(2,101),(3,101),(14,101),(12,101),(5,101),(2,101),(14,101),(15,101),(7,102),(13,102),(5,102),(7,102),(4,102),(8,102),(12,103),(15,103),(2,103),(2,103),(6,103),(6,103),(1,104),(14,104),(15,105),(3,105),(13,105),(1,105),(8,105),(8,105),(15,105),(13,105),(13,105),(6,105),(9,105),(6,106),(14,107),(12,107),(7,108),(7,108),(6,109),(11,109),(14,110),(8,111),(5,111),(15,111),(14,111),(3,111),(13,112),(12,112),(5,112),(10,112),(7,112),(5,113),(3,113),(2,113),(1,113),(15,113),(8,113),(10,113),(3,114),(6,114),(15,114),(4,115),(8,115),(1,115),(12,115),(5,115),(6,116),(2,116),(13,116),(12,116),(6,116),(10,117),(8,117),(14,118),(10,118),(3,118),(15,119),(6,119),(6,120),(5,121),(8,121),(4,122),(1,122),(9,123),(12,123),(6,124),(10,124),(2,124),(11,124),(9,125),(8,126),(10,126),(11,126),(14,126),(2,126),(5,126),(7,126),(3,127),(12,127),(15,128),(4,128),(1,129),(14,129),(8,129),(9,129),(6,129),(1,130),(11,130),(2,130),(13,130),(14,131),(2,131),(15,131),(4,131),(15,131),(8,131),(3,131),(8,132),(1,132),(13,132),(8,132),(5,132),(11,132),(14,132),(14,132),(4,132),(14,132),(5,132),(11,133),(1,133),(15,133),(8,133),(12,133),(8,134),(14,135),(11,136),(9,137),(3,137),(15,138),(1,138),(1,139),(4,139),(3,140),(10,140),(8,141),(12,141),(4,141),(12,141),(13,141),(10,141),(4,142),(6,142),(15,142),(4,142),(2,143),(14,143),(5,143),(10,143),(8,143),(9,143),(3,143),(11,143),(6,144),(3,145),(9,145),(10,145),(6,145),(11,145),(4,145),(13,145),(5,145),(4,145),(1,145),(3,145),(15,145),(14,146),(11,146),(9,146),(9,146),(10,146),(9,146),(3,146),(2,146),(10,146),(6,146),(7,146),(3,147),(4,147),(15,147),(11,147),(15,147),(1,147),(15,147),(14,147),(15,147),(5,147),(15,147),(4,147),(2,148),(12,149),(12,150),(10,150),(1,150),(7,151),(4,151),(14,151),(15,151),(5,152),(11,153),(3,153),(1,153),(1,153),(12,153),(1,154),(1,155),(11,155),(8,155),(3,155),(8,155),(8,155),(2,155),(9,156),(6,156),(12,156),(1,156),(3,156),(8,156),(5,157),(9,157),(12,157),(6,157),(8,158),(15,159),(2,159),(10,160),(10,160),(2,160),(6,160),(10,160),(8,160),(13,160),(12,161),(15,161),(14,161),(10,161),(13,161),(14,161),(3,161),(2,161),(1,161),(11,161),(7,161),(8,161),(4,162),(9,163),(3,164),(5,164),(9,164),(9,165),(7,165),(1,165),(6,166),(14,166),(3,166),(14,166),(4,166),(14,167),(5,167),(13,167),(12,167),(13,168),(9,168)]