-- ForSyDe to get access to these modules.
import qualified ForSyDe.Backend.VHDL.AST as AST
import qualified ForSyDe.Backend.VHDL.Ppr
+import qualified ForSyDe.Backend.VHDL.FileIO
import qualified ForSyDe.Backend.Ppr
-- This is needed for rendering the pretty printed VHDL
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ (render)
-- Turn bind into VHDL
let vhdl = State.evalState (mkVHDL binds) (VHDLSession 0 [])
liftIO $ putStr $ render $ ForSyDe.Backend.Ppr.ppr vhdl
+ liftIO $ ForSyDe.Backend.VHDL.FileIO.writeDesignFile vhdl "../vhdl/vhdl/output.vhdl"
return ()
-- Turns the given bind into VHDL