possible proof strategies are shown below.
\subsection{Graph representation}
- Before looking into how to prove these properties, we'll look at our
- transformation system from a graph perspective. The nodes of the graph are
- all possible Core expressions. The (directed) edges of the graph are
- transformations. When a transformation α applies to an expression \lam{A} to
- produce an expression \lam{B}, we add an edge from the node for \lam{A} to the
- node for \lam{B}, labeled α.
+ Before looking into how to prove these properties, we'll look at
+ transformation systems from a graph perspective. We will first define
+ the graph view and then illustrate it using a simple example from lambda
+ calculus (which is a different system than the Cλash normalization
+ system). The nodes of the graph are all possible Core expressions. The
+ (directed) edges of the graph are transformations. When a transformation
+ α applies to an expression \lam{A} to produce an expression \lam{B}, we
+ add an edge from the node for \lam{A} to the node for \lam{B}, labeled
+ α.
save a, b, c, d;
system with β and η reduction (solid lines) and expansion (dotted lines).}
- Of course our graph is unbounded, since we can construct an infinite amount of
- Core expressions. Also, there might potentially be multiple edges between two
- given nodes (with different labels), though seems unlikely to actually happen
- in our system.
+ Of course the graph for Cλash is unbounded, since we can construct an
+ infinite amount of Core expressions. Also, there might potentially be
+ multiple edges between two given nodes (with different labels), though
+ seems unlikely to actually happen in our system.
See \in{example}[ex:TransformGraph] for the graph representation of a very
simple lambda calculus that contains just the expressions \lam{(λx.λy. (+) x