-- Turns the given bind into VHDL
mkVHDL binds = do
-- Add the builtin functions
- --mapM (uncurry addFunc) builtin_funcs
+ mapM addBuiltIn builtin_funcs
-- Create entities and architectures for them
mapM flattenBind binds
return $ AST.DesignFile
-- | A consise representation of a (set of) ports on a builtin function
type PortMap = HsValueMap (String, AST.TypeMark)
+-- | A consise representation of a builtin function
+data BuiltIn = BuiltIn String [PortMap] PortMap
-- | Translate a concise representation of a builtin function to something
-- that can be put into FuncMap directly.
-make_builtin :: String -> [PortMap] -> PortMap -> (HsFunction, FuncData)
-make_builtin name args res =
- (hsfunc, (Nothing))
+addBuiltIn :: BuiltIn -> VHDLState ()
+addBuiltIn (BuiltIn name args res) = do
+ addFunc hsfunc
hsfunc = HsFunction name (map useAsPort args) (useAsPort res)
builtin_funcs =
- make_builtin "hwxor" [(Single ("a", VHDL.bit_ty)), (Single ("b", VHDL.bit_ty))] (Single ("o", VHDL.bit_ty))
+ BuiltIn "hwxor" [(Single ("a", VHDL.bit_ty)), (Single ("b", VHDL.bit_ty))] (Single ("o", VHDL.bit_ty))
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