hsargs = map (useAsPort . mkHsValueMap . CoreUtils.exprType) args
hsres = useAsPort (mkHsValueMap ty)
+-- | Translates signal id's to SignalInfo for any signals used as state.
+findState ::
+ [(UnnamedSignal, SignalInfo)] -- | A map of id to info
+ -> UnnamedSignal -- | The signal id to look at
+ -> HsValueUse -- | How is this signal used?
+ -> Maybe (Int, SignalInfo) -- | The state num and SignalInfo, if appropriate
+findState sigs id (State num) =
+ Just (num, Maybe.fromJust $ lookup id sigs)
+findState _ _ _ = Nothing
+-- | Returns pairs of signals that should be mapped to state in this function.
+getOwnStates ::
+ HsFunction -- | The function to look at
+ -> FlatFunction -- | The function to look at
+ -> [(Int, SignalInfo, SignalInfo)]
+ -- | The state signals. The first is the state number, the second the
+ -- signal to assign the current state to, the last is the signal
+ -- that holds the new state.
+getOwnStates hsfunc flatfunc =
+ [(old_num, old_info, new_info)
+ | (old_num, old_info) <- args_states
+ , (new_num, new_info) <- res_states
+ , old_num == new_num]
+ where
+ sigs = flat_sigs flatfunc
+ -- Translate args and res to lists of (statenum, SignalInfo)
+ args = zipWith (zipValueMapsWith $ findState sigs) (flat_args flatfunc) (hsFuncArgs hsfunc)
+ args_states = Maybe.catMaybes $ concat $ map Foldable.toList $ args
+ res = zipValueMapsWith (findState sigs) (flat_res flatfunc) (hsFuncRes hsfunc)
+ res_states = Maybe.catMaybes $ Foldable.toList res
-- vim: set ts=8 sw=2 sts=2 expandtab:
Single ty
Nothing -> Single ty
+-- | Creates a map of pairs from two maps. The maps must have the same
+-- structure.
+zipValueMaps :: HsValueMap a -> HsValueMap b -> HsValueMap (a, b)
+zipValueMaps = zipValueMapsWith (\a b -> (a, b))
+-- | Creates a map of two maps using the given combination function.
+zipValueMapsWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> HsValueMap a -> HsValueMap b -> HsValueMap c
+zipValueMapsWith f (Tuple as) (Tuple bs) =
+ Tuple $ zipWith (zipValueMapsWith f) as bs
+zipValueMapsWith f (Single a) (Single b) =
+ Single $ f a b
+zipValueMapWith _ _ _ =
+ error $ "Trying to zip unsimilarly formed trees!"
--core <- GHC.compileToCoreSimplified "Adders.hs"
core <- GHC.compileToCoreSimplified "Adders.hs"
--liftIO $ printBinds (cm_binds core)
- let binds = Maybe.mapMaybe (findBind (cm_binds core)) ["sfull_adder"]
+ let binds = Maybe.mapMaybe (findBind (cm_binds core)) ["dff"]
liftIO $ putStr $ prettyShow binds
-- Turn bind into VHDL
let (vhdl, sess) = State.runState (mkVHDL binds) (VHDLSession core 0 Map.empty)
import qualified ForSyDe.Backend.VHDL.AST as AST
import VHDLTypes
+import Flatten
import FlattenTypes
import TranslatorTypes
import Pretty
let sig_decs = [mkSigDec info | (id, info) <- sigs, (all (id `Foldable.notElem`) (res:args)) ]
-- Create component instantiations for all function applications
insts <- mapM (mkCompInsSm sigs) apps
+ let procs = map mkStateProcSm (getOwnStates hsfunc flatfunc)
let insts' = map AST.CSISm insts
- let arch = AST.ArchBody (mkVHDLId "structural") (AST.NSimple entity_id) (map AST.BDISD sig_decs) insts'
+ let procs' = map AST.CSPSm procs
+ let arch = AST.ArchBody (mkVHDLId "structural") (AST.NSimple entity_id) (map AST.BDISD sig_decs) (insts' ++ procs')
setArchitecture hsfunc arch
+mkStateProcSm :: (Int, SignalInfo, SignalInfo) -> AST.ProcSm
+mkStateProcSm (num, old, new) =
+ AST.ProcSm label [clk] [statement]
+ where
+ label = mkVHDLId $ "state_" ++ (show num)
+ clk = mkVHDLId "clk"
+ rising_edge = AST.NSimple $ mkVHDLId "rising_edge"
+ wform = AST.Wform [AST.WformElem (AST.PrimName $ AST.NSimple $ getSignalId new) Nothing]
+ assign = AST.SigAssign (AST.NSimple $ getSignalId old) wform
+ rising_edge_clk = AST.PrimFCall $ AST.FCall rising_edge [Nothing AST.:=>: (AST.ADName $ AST.NSimple clk)]
+ statement = AST.IfSm rising_edge_clk [assign] [] Nothing
mkSigDec :: SignalInfo -> AST.SigDec
mkSigDec info =
- AST.SigDec (mkVHDLId name) (vhdl_ty ty) Nothing
+ AST.SigDec (getSignalId info) (vhdl_ty ty) Nothing
- name = Maybe.fromMaybe
+ ty = sigTy info
+-- | Creates a VHDL Id from a named SignalInfo. Errors out if the SignalInfo
+-- is not named.
+getSignalId :: SignalInfo -> AST.VHDLId
+getSignalId info =
+ mkVHDLId $ Maybe.fromMaybe
(error $ "Unnamed signal? This should not happen!")
(sigName info)
- ty = sigTy info
-- | Transforms a flat function application to a VHDL component instantiation.
mkCompInsSm ::