+++ /dev/null
-module Main (main) where
-import Language.Haskell.Syntax
-import Language.Haskell.Pretty
-import Language.Haskell.Parser
-import GHC
-main =
- do
- let filename = "adder.hs"
- -- Read the file
- file <- readFile filename
- -- Parse the file
- let mode = ParseMode {parseFilename = filename}
- ParseOk mod = parseModuleWithMode mode file
- -- Print funky stuff
- --putStr $ foldl (\s d -> s ++ (show d) ++ "\n\n") "" (decls mod)
- putList (findfunc "exp_adder" (decls mod))
-decls (HsModule _ _ _ _ decls) =
- decls
-name (HsModule _ n _ _ _) =
- n
-findfunc ::
- String -- Function name to find
- -> [HsDecl] -- Decls to search
- -> [HsMatch]
-findfunc name decls = foldl (findmatches name) [] decls
--- Look at a HsDecl and add all HsMatches in it with the sought name to res
-findmatches name res (HsFunBind matches) = res ++ filter (filtermatch name) matches
-findmatches name res _ = res
--- Look at a single match and see if it has the sought name
-filtermatch name (HsMatch _ (HsIdent n) _ _ _) =
- n == name
--- Print a list of showable things, separated by newlines instead of ,
--- Also pretty prints them
-putList :: (Show a, Pretty a) => [a] -> IO ()
-putList (x:xs) =
- do
- indent 0 (show x)
- putStr "\n"
- putStr $ prettyPrint x
- putStr "\n\n"
- putList xs
-putList [] =
- do return ()
--- Add indentations to the given string
-indent :: Int -> String -> IO ()
-indent n (x:xs) = do
- if x `elem` "[("
- then do
- putChar x
- putStr "\n"
- putStr (replicate (n + 1) ' ')
- indent (n + 1) xs
- else if x `elem` "])"
- then do
- putStr "\n"
- putStr (replicate (n - 1) ' ')
- putChar x
- indent (n - 1) xs
- else do
- putChar x
- indent n xs
-indent n [] = do return ()
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