-- arguments without any free tyvars, since tyvars those wouldn't be in scope
-- in the new function.
typeprop expr@(App (Var f) arg@(Type ty)) | not $ has_free_tyvars arg = do
- id <- cloneVar f
- let newty = Type.applyTy (Id.idType f) ty
- let newf = Var.setVarType id newty
body_maybe <- Trans.lift $ getGlobalBind f
case body_maybe of
Just body -> do
let newbody = App body (Type ty)
- Trans.lift $ addGlobalBind newf newbody
+ -- Create a new function with the same name but a new body
+ newf <- mkFunction f newbody
+ -- Replace the application with this new function
change (Var newf)
-- If we don't have a body for the function called, leave it unchanged (it
-- should be a primitive function then).
-- Create a new body that consists of a lambda for all new arguments and
-- the old body applied to some arguments.
let newbody = MkCore.mkCoreLams newparams (MkCore.mkCoreApps body oldargs)
- -- Create a new function name
- id <- cloneVar f
- let newf = Var.setVarType id (CoreUtils.exprType newbody)
- -- Add the new function
- Trans.lift $ addGlobalBind newf newbody
+ -- Create a new function with the same name but a new body
+ newf <- mkFunction f newbody
-- Replace the original application with one of the new function to the
-- new arguments.
change $ MkCore.mkCoreApps (Var newf) newargs
-- contains, but vannillaIdInfo is always correct, since it means "no info").
return $ Var.lazySetVarIdInfo (Var.setVarUnique v uniq) IdInfo.vanillaIdInfo
+-- Creates a new function with the same name as the given binder (but with a
+-- new unique) and with the given function body. Returns the new binder for
+-- this function.
+mkFunction :: CoreBndr -> CoreExpr -> TransformMonad CoreBndr
+mkFunction bndr body = do
+ let ty = CoreUtils.exprType body
+ id <- cloneVar bndr
+ let newid = Var.setVarType id ty
+ Trans.lift $ addGlobalBind newid body
+ return newid
-- Apply the given transformation to all expressions in the given expression,
-- including the expression itself.
everywhere :: (String, Transform) -> Transform