-- | Generate a generate statement for the builtin function "map"
genMap :: BuiltinBuilder
-genMap = genVarArgs genMap'
-genMap' :: (Either CoreSyn.CoreBndr AST.VHDLName) -> CoreSyn.CoreBndr -> [Var.Var] -> VHDLSession [AST.ConcSm]
-genMap' (Left res) f [mapped_f, arg] =
+genMap (Left res) f [Left mapped_f, Left (Var arg)] =
+ -- mapped_f must be a CoreExpr (since we can't represent functions as VHDL
+ -- expressions). arg must be a CoreExpr (and should be a CoreSyn.Var), since
+ -- we must index it (which we couldn't if it was a VHDL Expr, since only
+ -- VHDLNames can be indexed).
-- Setup the generate scheme
len = (tfvec_len . Var.varType) res
resname = mkIndexedName (varToVHDLName res) n_expr
argexpr = vhdlNameToVHDLExpr $ mkIndexedName (varToVHDLName arg) n_expr
in do
- app_concsms <- genApplication (Right resname) mapped_f [Right argexpr]
+ let (CoreSyn.Var real_f, already_mapped_args) = CoreSyn.collectArgs mapped_f
+ let valargs = get_val_args (Var.varType real_f) already_mapped_args
+ app_concsms <- genApplication (Right resname) real_f (map Left valargs ++ [Right argexpr])
-- Return the generate statement
return [AST.CSGSm $ AST.GenerateSm label genScheme [] app_concsms]