--- /dev/null
+# This script takes care of two things:
+# * Generate lighttpd configuration that puts access logs for each subdomain
+# into a separate file.
+# * Generate awstats configuration files to parse each of these.
+# * Run awstats to process all current logfiles or
+# * When --after-logrotate is given, run awstats to process the just rotated
+# logfiles.
+# For the last part, it is assumed that logrotate is configured with dateext,
+# without olddir and, until http://bugs.gentoo.org/106651 is fixed, with
+# delaycompress.
+import os, sys, datetime, subprocess
+root_dir = '/data/www'
+htdocs_dir = 'htdocs'
+logs_dir = 'logs'
+lighttpd_conf_file = '/etc/lighttpd/logging.conf'
+# The directory with awstats configuration files
+awstats_dir = '/etc/awstats'
+# The template for each awstats configuration file. %s is replaced with the
+# full domain name the configuration is for
+awstats_config_file = 'awstats.%s.conf'
+# Let each awstats config file include this file
+awstats_common_file = os.path.join(awstats_dir, 'common.conf')
+# Filename for the log files
+log_file = 'access.log'
+# Directory for domains we didn't find
+other_dir = 'other'
+awstats = '/usr/lib/cgi-bin/awstats.pl'
+# Use sudo to run awstats as this user
+awstats_user = 'www-data'
+# The dateformat option as used by logrotate. This is the default.
+dateformat = '-%Y%m%d'
+# Lighttpd restart command
+reload_lighttpd = 'invoke-rc.d lighttpd reload'
+header = """
+# This config file was autogenerated by the %s script. Do not change it
+# directly, since it will be periodically regenerated.
+""" % sys.argv[0]
+lighttpd_conf = header
+domains = {}
+for d in os.listdir(root_dir):
+ domain_htdocs_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, d, htdocs_dir)
+ # Require a dot in the domain name to filter out stuff like "template" or
+ # "php5-libs" and require the htdocs directory to exist.
+ if not '.' in d or not os.path.isdir(domain_htdocs_dir):
+ continue
+ print "%s" % d
+ # Make a dictionary of subdomains, containing a list of all aliases.
+ # Iterate all subdomains by looking into the htdocs directory.
+ subdomains = {}
+ def add_subdomain(sub, alias=None):
+ if (not sub in subdomains): subdomains[sub] = []
+ if alias: subdomains[sub].append(alias)
+ for dir in os.listdir(domain_htdocs_dir):
+ subdomain_htdocs_dir = os.path.join(domain_htdocs_dir, dir)
+ # Skip non-directories
+ if not os.path.isdir(subdomain_htdocs_dir):
+ continue
+ # If the htdocs dir is a link, resolve it (only once!)
+ if os.path.islink(subdomain_htdocs_dir):
+ # Resolve the link to a full path
+ target = os.readlink(subdomain_htdocs_dir)
+ target = os.path.join(domain_htdocs_dir, target)
+ # Only resolve links that point within the same domain
+ if os.path.dirname(target) == domain_htdocs_dir:
+ target = os.path.basename(target)
+ print "\t\%s -> %s" % (dir, target)
+ add_subdomain(target, dir)
+ continue
+ # If we get here, there was no resolvable link
+ add_subdomain(dir, dir)
+ domains[d] = subdomains
+ # Generate the lighttpd config file part for this domain
+ other_logfile = os.path.join(root_dir, d, logs_dir, other_dir, log_file)
+ lighttpd_conf += '$HTTP["host"] =~ ".%s$" {\n' % d
+ lighttpd_conf += '\t# Fallback logfile, in case none if the below conditionals match.\n'
+ lighttpd_conf += '\t# This can happen when a domain was added, but the %s script\n' % sys.argv[0]
+ lighttpd_conf += '\t# has not run yet\n'
+ lighttpd_conf += '\taccesslog.filename = "%s"\n' % other_logfile
+ # Make sure the directory exists
+ if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(other_logfile)):
+ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(other_logfile))
+ for (s, aliases) in subdomains.items():
+ print "\t%s" % s
+ full_domain = "%s.%s" % (s, d)
+ subdomain_logfile = os.path.join(root_dir, d, logs_dir, s, log_file)
+ # Generate the lighttpd config file part for this subdomain
+ print "\t\tGenerating lighttpd configuration"
+ if aliases != [s]:
+ # Don't use a regex if we don't need to. I think this should slightly
+ # speed up lighttpd.
+ aliases_regex = '|'.join(aliases)
+ lighttpd_conf += '\t$HTTP["host"] =~ "^(%s).%s$" {\n' % (aliases_regex, d)
+ else:
+ lighttpd_conf += '\t$HTTP["host"] == "%s.%s" {\n' % (s, d)
+ lighttpd_conf += '\t\taccesslog.filename = "%s"\n' % subdomain_logfile
+ lighttpd_conf += '\t}\n'
+ # Only generate awstats configuration for real paths, not symlinks
+ awstats_conf = header
+ awstats_conf += 'LogFile="%s"\n' % subdomain_logfile
+ awstats_conf += 'SiteDomain="%s.%s"\n' % (s, d)
+ awstats_conf += 'HostAliases="%s"\n' % ' '.join(["%s.%s" % (s, d) for s in aliases])
+ awstats_conf += 'Include "%s"\n' % awstats_common_file
+ # Write out the awstats config file
+ subdomain_awstats_file = os.path.join(awstats_dir, awstats_config_file % full_domain)
+ print "\t\tWriting %s" % subdomain_awstats_file
+ f = open(subdomain_awstats_file , 'w')
+ f.write(awstats_conf)
+ # Make sure the directory exists
+ if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(subdomain_logfile)):
+ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(subdomain_logfile))
+ lighttpd_conf += '}\n'
+# Write out the lighttpd configuration. Check if it has changed first, to
+# prevent useless lighttpd reloads.
+f = open(lighttpd_conf_file, 'r+')
+if lighttpd_conf != f.read():
+ print "Writing %s" % lighttpd_conf_file
+ f.seek(0)
+ f.truncate()
+ f.write(lighttpd_conf)
+ # Reload lighttpd configuration
+ print "Reloading lighttpd: %s" % reload_lighttpd
+ subprocess.call(reload_lighttpd, shell=True)
+# Now, run awstats to parse log files.
+if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == '--after-logrotate':
+ # Logs have just been rotated, so update "todays" log. We make a guess at
+ # logrotate's date extension (which shouldn't be a guess, unless logrotate's
+ # dateformat was modified).
+ dateext = datetime.date.today().strftime(dateformat)
+ dateext = ''
+for (d, subdomains) in domains.items():
+ for (s, aliases) in subdomains.items():
+ subdomain_logfile = os.path.join(root_dir, d, logs_dir, s, log_file + dateext)
+ # Call awstats. We explicitly pass in a LogFile, in case --after-logrotate
+ # is given. The config parameter points to the middle part of the
+ # configuration file name, awstats adds the root dir and awstats.%s.conf
+ # part. We check if the file exists, since rotation might not have been
+ # happened (when the file was empty, for example)
+ if os.path.exists(subdomain_logfile):
+ subprocess.call([ 'sudo'
+ , '-u', awstats_user
+ , awstats
+ , '-config=%s.%s' % (s, d)
+ , '-update'
+ , '-LogFile=%s' % subdomain_logfile
+ ])
+# vim: set sw=2 sts=2 expandtab autoindent: