let NonRec var expr = bind
liftIO $ putStr $ showSDoc $ ppr expr
liftIO $ putStr "\n\n"
- liftIO $ putStr $ getEntity bind
liftIO $ putStr $ getArchitecture bind
return expr
NonRec var _ -> lookfor == (occNameString $ nameOccName $ getName var)
--- Generate a port (or multiple for tuple types) in the given direction for
--- each type given.
-getPortsForTys :: String -> String -> Int -> [Type] -> String
-getPortsForTys dir prefix num [] = ""
-getPortsForTys dir prefix num (t:ts) =
- (getPortsForTy dir (prefix ++ show num) t) ++ getPortsForTys dir prefix (num + 1) ts
-getPortsForFunTy ty =
- -- All of a function's arguments become IN ports, the result becomes on
- -- (or more) OUT ports.
- -- Drop the first ;\n
- drop 2 (getPortsForTys "in" "portin" 0 args) ++ (getPortsForTy "out" "portout" res) ++ "\n"
- where
- (args, res) = Type.splitFunTys ty
-getPortsForTy :: String -> String -> Type -> String
-getPortsForTy dir name ty =
- if (TyCon.isTupleTyCon tycon) then
- -- Expand tuples we find
- getPortsForTys dir name 0 args
- else -- Assume it's a type constructor application, ie simple data type
- let
- vhdlTy = showSDoc $ ppr $ TyCon.tyConName tycon;
- in
- ";\n\t" ++ name ++ " : " ++ dir ++ " " ++ vhdlTy
- where
- (tycon, args) = Type.splitTyConApp ty
-getEntity (NonRec var expr) =
- "entity " ++ name ++ " is\n"
- ++ "port (\n"
- ++ getPortsForFunTy ty
- ++ ");\n"
- ++ "end " ++ name ++ ";\n\n"
- where
- name = (getOccString var)
- ty = CoreUtils.exprType expr
-- Accepts a port name and an argument to map to it.
-- Returns the appropriate line for in the port map
getPortMapEntry binds portname (Var id) =