-- let simplification
letsimpl, letsimpltop :: Transform
--- Don't simplifiy lets that are already simple
-letsimpl expr@(Let _ (Var _)) = return expr
-- Put the "in ..." value of a let in its own binding, but not when the
-- expression is applicable (to prevent loops with inlinefun).
-letsimpl (Let (Rec binds) expr) | not $ is_applicable expr = do
- id <- mkInternalVar "foo" (CoreUtils.exprType expr)
- let bind = (id, expr)
- change $ Let (Rec (bind:binds)) (Var id)
+letsimpl expr@(Let (Rec binds) res) | not $ is_applicable expr = do
+ local_var <- Trans.lift $ is_local_var res
+ if not local_var
+ then do
+ -- If the result is not a local var already (to prevent loops with
+ -- ourselves), extract it.
+ id <- mkInternalVar "foo" (CoreUtils.exprType res)
+ let bind = (id, res)
+ change $ Let (Rec (bind:binds)) (Var id)
+ else
+ -- If the result is already a local var, don't extract it.
+ return expr
-- Leave all other expressions unchanged
letsimpl expr = return expr
-- Perform this transform everywhere
-- Remove a = b bindings from let expressions everywhere
letremovetop :: Transform
-letremovetop = everywhere ("letremove", inlinebind (\(b, e) -> case e of (Var v) | not $ Id.isDataConWorkId v -> return True; otherwise -> return False))
+letremovetop = everywhere ("letremove", inlinebind (\(b, e) -> Trans.lift $ is_local_var e))
-- Function inlining
-- Make sure that all arguments of a representable type are simple variables.
appsimpl, appsimpltop :: Transform
--- Don't simplify arguments that are already simple.
-appsimpl expr@(App f (Var v)) = return expr
-- Simplify all representable arguments. Do this by introducing a new Let
-- that binds the argument and passing the new binder in the application.
appsimpl expr@(App f arg) = do
-- Check runtime representability
repr <- isRepr arg
- if repr
+ local_var <- Trans.lift $ is_local_var arg
+ if repr && not local_var
then do -- Extract representable arguments
id <- mkInternalVar "arg" (CoreUtils.exprType arg)
change $ Let (Rec [(id, arg)]) (App f (Var id))
let used_funcs = VarSet.varSetElems used_funcs_set
-- Process each of the used functions recursively
mapM normalizeBind used_funcs
- -- FIXME: Can't we inline these 'implicit' function calls or something?
- -- TODO: Add an extra let expression to the current finding, so the VHDL
- -- Will make a signa assignment for this 'implicit' function call
- --
- -- Find all the other free variables used that are used. This applies to
- -- variables that are actually a reference to a Class function. Example:
- --
- -- functiontest :: SizedInt D8 -> SizedInt D8
- -- functiontest = \a -> let r = a + 1 in r
- --
- -- The literal(Lit) '1' will be turned into a variable (Var)
- -- As it will call the 'fromInteger' class function that belongs
- -- to the Num class. So we need to translate the refenced function
- -- let used_vars_set = CoreFVs.exprSomeFreeVars (\v -> (Type.isAlgType . snd . Type.splitForAllTys . Id.idType) v) expr'
- -- let used_vars = VarSet.varSetElems used_vars_set
- -- -- Filter for dictionary args, they should not be translated
- -- -- FIXME: check for other non-translatable stuff as well
- -- let trans_vars = filter (\v -> (not . TcType.isDictTy . Id.idType) v) used_vars
- -- mapM normalizeBind trans_vars
return ()
-- We don't have a value for this binder. This really shouldn't
-- happen for local id's...