There will be a NAT-aware identd server on the host, so forwarding to a
single vserver is no longer needed.
RULE="Accept service locus from world.inet to firewall options in_int=\"vserver-login-nic\""
RULE="Dnat service telnet from world.inet to www.vservers.internal options in_int=\"inet-nic\",remoteport=\"2323\",comment=\"Hunternet gameserver\""
RULE="Accept service telnet-nonpriv from world.inet to firewall options in_int=\"vserver-www-nic\",comment=\"Hunternet gameserver\""
-RULE="Dnat service ident from world.inet to login.vservers.internal options in_int=\"inet-nic\",comment=\"Identd for login\""
-RULE="Accept service ident from world.inet to firewall options in_int=\"vserver-login-nic\",comment=\"Identd for login\""
RULE="Drop service dhcp from any to any options comment=\"Drop all DHCP without logging\""