function boundaries), but eventually, the partial application will become
completely applied.
+ \section{Costless specialization}
+ Each (complete) function application in our description generates a
+ component instantiation, or a specific piece of hardware in the final
+ design. It is interesting to note that each application of a function
+ generates a \emph{separate} piece of hardware. In the final design, none
+ of the hardware is shared between applications, even when the applied
+ function is the same.
+ This is distinctly different from normal program compilation: Two separate
+ calls to the same function share the same machine code. Having more
+ machine code has implications for speed (due to less efficient caching)
+ and memory usage. For normal compilation, it is therefore important to
+ keep the amount of functions limited and maximize the code sharing.
+ When generating hardware, this is hardly an issue. Having more \quote{code
+ sharing} does reduce the amount of \small{VHDL} output (Since different
+ component instantiations still share the same component), but after
+ synthesis, the amount of hardware generated is not affected.
+ In particular, if we would duplicate all functions so that there is a
+ duplicate for every application in the program (\eg, each function is then
+ only applied exactly once), there would be no increase in hardware size
+ whatsoever.
+ TODO: Perhaps these next two sections are a bit too
+ implementation-oriented?
+ \subsection{Specialization}
+ Because of this, a common optimization technique called
+ \emph{specialization} is as good as free for hardware generation. Given
+ some function that has a \emph{domain} of $D$ (\eg, the set of all
+ possible arguments that could be applied), we create a specialized
+ function with exactly the same behaviour, but with an domain of $D'
+ \subset D$. This subset can be derived in all sort of ways, but commonly
+ this is done by limiting a polymorphic argument to a single type (\eg,
+ removing polymorphism) or by limiting an argument to just a single value
+ (\eg, cross-function constant propagation, effectively removing the
+ argument).
+ Since we limit the argument domain of the specialized function, its
+ definition can often be optimized further (since now more types or even
+ values of arguments are already know). By replacing any application of
+ the function that falls within the reduced domain by an application of
+ the specialized version, the code gets faster (but the code also gets
+ bigger, since we now have two versions instead of one!). If we apply
+ this technique often enough, we can often replace all applications of a
+ function by specialized versions, allowing the original function to be
+ removed (in some cases, this can even give a net reduction of the code
+ compared to the non-specialized version).
+ Specialization is useful for our hardware descriptions for functions
+ that contain arguments that cannot be translated to hardware directly
+ (polymorphic or higher order arguments, for example). If we can create
+ specialized functions that remove the argument, or make it translatable,
+ we can use specialization to make the original, untranslatable, function
+ obsolete.
+ \section{Higher order values}
+ What holds for partial application, can be easily generalized to any
+ higher order expression. This includes partial applications, plain
+ variables (e.g., a binder referring to a top level function), lambda
+ expressions and more complex expressions with a function type (a case
+ expression returning lambda's, for example).
+ Each of these values cannot be directly represented in hardware (just like
+ partial applications). Also, to make them representable, they need to be
+ applied: function variables and partial applications will then eventually
+ become complete applications, applied lambda expressions disappear by
+ applying β-reduction, etc.
+ So any higher order value will be \quote{pushed down} towards its
+ application just like partial applications. Whenever a function boundary
+ needs to be crossed, the called function can be specialized.
+ TODO: This is section should be improved
+ \section{Polymorphism}
+ In Haskell, values can be polymorphic: They can have multiple types. For
+ example, the function \hs{fst :: (a, b) -> a} is an example of a
+ polymorphic function: It works for tuples with any element types. Haskell
+ typeclasses allow a function to work on a specific set of types, but the
+ general idea is the same.
+% A type class is a collection of types for which some operations are
+% defined. It is thus possible for a value to be polymorphic while having
+% any number of \emph{class constraints}: The value is not defined for
+% every type, but only for types in the type class. An example of this is
+% the \hs{even :: (Integral a) => a -> Bool} function, which can map any
+% value of a type that is member of the \hs{Integral} type class
+ When generating hardware, polymorphism can't be easily translated. How
+ many wire will you lay down for a value that could have any type? When
+ type classes are involved, what hardware components will you lay down for
+ a class method (whose behaviour depends on the type of its arguments)?
+ Fortunately, we can again use the principle of specialization: Since every
+ function application generates separate pieces of hardware, we can know
+ the types of all arguments exactly. Provided that we don't use existential
+ typing, all of the polymorphic types in a function must depend on the
+ types of the arguments (In other words, the only way to introduce a type
+ variable is in a lambda abstraction). Our top level function must not have
+ a polymorphic type (otherwise we wouldn't know the hardware interface to
+ our top level function).
+ If a function is monomorphic, all values inside it are monomorphic as
+ well, so any function that is applied within the function can only be
+ applied to monomorphic values. The applied functions can then be
+ specialized to work just for these specific types, removing the
+ polymorphism from the applied functions as well.
+ By induction, this means that all functions that are (indirectly) called
+ by our top level function (meaning all functions that are translated in
+ the final hardware) become monomorphic.
A very important concept in hardware designs is \emph{state}. In a
stateless (or, \emph{combinatoric}) design, every output is a directly and solely dependent on the
implemented in Cλash. \in{Section}[sec:prototype:statetype] expands on
the possible ways this could have been implemented.
+ TODO: Say something about dependent types and fixed size vectors
An import concept in functional languages is recursion. In it's most basic
form, recursion is a function that is defined in terms of itself. This
Due to these complications, we leave other forms of recursion as
future work as well.
+ \section{Supported types}