sig_dec_maybes <- mapM (mkSigDec' . snd) sigs
let sig_decs = Maybe.catMaybes $ sig_dec_maybes
-- Create concurrent statements for all signal definitions
- let statements = zipWith (mkConcSm signaturemap sigs) defs [0..]
+ statements <- Monad.zipWithM (mkConcSm sigs) defs [0..]
return $ AST.ArchBody (mkVHDLBasicId "structural") (AST.NSimple entity_id) (map AST.BDISD sig_decs) (statements ++ procs')
sigs = flat_sigs flatfunc
-- | Transforms a signal definition into a VHDL concurrent statement
mkConcSm ::
- SignatureMap -- ^ The interfaces of functions in the session
- -> [(SignalId, SignalInfo)] -- ^ The signals in the current architecture
+ [(SignalId, SignalInfo)] -- ^ The signals in the current architecture
-> SigDef -- ^ The signal definition
-> Int -- ^ A number that will be unique for all
-- concurrent statements in the architecture.
- -> AST.ConcSm -- ^ The corresponding VHDL component instantiation.
+ -> VHDLState AST.ConcSm -- ^ The corresponding VHDL component instantiation.
-mkConcSm signatures sigs (FApp hsfunc args res) num =
+mkConcSm sigs (FApp hsfunc args res) num = do
+ signatures <- getA vsSignatures
- signature = Maybe.fromMaybe
- (error $ "Using function '" ++ (prettyShow hsfunc) ++ "' without signature? This should not happen!")
- (Map.lookup hsfunc signatures)
- entity_id = ent_id signature
- label = (AST.fromVHDLId entity_id) ++ "_" ++ (show num)
- -- Add a clk port if we have state
- clk_port = Maybe.fromJust $ mkAssocElem (Just $ mkVHDLExtId "clk") "clk"
- portmaps = mkAssocElems sigs args res signature ++ (if hasState hsfunc then [clk_port] else [])
- in
- AST.CSISm $ AST.CompInsSm (mkVHDLExtId label) (AST.IUEntity (AST.NSimple entity_id)) (AST.PMapAspect portmaps)
-mkConcSm _ sigs (UncondDef src dst) _ =
+ signature = Maybe.fromMaybe
+ (error $ "Using function '" ++ (prettyShow hsfunc) ++ "' without signature? This should not happen!")
+ (Map.lookup hsfunc signatures)
+ entity_id = ent_id signature
+ label = (AST.fromVHDLId entity_id) ++ "_" ++ (show num)
+ -- Add a clk port if we have state
+ clk_port = Maybe.fromJust $ mkAssocElem (Just $ mkVHDLExtId "clk") "clk"
+ portmaps = mkAssocElems sigs args res signature ++ (if hasState hsfunc then [clk_port] else [])
+ in
+ return $ AST.CSISm $ AST.CompInsSm (mkVHDLExtId label) (AST.IUEntity (AST.NSimple entity_id)) (AST.PMapAspect portmaps)
+mkConcSm sigs (UncondDef src dst) _ =
src_expr = vhdl_expr src
src_wform = AST.Wform [AST.WformElem src_expr Nothing]
dst_name = AST.NSimple (getSignalId $ signalInfo sigs dst)
assign = dst_name AST.:<==: (AST.ConWforms [] src_wform Nothing)
- AST.CSSASm assign
+ return $ AST.CSSASm assign
vhdl_expr (Left id) = mkIdExpr sigs id
vhdl_expr (Right expr) =
(Eq a b) ->
(mkIdExpr sigs a) AST.:=: (mkIdExpr sigs b)
-mkConcSm _ sigs (CondDef cond true false dst) _ =
+mkConcSm sigs (CondDef cond true false dst) _ =
cond_expr = mkIdExpr sigs cond
true_expr = mkIdExpr sigs true
dst_name = AST.NSimple (getSignalId $ signalInfo sigs dst)
assign = dst_name AST.:<==: (AST.ConWforms [whenelse] false_wform Nothing)
- AST.CSSASm assign
+ return $ AST.CSSASm assign
-- | Turn a SignalId into a VHDL Expr
mkIdExpr :: [(SignalId, SignalInfo)] -> SignalId -> AST.Expr