--- /dev/null
+\mainlanguage [en]
+%\usetypescript [lbr][ec]
+%\switchtotypeface [lbr] [10pt]
+% The function application operator, which expands to a space in math mode
+\define[2]\lam{λ#1 \xrightarrow #2}
+\define[2]\letexpr{{\bold let}\;#1\;{\bold in}\;#2}
+\define[2]\case{{\bold case}\;#1\;{\bold of}\;#2}
+\define[2]\alt{#1 \xrightarrow #2}
+\define[1]\where{{\bold where}\;#1}
+% A transformation
+ %\placetransformation[here]{#1}
+ \startframedtext[width=\textwidth]
+ \startformula \startalign
+ #2
+ \stopalign \stopformula
+ \stopframedtext
+% A helper to print a single example in the half the page width. The example
+% text should be in a buffer whose name is given in an argument.
+% The align=right option really does left-alignment, but without the program
+% will end up on a single line. The strut=no option prevents a bunch of empty
+% space at the start of the frame.
+% A transformation example
+\setupcaption[example][location=top] % Put captions on top
+ \placeexample[here]{#1}
+ \startcombination[2*1]
+ {\example{#2}}{Original program}
+ {\example{#3}}{Transformed program}
+ \stopcombination
+ \placeexample[here]{#1}
+ \startcombination[1*2]
+ {\example{#2}}{Original program}
+ {\example{#3}}{Transformed program}
+ \stopcombination
+% Define a custom description format for the builtinexprs below
+\title {Core transformations for hardware generation}
+Matthijs Kooijman
+As a new approach to translating Core to VHDL, we investigate a number of
+transformations on our Core program, which should bring the program into a
+well-defined "canonical" state, which is subsequently trivial to translate to
+The transformations as presented here are far from complete, but are meant as
+an exploration of possible transformations. In the running example below, we
+apply each of the transformations exactly once, in sequence. As will be
+apparent from the end result, there will be additional transformations needed
+to fully reach our goal, and some transformations must be applied more than
+once. How exactly to (efficiently) do this, has not been investigated.
+Lastly, I hope to be able to state a number of pre- and postconditinos for
+each transformation. If these can be proven for each transformation, and it
+can be shown that ther exists some ordering of transformations for which the
+postcondition implies the canonical form, we can show that the transformations
+do indeed transform any program (probably satisfying a number of
+preconditions) to the canonical form.
+The transformations described here have a well-defined goal: To bring the
+program in a well-defined program that is directly translatable to hardware,
+while fully preserving the semantics of the program.
+This {\em canonical form} is again a Core program, but with a very specific
+structure. A function in canonical form has nested lambda's at the top, which
+produce a let expression. This let expression binds every function application
+in the function and produces either a simple identifier or a tuple of
+identifiers. Every bound value in the let expression is either a simple
+function application or a case expression to extract a single element from a
+tuple returned by a function.
+An example of a program in canonical form would be:
+ -- All arguments are an inital lambda
+ \x c d ->
+ -- There is one let expression at the top level
+ let
+ -- Calling some other user-defined function.
+ s = foo x
+ -- Extracting result values from a tuple
+ a = case s of (a, b) -> a
+ b = case s of (a, b) -> b
+ -- Some builtin expressions
+ rh = add c d
+ rhh = sub d c
+ -- Conditional connections
+ rl = case b of
+ High -> rhh
+ Low -> d
+ r = case a of
+ High -> rh
+ Low -> rl
+ in
+ -- The actual result
+ r
+In this and all following programs, the following definitions are assumed to
+be available:
+data Bit = Low | High
+foo :: Int -> (Bit, Bit)
+add :: Int -> Int -> Int
+sub :: Int -> Int -> Int
+When looking at such a program from a hardware perspective, the top level
+lambda's define the input ports. The value produced by the let expression are
+the output ports. Each function application bound by the let expression
+defines a component instantiation, where the input and output ports are mapped
+to local signals or arguments. The tuple extracting case expressions don't map
+\subsection{Canonical form definition}
+Formally, the canonical form is a core program obeying the following
+\item All top level binds must have the form $\expr{\bind{fun}{lamexpr}}$.
+$fun$ is an identifier that will be bound as a global identifier.
+\item A $lamexpr$ has the form $\expr{\lam{arg}{lamexpr}}$ or
+$\expr{letexpr}$. $arg$ is an identifier which will be bound as an $argument$.
+\item[letexpr] A $letexpr$ has the form $\expr{\letexpr{letbinds}{retexpr}}$.
+\item $letbinds$ is a list with elements of the form
+$\expr{\bind{res}{appexpr}}$ or $\expr{\bind{res}{builtinexpr}}$, where $res$ is
+an identifier that will be bound as local identifier. The type of the bound
+value must be a $hardware\;type$.
+\item[builtinexpr] A $builtinexpr$ is an expression that can be mapped to an
+equivalent VHDL expression. Since there are many supported forms for this,
+these are defined in a separate table.
+\item An $appexpr$ has the form $\expr{fun}$ or $\expr{\app{appexpr}{x}}$,
+where $fun$ is a global identifier and $x$ is a local identifier.
+\item[retexpr] A $retexpr$ has the form $\expr{x}$ or $\expr{tupexpr}$, where $x$ is a local identifier that is bound as an $argument$ or $result$. A $retexpr$ must
+be of a $hardware\;type$.
+\item A $tupexpr$ has the form $\expr{con}$ or $\expr{\app{tupexpr}{x}}$,
+where $con$ is a tuple constructor ({\em e.g.} $(,)$ or $(,,,)$) and $x$ is
+a local identifier.
+\item A $hardware\;type$ is a type that can be directly translated to
+hardware. This includes the types $Bit$, $SizedWord$, tuples containing
+elements of $hardware\;type$s, and will include others. This explicitely
+excludes function types.
+TODO: Say something about uniqueness of identifiers
+\subsection{Builtin expressions}
+A $builtinexpr$, as defined at \in[builtinexpr] can have any of the following forms.
+where $t$ can be any local identifier, $con$ is a tuple constructor ({\em
+e.g.} $(,)$ or $(,,,)$), $x_0$ to $x_n$ can be any identifier, and $x_i$ can
+be any of $x_0$ to $x_n$. A case expression must have a $hardware\;type$.
+\item TODO: Many more!
+\section{Transformation passes}
+In this section we describe the actual transformations. Here we're using
+mostly Core-like notation, with a few notable points.
+\item A core expression (in contrast with a transformation function, for
+example), is enclosed in pipes. For example, $\app{transform}{\expr{\lam{z}{z+1}}}$
+is the transform function applied to a lambda core expression.
+Note that this notation might not be consistently applied everywhere. In
+particular where a non-core function is used inside a core expression, things
+get slightly confusing.
+\item A bind is written as $\expr{\bind{x}{expr}}$. This means binding the identifier
+$x$ to the expression $expr$.
+\item In the core examples, the layout rule from Haskell is loosely applied.
+It should be evident what was meant from indentation, even though it might nog
+be strictly correct.
+In the descriptions of transformations below, the following (slightly
+contrived) example program will be used as the running example. Note that this
+the example for the canonical form given above is the same program, but in
+canonical form.
+ \x ->
+ let s = foo x
+ in
+ case s of
+ (a, b) ->
+ r = case a of
+ High -> add
+ Low -> let
+ op' = case b of
+ High -> sub
+ Low -> \c d -> c
+ in
+ \c d -> op' d c
+\subsection{Argument extraction}
+This transformation makes sure that all of a bindings arguments are always
+bound to variables at the top level of the bound value. Formally, we can
+describe this transformation as follows.
+\transform{Argument extraction}
+\NC \app{transform}{\expr{\bind{f}{expr}}} \NC = \expr{\bind{f}{\app{transform'(expr)}}}\NR
+\NC \app{transform'}{\expr{\lam{v}{expr}}} \NC = \expr{\lam{v}{\app{transform'}{expr}}}\NR
+\NC \app{transform'}{\expr{expr :: a \xrightarrow b}} \NC = \expr{\lam{x}{\app{transform'}{\expr{(\app{expr}{x})}}}} \NR
+When applying this transformation to our running example, we get the following
+ \x c d ->
+ (let s = foo x
+ in
+ case s of
+ (a, b) ->
+ case a of
+ High -> add
+ Low -> let
+ op' = case b of
+ High -> sub
+ Low -> \c d -> c
+ in
+ \c d -> op' d c
+ ) c d
+foo = \x -> case x of True -> (\y -> mul y y); False -> id
+foo = \x z -> (case x of True -> (\y -> mul y y); False -> id) z
+\transexampleh{Argument extraction example}{from}{to}
+\subsection{Application propagation}
+This transformation is meant to propagate application expressions downwards
+into expressions as far as possible. Formally, we can describe this
+transformation as follows.
+\transform{Application propagation}
+\NC \app{transform}{\expr{\app{(\letexpr{binds}{expr})}{y}}} \NC = \expr{\letexpr{binds}{(\app{expr}{y})}}\NR
+\NC \app{transform}{\expr{\app{(\lam{x}{expr})}{y}}} \NC = \app{\app{subs}{x \xRightarrow y}}{\expr{expr}}\NR
+\NC \app{transform}{\expr{\app{(\case{x}{\alt{p}{e};...})}{y}}} \NC = \expr{\case{x}{\alt{p}{\app{e}{y}};...}}\;(for\;every\;alt)\NR
+When applying this transformation to our running example, we get the following
+ \x c d ->
+ let s = foo x
+ in
+ case s of
+ (a, b) ->
+ case a of
+ High -> add c d
+ Low -> let
+ op' = case b of
+ High -> sub
+ Low -> \c d -> c
+ in
+ op' d c
+foo = \x z -> (case x of True -> (\y -> mul y y); False -> id) z
+foo = \x z -> case x of True -> mul z z; False -> id z
+\transexampleh{Application propagation example}{from}{to}
+\subsection{Introducing main scope}
+This transformation is meant to introduce a single let expression that will be
+the "main scope". This is the let expression as described under requirement
+\ref[letexpr]. This let expression will contain only a single binding, which
+binds the original expression to some identifier and then evalutes to just
+this identifier (to comply with requirement \in[retexpr]).
+Formally, we can describe the transformation as follows.
+\transform{Main scope introduction}
+\NC \app{transform}{\expr{\bind{f}{expr}}} \NC = \expr{\bind{f}{\app{transform'(expr)}}}\NR
+\NC \app{transform'}{\expr{\lam{v}{expr}}} \NC = \expr{\lam{v}{\app{transform'}{expr}}}\NR
+\NC \app{transform'}{\expr{expr}} \NC = \expr{\letexpr{\bind{x}{expr}}{x}} \NR
+When applying this transformation to our running example, we get the following
+ \x c d ->
+ let r = (let s = foo x
+ in
+ case s of
+ (a, b) ->
+ case a of
+ High -> add c d
+ Low -> let
+ op' = case b of
+ High -> sub
+ Low -> \c d -> c
+ in
+ op' d c
+ )
+ in
+ r
+\subsection{Scope flattening}
+This transformation tries to flatten the topmost let expression in a bind,
+{\em i.e.}, bind all identifiers in the same scope, and bind them to simple
+expressions only (so simplify deeply nested expressions).
+Formally, we can describe the transformation as follows.
+\transform{Main scope introduction} { \NC \app{transform}{\expr{\bind{f}{expr}}} \NC = \expr{\bind{f}{\app{transform'(expr)}}}\NR
+\NC \app{transform'}{\expr{\lam{v}{expr}}} \NC = \expr{\lam{v}{\app{transform'}{expr}}}\NR
+\NC \app{transform'}{\expr{\letexpr{binds}{expr}}} \NC = \expr{\letexpr{\app{concat . map . flatten}{binds}}{expr}}\NR
+\NC \app{flatten}{\expr{\bind{x}{\letexpr{binds}{expr}}}} \NC = (\app{concat . map . flatten}{binds}) \cup \{\app{flatten}{\expr{\bind{x}{expr}}}\}\NR
+\NC \app{flatten}{\expr{\bind{x}{\case{s}{alts}}}} \NC = \app{concat}{binds'} \cup \{\bind{x}{\case{s}{alts'}}\}\NR
+\NC \NC \where{(binds', alts')=\app{unzip.map.(flattenalt s)}{alts}}\NR
+\NC \app{\app{flattenalt}{s}}{\expr{\alt{\app{con}{x_0\;..\;x_n}}{expr}}} \NC = (extracts \cup \{\app{flatten}{bind}\}, alt)\NR
+\NC \NC \where{extracts =\{\expr{\case{s}{\alt{\app{con}{x_0\;..\;x_n}}{x_0}}},}\NR
+\NC \NC \;..\;,\expr{\case{s}{\alt{\app{con}{x_0\;..\;x_n}}{x_n}}}\} \NR
+\NC \NC bind = \expr{\bind{y}{expr}}\NR
+\NC \NC alt = \expr{\alt{\app{con}{\_\;..\;\_}}{y}}\NR
+When applying this transformation to our running example, we get the following
+ \x c d ->
+ let s = foo x
+ r = case s of
+ (_, _) -> y
+ a = case s of (a, b) -> a
+ b = case s of (a, b) -> b
+ y = case a of
+ High -> g
+ Low -> h
+ g = add c d
+ h = op' d c
+ op' = case b of
+ High -> i
+ Low -> j
+ i = sub
+ j = \c d -> c
+ in
+ r
+\subsection{More transformations}
+As noted before, the above transformations are not complete. Other needed
+transformations include:
+\item Inlining of local identifiers with a function type. Since these cannot
+be represented in hardware directly, they must be transformated into something
+else. Inlining them should always be possible without loss of semantics (TODO:
+How true is this?) and can expose new possibilities for other transformations
+passes (such as application propagation when inlining {\tt j} above).
+\item A variation on inlining local identifiers is the propagation of
+function arguments with a function type. This will probably be initiated when
+transforming the caller (and not the callee), but it will also deal with
+identifiers with a function type that are unrepresentable in hardware.
+Special care must be taken here, since the expression that is propagated into
+the callee comes from a different scope. The function typed argument must thus
+be replaced by any identifiers from the callers scope that the propagated
+expression uses.
+Note that propagating an argument will change both a function's interface and
+implementation. For this to work, a new function should be created instead of
+modifying the original function, so any other callers will not be broken.
+\item Something similar should happen with return values with function types.
+\item Polymorphism must be removed from all user-defined functions. This is
+again similar to propagation function typed arguments, since this will also
+create duplicates of functions (for a specific type). This is an operation
+that is commonly known as "specialization" and already happens in GHC (since
+non-polymorph functions can be a lot faster than generic ones).
+\item More builtin expressions should be added and these should be evaluated
+by the compiler. For example, map, fold, +.