data Point = Point !Int !Int deriving (Show, Eq)
-type Color = Gtk.Color
+-- A color, with RGB values from 0 to 1
+data Color = Color Double Double Double deriving (Show, Eq)
-- Create a Color from Red, Green and Blue values. The inputs should be
-- between 0 and 255 (inclusive).
rgb :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Color
-rgb r g b = Gtk.Color (conv r) (conv g) (conv b)
- where conv = fromInteger . toInteger . (*256)
+rgb r g b = Color (conv r) (conv g) (conv b)
+ where conv = (/256) . fromIntegral
-- | Some predefined colours
red = rgb 0xff 0 0
gfxHandler IS {..} (GfxFont st sz) = Just $ buffer `set` [ fontSize := sz, fontFace := st ]
gfxHandler IS {..} (GfxPicture fd pt) = Just $ bitmapCreateFromFile fd >>= \bm -> drawBitmap buffer bm pt False [] >> bitmapGetSize bm >>= dirtyRect' sPanel pt
+gfxHandler' IS {..} (GfxText col (Point x y) st) = Just $ do
+ setSourceColor col
+ Cairo.moveTo (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y)
+ Cairo.showText st
gfxHandler' IS {..} GfxClear = Just $ Cairo.setSourceRGB 1 1 1 >> Cairo.paint
gfxHandler' _ _ = Nothing
+-- | Sets the source to a pattern fill of the given color
+setSourceColor :: Color -> Cairo.Render ()
+setSourceColor (Color r g b) =
+ Cairo.setSourceRGB r g b
dirtyPts :: Window a -> [Point] -> IO ()
dirtyPts dc ps = dirtyRect' dc (pt x y) Size {..}