-- This is needed for rendering the pretty printed VHDL
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ (render)
+import TranslatorTypes
+import Pretty
+import Flatten
+import qualified VHDL
main =
defaultErrorHandler defaultDynFlags $ do
--core <- GHC.compileToCoreSimplified "Adders.hs"
core <- GHC.compileToCoreSimplified "Adders.hs"
--liftIO $ printBinds (cm_binds core)
- let binds = Maybe.mapMaybe (findBind (cm_binds core)) ["dff"]
+ let binds = Maybe.mapMaybe (findBind (cm_binds core)) ["sfull_adder"]
liftIO $ printBinds binds
-- Turn bind into VHDL
let (vhdl, sess) = State.runState (mkVHDL binds) (VHDLSession 0 [])
liftIO $ putStr $ render $ ForSyDe.Backend.Ppr.ppr vhdl
liftIO $ ForSyDe.Backend.VHDL.FileIO.writeDesignFile vhdl "../vhdl/vhdl/output.vhdl"
- liftIO $ putStr $ "\n\nFinal session:\n" ++ show sess
+ liftIO $ putStr $ "\n\nFinal session:\n" ++ prettyShow sess ++ "\n\n"
return ()
-- Turns the given bind into VHDL
mkVHDL binds = do
-- Add the builtin functions
- mapM (uncurry addFunc) builtin_funcs
+ --mapM (uncurry addFunc) builtin_funcs
-- Create entities and architectures for them
- units <- mapM expandBind binds
+ mapM flattenBind binds
return $ AST.DesignFile
- (concat units)
+ []
printTarget (Target (TargetFile file (Just x)) obj Nothing) =
print $ show file
NonRec var _ -> lookfor == (occNameString $ nameOccName $ getName var)
) binds
-getPortMapEntry ::
- SignalNameMap -- The port name to bind to
- -> SignalNameMap
- -- The signal or port to bind to it
- -> AST.AssocElem -- The resulting port map entry
--- Accepts a port name and an argument to map to it.
--- Returns the appropriate line for in the port map
-getPortMapEntry (Single (portname, _)) (Single (signame, _)) =
- (Just portname) AST.:=>: (AST.ADName (AST.NSimple signame))
-expandExpr ::
- [(CoreBndr, SignalNameMap)]
- -- A list of bindings in effect
- -> CoreExpr -- The expression to expand
- -> VHDLState (
- [AST.SigDec], -- Needed signal declarations
- [AST.ConcSm], -- Needed component instantations and
- -- signal assignments.
- [SignalNameMap], -- The signal names corresponding to
- -- the expression's arguments
- SignalNameMap) -- The signal names corresponding to
- -- the expression's result.
-expandExpr binds lam@(Lam b expr) = do
- -- Generate a new signal to which we will expect this argument to be bound.
- signal_name <- uniqueName ("arg_" ++ getOccString b)
- -- Find the type of the binder
- let (arg_ty, _) = Type.splitFunTy (CoreUtils.exprType lam)
- -- Create signal names for the binder
- -- TODO: We assume arguments are ports here
- let arg_signal = getPortNameMapForTy signal_name arg_ty (useAsPort arg_ty)
- -- Create the corresponding signal declarations
- let signal_decls = mkSignalsFromMap arg_signal
- -- Add the binder to the list of binds
- let binds' = (b, arg_signal) : binds
- -- Expand the rest of the expression
- (signal_decls', statements', arg_signals', res_signal') <- expandExpr binds' expr
- -- Properly merge the results
- return (signal_decls ++ signal_decls',
- statements',
- arg_signal : arg_signals',
- res_signal')
-expandExpr binds (Var id) =
- return ([], [], [], bind)
- where
- -- Lookup the id in our binds map
- bind = Maybe.fromMaybe
- (error $ "Argument " ++ getOccString id ++ "is unknown")
- (lookup id binds)
-expandExpr binds l@(Let (NonRec b bexpr) expr) = do
- (signal_decls, statements, arg_signals, res_signals) <- expandExpr binds bexpr
- let binds' = (b, res_signals) : binds
- (signal_decls', statements', arg_signals', res_signals') <- expandExpr binds' expr
- return (
- signal_decls ++ signal_decls',
- statements ++ statements',
- arg_signals',
- res_signals')
-expandExpr binds app@(App _ _) = do
- -- Is this a data constructor application?
- case CoreUtils.exprIsConApp_maybe app of
- -- Is this a tuple construction?
- Just (dc, args) -> if DataCon.isTupleCon dc
- then
- expandBuildTupleExpr binds (dataConAppArgs dc args)
- else
- error "Data constructors other than tuples not supported"
- otherise ->
- -- Normal function application, should map to a component instantiation
- let ((Var f), args) = collectArgs app in
- expandApplicationExpr binds (CoreUtils.exprType app) f args
-expandExpr binds expr@(Case (Var v) b _ alts) =
- case alts of
- [alt] -> expandSingleAltCaseExpr binds v b alt
- otherwise -> error $ "Multiple alternative case expression not supported: " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr expr)
-expandExpr binds expr@(Case _ b _ _) =
- error $ "Case expression with non-variable scrutinee not supported: " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr expr)
-expandExpr binds expr =
- error $ "Unsupported expression: " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr $ expr)
--- Expands the construction of a tuple into VHDL
-expandBuildTupleExpr ::
- [(CoreBndr, SignalNameMap)]
- -- A list of bindings in effect
- -> [CoreExpr] -- A list of expressions to put in the tuple
- -> VHDLState ( [AST.SigDec], [AST.ConcSm], [SignalNameMap], SignalNameMap)
- -- See expandExpr
-expandBuildTupleExpr binds args = do
- -- Split the tuple constructor arguments into types and actual values.
- -- Expand each of the values in the tuple
- (signals_declss, statementss, arg_signalss, res_signals) <-
- (Monad.liftM List.unzip4) $ mapM (expandExpr binds) args
- if any (not . null) arg_signalss
- then error "Putting high order functions in tuples not supported"
- else
- return (
- concat signals_declss,
- concat statementss,
- [],
- Tuple res_signals)
--- Expands the most simple case expression that scrutinizes a plain variable
--- and has a single alternative. This simple form currently allows only for
--- unpacking tuple variables.
-expandSingleAltCaseExpr ::
- [(CoreBndr, SignalNameMap)]
- -- A list of bindings in effect
- -> Var.Var -- The scrutinee
- -> CoreBndr -- The binder to bind the scrutinee to
- -> CoreAlt -- The single alternative
- -> VHDLState ( [AST.SigDec], [AST.ConcSm], [SignalNameMap], SignalNameMap)
- -- See expandExpr
-expandSingleAltCaseExpr binds v b alt@(DataAlt datacon, bind_vars, expr) =
- if not (DataCon.isTupleCon datacon)
- then
- error $ "Dataconstructors other than tuple constructors not supported in case pattern of alternative: " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr alt)
- else
- let
- -- Lookup the scrutinee (which must be a variable bound to a tuple) in
- -- the existing bindings list and get the portname map for each of
- -- it's elements.
- Tuple tuple_ports = Maybe.fromMaybe
- (error $ "Case expression uses unknown scrutinee " ++ getOccString v)
- (lookup v binds)
- -- TODO include b in the binds list
- -- Merge our existing binds with the new binds.
- binds' = (zip bind_vars tuple_ports) ++ binds
- in
- -- Expand the expression with the new binds list
- expandExpr binds' expr
-expandSingleAltCaseExpr _ _ _ alt =
- error $ "Case patterns other than data constructors not supported in case alternative: " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr alt)
--- Expands the application of argument to a function into VHDL
-expandApplicationExpr ::
- [(CoreBndr, SignalNameMap)]
- -- A list of bindings in effect
- -> Type -- The result type of the function call
- -> Var.Var -- The function to call
- -> [CoreExpr] -- A list of argumetns to apply to the function
- -> VHDLState ( [AST.SigDec], [AST.ConcSm], [SignalNameMap], SignalNameMap)
- -- See expandExpr
-expandApplicationExpr binds ty f args = do
- let name = getOccString f
- -- Generate a unique name for the application
- appname <- uniqueName ("app_" ++ name)
- -- Lookup the hwfunction to instantiate
- HWFunction vhdl_id inports outport <- getHWFunc (appToHsFunction f args ty)
- -- Expand each of the args, so each of them is reduced to output signals
- (arg_signal_decls, arg_statements, arg_res_signals) <- expandArgs binds args
- -- Bind each of the input ports to the expanded arguments
- let inmaps = concat $ zipWith createAssocElems inports arg_res_signals
- -- Create signal names for our result
- -- TODO: We assume the result is a port here
- let res_signal = getPortNameMapForTy (appname ++ "_out") ty (useAsPort ty)
- -- Create the corresponding signal declarations
- let signal_decls = mkSignalsFromMap res_signal
- -- Bind each of the output ports to our output signals
- let outmaps = mapOutputPorts outport res_signal
- -- Instantiate the component
- let component = AST.CSISm $ AST.CompInsSm
- (AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId appname)
- (AST.IUEntity (AST.NSimple vhdl_id))
- (AST.PMapAspect (inmaps ++ outmaps))
- -- Merge the generated declarations
- return (
- signal_decls ++ arg_signal_decls,
- component : arg_statements,
- [], -- We don't take any extra arguments; we don't support higher order functions yet
- res_signal)
--- Creates a list of AssocElems (port map lines) that maps the given signals
--- to the given ports.
-createAssocElems ::
- SignalNameMap -- The port names to bind to
- -> SignalNameMap -- The signals to bind to it
- -> [AST.AssocElem] -- The resulting port map lines
-createAssocElems (Single (port_id, _)) (Single (signal_id, _)) =
- [(Just port_id) AST.:=>: (AST.ADName (AST.NSimple signal_id))]
-createAssocElems (Tuple ports) (Tuple signals) =
- concat $ zipWith createAssocElems ports signals
--- Generate a signal declaration for a signal with the given name and the
--- given type and no value. Also returns the id of the signal.
-mkSignal :: String -> AST.TypeMark -> (AST.VHDLId, AST.SigDec)
-mkSignal name ty =
- (id, mkSignalFromId id ty)
- where
- id = AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId name
-mkSignalFromId :: AST.VHDLId -> AST.TypeMark -> AST.SigDec
-mkSignalFromId id ty =
- AST.SigDec id ty Nothing
--- Generates signal declarations for all the signals in the given map
-mkSignalsFromMap ::
- SignalNameMap
- -> [AST.SigDec]
-mkSignalsFromMap (Single (id, ty)) =
- [mkSignalFromId id ty]
-mkSignalsFromMap (Tuple signals) =
- concat $ map mkSignalsFromMap signals
+-- | Flattens the given bind and adds it to the session. Then (recursively)
+-- finds any functions it uses and does the same with them.
+flattenBind ::
+ CoreBind -- The binder to flatten
+ -> VHDLState ()
-expandArgs ::
- [(CoreBndr, SignalNameMap)] -- A list of bindings in effect
- -> [CoreExpr] -- The arguments to expand
- -> VHDLState ([AST.SigDec], [AST.ConcSm], [SignalNameMap])
- -- The resulting signal declarations,
- -- component instantiations and a
- -- VHDLName for each of the
- -- expressions passed in.
-expandArgs binds (e:exprs) = do
- -- Expand the first expression
- (signal_decls, statements, arg_signals, res_signal) <- expandExpr binds e
- if not (null arg_signals)
- then error $ "Passing functions as arguments not supported: " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr e)
- else do
- (signal_decls', statements', res_signals') <- expandArgs binds exprs
- return (
- signal_decls ++ signal_decls',
- statements ++ statements',
- res_signal : res_signals')
+flattenBind (Rec _) = error "Recursive binders not supported"
-expandArgs _ [] = return ([], [], [])
--- Extract the arguments from a data constructor application (that is, the
--- normal args, leaving out the type args).
-dataConAppArgs :: DataCon -> [CoreExpr] -> [CoreExpr]
-dataConAppArgs dc args =
- drop tycount args
- where
- tycount = length $ DataCon.dataConAllTyVars dc
-mapOutputPorts ::
- SignalNameMap -- The output portnames of the component
- -> SignalNameMap -- The output portnames and/or signals to map these to
- -> [AST.AssocElem] -- The resulting output ports
--- Map the output port of a component to the output port of the containing
--- entity.
-mapOutputPorts (Single (portname, _)) (Single (signalname, _)) =
- [(Just portname) AST.:=>: (AST.ADName (AST.NSimple signalname))]
--- Map matching output ports in the tuple
-mapOutputPorts (Tuple ports) (Tuple signals) =
- concat (zipWith mapOutputPorts ports signals)
-expandBind ::
- CoreBind -- The binder to expand into VHDL
- -> VHDLState [AST.LibraryUnit] -- The resulting VHDL
-expandBind (Rec _) = error "Recursive binders not supported"
-expandBind bind@(NonRec var expr) = do
+flattenBind bind@(NonRec var expr) = do
-- Create the function signature
let ty = CoreUtils.exprType expr
let hsfunc = mkHsFunction var ty
- hwfunc <- mkHWFunction bind hsfunc
+ --hwfunc <- mkHWFunction bind hsfunc
-- Add it to the session
- addFunc hsfunc hwfunc
- arch <- getArchitecture hsfunc hwfunc expr
- -- Give every entity a clock port
- -- TODO: Omit this for stateless entities
- let clk_port = AST.IfaceSigDec (mkVHDLId "clk") AST.In vhdl_bit_ty
- let entity = getEntity hwfunc [clk_port]
- return $ [
- AST.LUEntity entity,
- AST.LUArch arch ]
-getArchitecture ::
- HsFunction -- The function interface
- -> HWFunction -- The function to generate an architecture for
- -> CoreExpr -- The expression that is bound to the function
- -> VHDLState AST.ArchBody -- The resulting architecture
-getArchitecture hsfunc hwfunc expr = do
- -- Unpack our hwfunc
- let HWFunction vhdl_id inports outport = hwfunc
- -- Expand the expression into an architecture body
- (signal_decls, statements, arg_signals, res_signal) <- expandExpr [] expr
- let (inport_assigns, instate_map) = concat_elements $ unzip $ zipWith3 createSignalAssignments arg_signals inports (hsArgs hsfunc)
- let (outport_assigns, outstate_map) = createSignalAssignments outport res_signal (hsRes hsfunc)
- let state_procs = map AST.CSPSm $ createStateProcs (sortMap instate_map) (sortMap outstate_map)
- return $ AST.ArchBody
- (AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId "structural")
- (AST.NSimple vhdl_id)
- (map AST.BDISD signal_decls)
- (state_procs ++ inport_assigns ++ outport_assigns ++ statements)
--- | Sorts a map modeled as a list of (key,value) pairs by key
-sortMap :: Ord a => [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)]
-sortMap = List.sortBy (\(a, _) (b, _) -> compare a b)
--- | Generate procs for state variables
-createStateProcs ::
- [(Int, AST.VHDLId)]
- -- ^ The sorted list of signals that should be assigned
- -- to each state
- -> [(Int, AST.VHDLId)]
- -- ^ The sorted list of signals that contain each new state
- -> [AST.ProcSm] -- ^ The resulting procs
-createStateProcs ((old_num, old_id):olds) ((new_num, new_id):news) =
- if (old_num == new_num)
- then
- AST.ProcSm label [clk] [statement] : createStateProcs olds news
- else
- error "State numbers don't match!"
- where
- label = mkVHDLId $ "state_" ++ (show old_num)
- clk = mkVHDLId "clk"
- rising_edge = AST.NSimple $ mkVHDLId "rising_edge"
- wform = AST.Wform [AST.WformElem (AST.PrimName $ AST.NSimple $ new_id) Nothing]
- assign = AST.SigAssign (AST.NSimple old_id) wform
- rising_edge_clk = AST.PrimFCall $ AST.FCall rising_edge [Nothing AST.:=>: (AST.ADName $ AST.NSimple clk)]
- statement = AST.IfSm rising_edge_clk [assign] [] Nothing
-createStateProcs [] [] = []
--- Generate a VHDL entity declaration for the given function
-getEntity :: HWFunction -> [AST.IfaceSigDec] -> AST.EntityDec
-getEntity (HWFunction vhdl_id inports outport) extra_ports =
- AST.EntityDec vhdl_id ports
- where
- ports =
- (concat $ map (mkIfaceSigDecs AST.In) inports)
- ++ mkIfaceSigDecs AST.Out outport
- ++ extra_ports
-mkIfaceSigDecs ::
- AST.Mode -- The port's mode (In or Out)
- -> SignalNameMap -- The ports to generate a map for
- -> [AST.IfaceSigDec] -- The resulting ports
-mkIfaceSigDecs mode (Single (port_id, ty)) =
- [AST.IfaceSigDec port_id mode ty]
-mkIfaceSigDecs mode (Tuple ports) =
- concat $ map (mkIfaceSigDecs mode) ports
--- Unused values (state) don't generate ports
-mkIfaceSigDecs mode Unused =
- []
--- Create concurrent assignments of one map of signals to another. The maps
--- should have a similar form.
-createSignalAssignments ::
- SignalNameMap -- The signals to assign to
- -> SignalNameMap -- The signals to assign
- -> HsUseMap -- What function does each of the signals have?
- -> ([AST.ConcSm], -- The resulting assignments
- [(Int, AST.VHDLId)]) -- The resulting state -> signal mappings
--- A simple assignment of one signal to another (greatly complicated because
--- signal assignments can be conditional with multiple conditions in VHDL).
-createSignalAssignments (Single (dst, _)) (Single (src, _)) (Single Port)=
- ([AST.CSSASm assign], [])
- where
- src_name = AST.NSimple src
- src_expr = AST.PrimName src_name
- src_wform = AST.Wform [AST.WformElem src_expr Nothing]
- dst_name = (AST.NSimple dst)
- assign = dst_name AST.:<==: (AST.ConWforms [] src_wform Nothing)
-createSignalAssignments (Tuple dsts) (Tuple srcs) (Tuple uses) =
- concat_elements $ unzip $ zipWith3 createSignalAssignments dsts srcs uses
-createSignalAssignments Unused (Single (src, _)) (Single (State n)) =
- -- Write state
- ([], [(n, src)])
-createSignalAssignments (Single (dst, _)) Unused (Single (State n)) =
- -- Read state
- ([], [(n, dst)])
-createSignalAssignments dst src use =
- error $ "Non matching source and destination: " ++ show dst ++ " <= " ++ show src ++ " (Used as " ++ show use ++ ")"
-type SignalNameMap = HsValueMap (AST.VHDLId, AST.TypeMark)
--- | A datatype that maps each of the single values in a haskell structure to
--- a mapto. The map has the same structure as the haskell type mapped, ie
--- nested tuples etc.
-data HsValueMap mapto =
- Tuple [HsValueMap mapto]
- | Single mapto
- | Unused
- deriving (Show, Eq)
--- | Creates a HsValueMap with the same structure as the given type, using the
--- given function for mapping the single types.
-mkHsValueMap ::
- ((Type, s) -> (HsValueMap mapto, s))
- -- ^ A function to map single value Types
- -- (basically anything but tuples) to a
- -- HsValueMap (not limited to the Single
- -- constructor) Also accepts and produces a
- -- state that will be passed on between
- -- each call to the function.
- -> s -- ^ The initial state
- -> Type -- ^ The type to map to a HsValueMap
- -> (HsValueMap mapto, s) -- ^ The resulting map and state
-mkHsValueMap f s ty =
- case Type.splitTyConApp_maybe ty of
- Just (tycon, args) ->
- if (TyCon.isTupleTyCon tycon)
- then
- let (args', s') = mapTuple f s args in
- -- Handle tuple construction especially
- (Tuple args', s')
- else
- -- And let f handle the rest
- f (ty, s)
- -- And let f handle the rest
- Nothing -> f (ty, s)
- where
- mapTuple f s (ty:tys) =
- let (map, s') = mkHsValueMap f s ty in
- let (maps, s'') = mapTuple f s' tys in
- (map: maps, s'')
- mapTuple f s [] = ([], s)
--- Generate a port name map (or multiple for tuple types) in the given direction for
--- each type given.
-getPortNameMapForTys :: String -> Int -> [Type] -> [HsUseMap] -> [SignalNameMap]
-getPortNameMapForTys prefix num [] [] = []
-getPortNameMapForTys prefix num (t:ts) (u:us) =
- (getPortNameMapForTy (prefix ++ show num) t u) : getPortNameMapForTys prefix (num + 1) ts us
-getPortNameMapForTy :: String -> Type -> HsUseMap -> SignalNameMap
-getPortNameMapForTy name _ (Single (State _)) =
- Unused
-getPortNameMapForTy name ty use =
- if (TyCon.isTupleTyCon tycon) then
- let (Tuple uses) = use in
- -- Expand tuples we find
- Tuple (getPortNameMapForTys name 0 args uses)
- else -- Assume it's a type constructor application, ie simple data type
- Single ((AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId name), (vhdl_ty ty))
- where
- (tycon, args) = Type.splitTyConApp ty
-data HWFunction = HWFunction { -- A function that is available in hardware
- vhdlId :: AST.VHDLId,
- inPorts :: [SignalNameMap],
- outPort :: SignalNameMap
- --entity :: AST.EntityDec
-} deriving (Show)
--- Turns a CoreExpr describing a function into a description of its input and
--- output ports.
-mkHWFunction ::
- CoreBind -- The core binder to generate the interface for
- -> HsFunction -- The HsFunction describing the function
- -> VHDLState HWFunction -- The function interface
-mkHWFunction (NonRec var expr) hsfunc =
- return $ HWFunction (mkVHDLId name) inports outport
- where
- name = getOccString var
- ty = CoreUtils.exprType expr
- (args, res) = Type.splitFunTys ty
- inports = case args of
- -- Handle a single port specially, to prevent an extra 0 in the name
- [port] -> [getPortNameMapForTy "portin" port (head $ hsArgs hsfunc)]
- ps -> getPortNameMapForTys "portin" 0 ps (hsArgs hsfunc)
- outport = getPortNameMapForTy "portout" res (hsRes hsfunc)
-mkHWFunction (Rec _) _ =
- error "Recursive binders not supported"
--- | How is a given (single) value in a function's type (ie, argument or
--- return value) used?
-data HsValueUse =
- Port -- ^ Use it as a port (input or output)
- | State Int -- ^ Use it as state (input or output). The int is used to
- -- match input state to output state.
- deriving (Show, Eq)
-useAsPort :: Type -> HsUseMap
-useAsPort = fst . (mkHsValueMap (\(ty, s) -> (Single Port, s)) 0)
-useAsState :: Type -> HsUseMap
-useAsState = fst . (mkHsValueMap (\(ty, s) -> (Single $ State s, s + 1)) 0)
-type HsUseMap = HsValueMap HsValueUse
--- | This type describes a particular use of a Haskell function and is used to
--- look up an appropriate hardware description.
-data HsFunction = HsFunction {
- hsName :: String, -- ^ What was the name of the original Haskell function?
- hsArgs :: [HsUseMap], -- ^ How are the arguments used?
- hsRes :: HsUseMap -- ^ How is the result value used?
-} deriving (Show, Eq)
--- | Translate a function application to a HsFunction. i.e., which function
--- do you need to translate this function application.
-appToHsFunction ::
- Var.Var -- ^ The function to call
- -> [CoreExpr] -- ^ The function arguments
- -> Type -- ^ The return type
- -> HsFunction -- ^ The needed HsFunction
-appToHsFunction f args ty =
- HsFunction hsname hsargs hsres
- where
- hsargs = map (useAsPort . CoreUtils.exprType) args
- hsres = useAsPort ty
- hsname = getOccString f
+ --addFunc hsfunc hwfunc
+ let flatfunc = flattenFunction hsfunc bind
+ addFunc hsfunc flatfunc
+ let used_hsfuncs = map appFunc (apps flatfunc)
+ State.mapM resolvFunc used_hsfuncs
+ return ()
+-- | Find the given function, flatten it and add it to the session. Then
+-- (recursively) do the same for any functions used.
+resolvFunc ::
+ HsFunction -- | The function to look for
+ -> VHDLState ()
+resolvFunc hsfunc =
+ return ()
-- | Translate a top level function declaration to a HsFunction. i.e., which
-- interface will be provided by this function. This function essentially
(arg_tys, res_ty) = Type.splitFunTys ty
-- The last argument must be state
state_ty = last arg_tys
- state = useAsState state_ty
+ state = useAsState (mkHsValueMap state_ty)
-- All but the last argument are inports
- inports = map useAsPort (init arg_tys)
+ inports = map (useAsPort . mkHsValueMap)(init arg_tys)
hsargs = inports ++ [state]
hsres = case splitTupleType res_ty of
-- Result type must be a two tuple (state, ports)
Just [outstate_ty, outport_ty] -> if Type.coreEqType state_ty outstate_ty
- Tuple [state, useAsPort outport_ty]
+ Tuple [state, useAsPort (mkHsValueMap outport_ty)]
error $ "Input state type of function " ++ hsname ++ ": " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr state_ty) ++ " does not match output state type: " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr outstate_ty)
otherwise -> error $ "Return type of top-level function " ++ hsname ++ " must be a two-tuple containing a state and output ports."
-data VHDLSession = VHDLSession {
- nameCount :: Int, -- A counter that can be used to generate unique names
- funcs :: [(HsFunction, HWFunction)] -- All functions available
-} deriving (Show)
-type VHDLState = State.State VHDLSession
--- Add the function to the session
-addFunc :: HsFunction -> HWFunction -> VHDLState ()
-addFunc hsfunc hwfunc = do
- fs <- State.gets funcs -- Get the funcs element from the session
- State.modify (\x -> x {funcs = (hsfunc, hwfunc) : fs }) -- Prepend name and f
--- Lookup the function with the given name in the current session. Errors if
--- it was not found.
-getHWFunc :: HsFunction -> VHDLState HWFunction
-getHWFunc hsfunc = do
- fs <- State.gets funcs -- Get the funcs element from the session
- return $ Maybe.fromMaybe
- (error $ "Function " ++ (hsName hsfunc) ++ "is unknown? This should not happen!")
- (lookup hsfunc fs)
-- | Splits a tuple type into a list of element types, or Nothing if the type
-- is not a tuple type.
splitTupleType ::
Nothing -> Nothing
--- Makes the given name unique by appending a unique number.
--- This does not do any checking against existing names, so it only guarantees
--- uniqueness with other names generated by uniqueName.
-uniqueName :: String -> VHDLState String
-uniqueName name = do
- count <- State.gets nameCount -- Get the funcs element from the session
- State.modify (\s -> s {nameCount = count + 1})
- return $ name ++ "_" ++ (show count)
--- Shortcut
-mkVHDLId :: String -> AST.VHDLId
-mkVHDLId = AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId
--- Concatenate each of the lists of lists inside the given tuple.
--- Since the element types in the lists might differ, we can't generalize
--- this (unless we pass in f twice).
-concat_elements :: ([[a]], [[b]]) -> ([a], [b])
-concat_elements (a, b) = (concat a, concat b)
-builtin_funcs =
- [
- (HsFunction "hwxor" [(Single Port), (Single Port)] (Single Port), HWFunction (mkVHDLId "hwxor") [Single (mkVHDLId "a", vhdl_bit_ty), Single (mkVHDLId "b", vhdl_bit_ty)] (Single (mkVHDLId "o", vhdl_bit_ty))),
- (HsFunction "hwand" [(Single Port), (Single Port)] (Single Port), HWFunction (mkVHDLId "hwand") [Single (mkVHDLId "a", vhdl_bit_ty), Single (mkVHDLId "b", vhdl_bit_ty)] (Single (mkVHDLId "o", vhdl_bit_ty))),
- (HsFunction "hwor" [(Single Port), (Single Port)] (Single Port), HWFunction (mkVHDLId "hwor") [Single (mkVHDLId "a", vhdl_bit_ty), Single (mkVHDLId "b", vhdl_bit_ty)] (Single (mkVHDLId "o", vhdl_bit_ty))),
- (HsFunction "hwnot" [(Single Port)] (Single Port), HWFunction (mkVHDLId "hwnot") [Single (mkVHDLId "i", vhdl_bit_ty)] (Single (mkVHDLId "o", vhdl_bit_ty)))
- ]
-vhdl_bit_ty :: AST.TypeMark
-vhdl_bit_ty = AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId "Bit"
--- Translate a Haskell type to a VHDL type
-vhdl_ty :: Type -> AST.TypeMark
-vhdl_ty ty = Maybe.fromMaybe
- (error $ "Unsupported Haskell type: " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr ty))
- (vhdl_ty_maybe ty)
--- Translate a Haskell type to a VHDL type
-vhdl_ty_maybe :: Type -> Maybe AST.TypeMark
-vhdl_ty_maybe ty =
- case Type.splitTyConApp_maybe ty of
- Just (tycon, args) ->
- let name = TyCon.tyConName tycon in
- -- TODO: Do something more robust than string matching
- case getOccString name of
- "Bit" -> Just vhdl_bit_ty
- otherwise -> Nothing
- otherwise -> Nothing
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