Previously, there was only a cryptic message from ghc, now it also
mentions the unsupported expression.
return $ mkCondAssign (Left bndr) cond_expr true_expr false_expr
mkConcSm (_, (Case (Var _) _ _ alts)) = error "VHDL.mkConcSm Not in normal form: Case statement with more than two alternatives"
mkConcSm (_, Case _ _ _ _) = error "VHDL.mkConcSm Not in normal form: Case statement has does not have a simple variable as scrutinee"
+mkConcSm (bndr, expr) = error $ "VHDL.mkConcSM Unsupported binding in let expression: " ++ pprString bndr ++ " = " ++ pprString expr
-- Create an unconditional assignment statement
mkUncondAssign ::