Here, a type synonym \hs{RegisterIndex} is defined that is equal to
the \hs{RangedWord} type constructor applied to the type \hs{D7}. In
other words, this defines an unsigned word with values from
- \lam{0} to \lam{7} (inclusive). This word can be be used to index the
+ {\definedfont[Serif*normalnum]0 to 7} (inclusive). This word can be be used to index the
8 element vector \hs{RegisterState} above.
This type is translated to the \type{unsigned} \small{VHDL} type.
Or... is this the description of a single accumulating adder, that will add
one element of each input each clock cycle and has a reset value of
- \lam{0}? In
+ {\definedfont[Serif*normalnum]0}? In
that case, we would have described the architecture show in \in{example}[ex:RecursiveSumAlt]
% Use old numbers when available
% Define a custom typescript. We could also have put the \definetypeface's
% directly in the script, without a typescript, but I guess this is more