-% no \IEEEPARstart
-This demo file is intended to serve as a ``starter file''
-for IEEE conference papers produced under \LaTeX\ using
-IEEEtran.cls version 1.7 and later.
-% You must have at least 2 lines in the paragraph with the drop letter
-% (should never be an issue)
-I wish you the best of success.
-\hfill mds
-\hfill January 11, 2007
+foo\par bar % Won't compile without at least two paragraphs.
-\subsection{Subsection Heading Here}
-Subsection text here.
+\section{Hardware description in Haskell}
+foo\par bar
-\subsubsection{Subsubsection Heading Here}
-Subsubsection text here.
+\section{Cλash prototype}
+foo\par bar
+\section{Related work}
+foo\par bar
% An example of a floating figure using the graphicx package.
% Note that \label must occur AFTER (or within) \caption.