-#include "stdio.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
#include "glk.h"
-void glk_main(void)
+#define SPACE_FACTOR 1.8
+void center_text(winid_t win, char *text)
+ glui32 width, height;
+ glk_window_get_size(win, &width, &height);
+ glk_set_window(win);
+ glk_window_clear(win);
+ if(glk_window_get_type(win) == wintype_TextGrid) {
+ glk_window_move_cursor(win, width / 2 - strlen(text) / 2, height / 2);
+ glk_put_string(text);
+ } else if(glk_window_get_type(win) == wintype_TextBuffer) {
+ int count;
+ for(count = 0; count < height / 2; count++)
+ glk_put_char('\n');
+ for(count = 0;
+ count < (int)(SPACE_FACTOR * (width / 2 - strlen(text) / 2));
+ count++)
+ glk_put_char(' ');
+ glk_put_string(text);
+ }
+void print_two_rows(winid_t win)
+ glui32 width, height;
+ glk_window_get_size(win, &width, &height);
+ glk_set_window(win);
+ glk_window_clear(win);
+ glui32 x = width / 2 - 3;
+ glui32 y = (height - 1) / 2;
+ if(x < 0)
+ x = 0;
+ if(y < 0)
+ y = 0;
+ glk_window_move_cursor(win, x, y);
+ glk_put_string("C: 2");
+ glk_window_move_cursor(win, x + 3, y + 1);
+ glk_put_string("rows");
+void wait_for_key(winid_t win)
event_t ev;
- winid_t mainwin = glk_window_open(0, 0, 0, wintype_TextBuffer, 0);
- if(!mainwin)
- return;
- winid_t subwin = glk_window_open(mainwin, winmethod_Right | winmethod_Proportional, 50, wintype_TextBuffer, 1);
- printf("created new window\n");
- glk_set_window(mainwin);
- glk_put_string("Philip en Marijn zijn vet goed.\n");
- glk_set_window(subwin);
- glk_put_string("A veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery looooooooooooooooooooooooong striiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing.\n");
+ glk_request_char_event(win);
+ do
+ glk_select(&ev);
+ while(ev.type != evtype_CharInput);
- guint32 width, height;
- glk_window_get_size(mainwin, &width, &height);
- printf("got window size\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "\nWidth: %d\nHeight: %d\n", width, height);
- glk_request_char_event(mainwin);
- //while(1) {
- glk_select(&ev);
- if(ev.type == evtype_CharInput) {
- glk_window_get_size(mainwin, &width, &height);
- fprintf(stderr, "\nWidth: %d\nHeight: %d\n", width, height);
- }
- //}
- glk_window_close(subwin, NULL);
- printf("closed window\n");
+void glk_main(void)
+ winid_t win_a = NULL, win_b = NULL, win_c = NULL, win_d = NULL;
+ fprintf(stderr, "TEST CASES FROM GLK SPEC\n\n"
+ "(Press a key in window A to continue each time)\n\n"
+ "Say you do two splits, each a 50-50 percentage split. You start\n"
+ "with the original window A, and split that into A and B; then\n"
+ "you split B into B and C.\n\n");
+ win_a = glk_window_open(0, 0, 0, wintype_TextBuffer, 0);
+ win_b = glk_window_open(win_a, winmethod_Proportional | winmethod_Below,
+ 50, wintype_TextBuffer, 0);
+ win_c = glk_window_open(win_b, winmethod_Proportional | winmethod_Below,
+ 50, wintype_TextBuffer, 0);
+ if(!win_a || !win_b || !win_c)
+ return;
+ center_text(win_a, "A");
+ center_text(win_b, "B");
+ center_text(win_c, "C");
+ wait_for_key(win_a);
+ glk_window_close(glk_window_get_root(), NULL);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Or, you could split A into A and B, and then split A\n"
+ "again into A and C.\n\n");
+ win_a = glk_window_open(0, 0, 0, wintype_TextBuffer, 0);
+ win_b = glk_window_open(win_a, winmethod_Proportional | winmethod_Below,
+ 50, wintype_TextBuffer, 0);
+ win_c = glk_window_open(win_a, winmethod_Proportional | winmethod_Below,
+ 50, wintype_TextBuffer, 0);
+ if(!win_a || !win_b || !win_c)
+ return;
+ center_text(win_a, "A");
+ center_text(win_b, "B");
+ center_text(win_c, "C");
+ wait_for_key(win_a);
+ glk_window_close(glk_window_get_root(), NULL);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Here are more ways to perform the first example; all of\n"
+ "them have the same tree structure, but look different on the\n"
+ "screen. Here, we turn the second split (B into B/C) upside down;\n"
+ "we put the new window (C) above the old window (B).\n\n");
+ win_a = glk_window_open(0, 0, 0, wintype_TextBuffer, 0);
+ win_b = glk_window_open(win_a, winmethod_Proportional | winmethod_Below,
+ 50, wintype_TextBuffer, 0);
+ win_c = glk_window_open(win_b, winmethod_Proportional | winmethod_Above,
+ 50, wintype_TextBuffer, 0);
+ if(!win_a || !win_b || !win_c)
+ return;
+ center_text(win_a, "A");
+ center_text(win_b, "B");
+ center_text(win_c, "C");
+ wait_for_key(win_a);
+ glk_window_close(glk_window_get_root(), NULL);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Here, we mess with the percentages. The first split (A\n"
+ "into A/B) is a 25-75 split, which makes B three times the size\n"
+ "of A. The second (B into B/C) is a 33-66 split, which makes C\n"
+ "twice the size of B. This looks rather like the second example,\n"
+ "but has a different internal structure.\n\n");
+ win_a = glk_window_open(0, 0, 0, wintype_TextBuffer, 0);
+ win_b = glk_window_open(win_a, winmethod_Proportional | winmethod_Below,
+ 75, wintype_TextBuffer, 0);
+ win_c = glk_window_open(win_b, winmethod_Proportional | winmethod_Below,
+ 67, wintype_TextBuffer, 0);
+ if(!win_a || !win_b || !win_c)
+ return;
+ center_text(win_a, "A");
+ center_text(win_b, "B");
+ center_text(win_c, "C");
+ wait_for_key(win_a);
+ glk_window_close(glk_window_get_root(), NULL);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Here, the second split (B into B/C) is vertical instead\n"
+ "of horizontal, with the new window (C) on the left of the old\n"
+ "one.\n\n");
+ win_a = glk_window_open(0, 0, 0, wintype_TextBuffer, 0);
+ win_b = glk_window_open(win_a, winmethod_Proportional | winmethod_Below,
+ 50, wintype_TextBuffer, 0);
+ win_c = glk_window_open(win_b, winmethod_Proportional | winmethod_Left,
+ 50, wintype_TextBuffer, 0);
+ if(!win_a || !win_b || !win_c)
+ return;
+ center_text(win_a, "A");
+ center_text(win_b, "B");
+ center_text(win_c, "C");
+ wait_for_key(win_a);
+ glk_window_close(glk_window_get_root(), NULL);
+ fprintf(stderr, "In the following two-split process, you can see that\n"
+ "when a window is split, it is replaced by a new pair window, and\n"
+ "moves down to become one of its two children.\n\n");
+ if(!(win_a = glk_window_open(0, 0, 0, wintype_TextBuffer, 0)))
+ return;
+ center_text(win_a, "A");
+ wait_for_key(win_a);
+ if(!(win_b = glk_window_open(win_a,
+ winmethod_Proportional | winmethod_Below,
+ 50, wintype_TextBuffer, 0)))
+ return;
+ center_text(win_a, "A");
+ center_text(win_b, "B");
+ wait_for_key(win_a);
+ if(!(win_c = glk_window_open(win_b, winmethod_Proportional | winmethod_Left,
+ 50, wintype_TextBuffer, 0)))
+ return;
+ center_text(win_a, "A");
+ center_text(win_b, "B");
+ center_text(win_c, "C");
+ wait_for_key(win_a);
+ glk_window_close(glk_window_get_root(), NULL);
+ fprintf(stderr, "What happens when there is a conflict? The rules are\n"
+ "simple. Size control always flows down the tree, and the player\n"
+ "is at the top. Let's bring out an example: first we split A into\n"
+ "A and B, with a 50%% proportional split. Then we split A into A\n"
+ "and C, with C above, being a text grid window, and C gets a\n"
+ "fixed size of two rows (as measured in its own font size). A\n"
+ "gets whatever remains of the 50%% it had before.\n\n");
+ win_a = glk_window_open(0, 0, 0, wintype_TextBuffer, 0);
+ win_b = glk_window_open(win_a, winmethod_Proportional | winmethod_Below,
+ 50, wintype_TextBuffer, 0);
+ win_c = glk_window_open(win_a, winmethod_Fixed | winmethod_Above,
+ 2, wintype_TextGrid, 0);
+ if(!win_a || !win_b || !win_c)
+ return;
+ center_text(win_a, "A");
+ center_text(win_b, "B: 50%");
+ print_two_rows(win_c);
+ wait_for_key(win_a);
+ fprintf(stderr, "(Stage 1) Now the player stretches the window\n"
+ "vertically.\n\n");
+ wait_for_key(win_a);
+ fprintf(stderr, "(Stage 2) Then the user maliciously starts squeezing the\n"
+ "window down, in stages.\n\n");
+ center_text(win_a, "A");
+ center_text(win_b, "B: 50%");
+ print_two_rows(win_c);
+ wait_for_key(win_a);
+ fprintf(stderr, "(Stage 3) The logic remains the same. At stage 3,\n"
+ "there's no room left for A, so it winds up with zero height.\n"
+ "Nothing displayed in A will be visible.\n\n");
+ center_text(win_a, "A");
+ center_text(win_b, "B");
+ center_text(win_c, "C");
+ wait_for_key(win_a);
+ fprintf(stderr, "(Stage 4) At stage 4, there isn't even room in the upper\n"
+ "50%% to give C its two rows; so it only gets one.\n\n");
+ center_text(win_a, "A");
+ center_text(win_b, "B");
+ center_text(win_c, "C");
+ wait_for_key(win_a);
+ fprintf(stderr, "(Stage 5) Finally, C is squashed out of existence as\n"
+ "well.\n\n");
+ center_text(win_a, "A");
+ center_text(win_b, "B");
+ wait_for_key(win_a);
+ glk_window_close(glk_window_get_root(), NULL);
+ fprintf(stderr, "What happens when you split a fixed-size window? The\n"
+ "resulting pair window retains the same size constraint as the\n"
+ "original window that was split. The key window for the original\n"
+ "split is still the key window for that split, even though it's\n"
+ "now a grandchild instead of a child.\n\n");
+ if(!(win_a = glk_window_open(0, 0, 0, wintype_TextBuffer, 0)))
+ return;
+ center_text(win_a, "A");
+ wait_for_key(win_a);
+ fprintf(stderr, "After the first split, the new pair window (O1, which\n"
+ "covers the whole screen) knows that its first child (A) is above\n"
+ "the second, and gets 50%% of its own area. (A is the key window\n"
+ "for this split, but a proportional split doesn't care about key\n"
+ "windows.)\n\n");
+ if(!(win_b = glk_window_open(win_a,
+ winmethod_Proportional | winmethod_Below,
+ 50, wintype_TextBuffer, 0)))
+ return;
+ center_text(win_a, "A: 50%");
+ center_text(win_b, "B");
+ wait_for_key(win_a);
+ fprintf(stderr, "After the second split, all this remains true; O1 knows\n"
+ "that its first child gets 50%% of its space, and A is O1's key\n"
+ "window. But now O1's first child is O2 instead of A. The newer\n"
+ "pair window (O2) knows that its first child (C) is above the\n"
+ "second, and gets a fixed size of two rows. (As measured in C's\n"
+ "font, because C is O2's key window.)\n\n");
+ if(!(win_c = glk_window_open(win_a, winmethod_Fixed | winmethod_Above, 2,
+ wintype_TextGrid, 0)))
+ return;
+ center_text(win_a, "A");
+ center_text(win_b, "B");
+ print_two_rows(win_c);
+ wait_for_key(win_a);
+ fprintf(stderr, "If we split C, now, the resulting pair will still be two\n"
+ "C-font rows high -- that is, tall enough for two lines of\n"
+ "whatever font C displays. For the sake of example, we'll do this\n"
+ "vertically.\n\n");
+ if(!(win_d = glk_window_open(win_c,
+ winmethod_Proportional | winmethod_Right,
+ 50, wintype_TextBuffer, 0)))
+ return;
+ center_text(win_a, "A");
+ center_text(win_b, "B");
+ center_text(win_c, "C");
+ center_text(win_d, "D");
+ wait_for_key(win_a);
+ fprintf(stderr, "When you close a window (and it is not the root window),\n"
+ "the other window in its pair takes over all the freed-up area.\n"
+ "Let's close D, in the current example:\n\n");
+ glk_window_close(win_d, NULL);
+ center_text(win_a, "A");
+ center_text(win_b, "B");
+ center_text(win_c, "C");
+ wait_for_key(win_a);
+ fprintf(stderr, "But what if we had closed C instead of D? We would have\n"
+ "gotten this:\n\n");
+ glk_window_close(glk_window_get_root(), NULL);
+ win_a = glk_window_open(0, 0, 0, wintype_TextBuffer, 0);
+ win_b = glk_window_open(win_a, winmethod_Proportional | winmethod_Below, 50,
+ wintype_TextBuffer, 0);
+ win_c = glk_window_open(win_a, winmethod_Fixed | winmethod_Above, 2,
+ wintype_TextGrid, 0);
+ win_d = glk_window_open(win_c, winmethod_Proportional | winmethod_Right, 50,
+ wintype_TextBuffer, 0);
+ glk_window_close(win_c, NULL);
+ center_text(win_a, "A");
+ center_text(win_b, "B");
+ center_text(win_d, "D");
+ wait_for_key(win_a);
+ glk_window_close(win_d, NULL);
+ glk_window_close(win_b, NULL);
+ glk_window_clear(win_a);
+ glk_set_window(win_a);
+ glk_put_string("That's all, folks...");
* What happens when there is a conflict? The rules are simple. Size control
* always flows down the tree, and the player is at the top. Let's bring out an
* example:
- * <mediaobject><textobject><phrase>Screen shot 5</phrase></textobject>
- * </mediaobject>
+ * <informaltable frame="none"><tgroup cols="2"><tbody><row>
+ * <entry><mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="fig5-7a.png"/>
+ * </imageobject></mediaobject></entry>
+ * <entry><mediaobject><textobject><literallayout class="monospaced">
+ * O
+ * / \
+ * O B
+ * / \
+ * A C
+ * </literallayout></textobject></mediaobject></entry>
+ * </row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
* First we split A into A and B, with a 50% proportional split. Then we split
* A into A and C, with C above, C being a text grid window, and C gets a fixed
* of the 50% it had before.
* Now the player stretches the window vertically.
- * <mediaobject><textobject><phrase>Screen shot 6</phrase></textobject>
- * </mediaobject>
+ * <informalfigure><mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="fig6.png"/>
+ * </imageobject></mediaobject></informalfigure>
* The library figures: the topmost split, the original A/B split, is 50-50. So
* B gets half the screen space, and the pair window next to it (the lower
* <quote>O</quote>. C gets two rows; A gets the rest. All done.
* Then the user maliciously starts squeezing the window down, in stages:
- * <mediaobject id="chimara-Figure-Squeezing-Window"><textobject><phrase>
- * Screen shot 7</phrase></textobject></mediaobject>
+ * <informaltable frame="none"><tgroup cols="5"><tbody><row valign="top">
+ * <entry><mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="fig5-7a.png"/>
+ * </imageobject></mediaobject></entry>
+ * <entry><mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="fig7b.png"/>
+ * </imageobject></mediaobject></entry>
+ * <entry><mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="fig7c.png"/>
+ * </imageobject></mediaobject></entry>
+ * <entry><mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="fig7d.png"/>
+ * </imageobject></mediaobject></entry>
+ * <entry><mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="fig7e.png"/>
+ * </imageobject></mediaobject></entry>
+ * </row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
* The logic remains the same. B always gets half the space. At stage 3,
* there's no room left for A, so it winds up with zero height. Nothing
* is stored by a window's parent, not the window itself; and a constraint
* consists of a pointer to a key window plus a size value.
- * <mediaobject><textobject><phrase>Screen shot 8</phrase></textobject>
- * </mediaobject>
+ * <informaltable frame="none"><tgroup cols="6"><tbody><row>
+ * <entry><mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="fig8a.png"/>
+ * </imageobject></mediaobject></entry>
+ * <entry><mediaobject><textobject><literallayout class="monospaced">
+ * A
+ * </literallayout></textobject></mediaobject></entry>
+ * <entry><mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="fig8b.png"/>
+ * </imageobject></mediaobject></entry>
+ * <entry><mediaobject><textobject><literallayout class="monospaced">
+ * O1
+ * / \
+ * A B
+ * </literallayout></textobject></mediaobject></entry>
+ * <entry><mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="fig8c.png"/>
+ * </imageobject></mediaobject></entry>
+ * <entry><mediaobject><textobject><literallayout class="monospaced">
+ * O1
+ * / \
+ * O2 B
+ * / \
+ * A C
+ * </literallayout></textobject></mediaobject></entry>
+ * </row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
* After the first split, the new pair window (O1, which covers the whole
* screen) knows that its first child (A) is above the second, and gets 50% of
* its own area. (A is the key window for this split, but a proportional split
* If we split C, now, the resulting pair will still be two C-font rows high
* — that is, tall enough for two lines of whatever font C displays. For
* the sake of example, we'll do this vertically.
- * <mediaobject><textobject><phrase>Screen shot 9</phrase></textobject>
- * </mediaobject>
+ * <informaltable frame="none"><tgroup cols="2"><tbody><row>
+ * <entry><mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="fig9.png"/>
+ * </imageobject></mediaobject></entry>
+ * <entry><mediaobject><textobject><literallayout class="monospaced">
+ * O1
+ * / \
+ * O2 B
+ * / \
+ * A O3
+ * / \
+ * C D
+ * </literallayout></textobject></mediaobject></entry>
+ * </row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
* O3 now knows that its children have a 50-50 left-right split. O2 is still
* committed to giving its upper child, O3, two C-font rows. Again, this is
* When you close a window (and it is not the root window), the other window
* in its pair takes over all the freed-up area. Let's close D, in the current
* example:
- * <mediaobject><textobject><phrase>Screen shot 10</phrase></textobject>
- * </mediaobject>
+ * <informaltable frame="none"><tgroup cols="2"><tbody><row>
+ * <entry><mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="fig10.png"/>
+ * </imageobject></mediaobject></entry>
+ * <entry><mediaobject><textobject><literallayout class="monospaced">
+ * O1
+ * / \
+ * O2 B
+ * / \
+ * A C
+ * </literallayout></textobject></mediaobject></entry>
+ * </row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
* Notice what has happened. D is gone. O3 is gone, and its 50-50 left-right
* split has gone with it. The other size constraints are unchanged; O2 is
* to the way it was before we created D.
* But what if we had closed C instead of D? We would have gotten this:
- * <mediaobject><textobject><phrase>Screen shot 11</phrase></textobject>
- * </mediaobject>
+ * <informaltable frame="none"><tgroup cols="2"><tbody><row>
+ * <entry><mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="fig11.png"/>
+ * </imageobject></mediaobject></entry>
+ * <entry><mediaobject><textobject><literallayout class="monospaced">
+ * O1
+ * / \
+ * O2 B
+ * / \
+ * A D
+ * </literallayout></textobject></mediaobject></entry>
+ * </row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
* Again, O3 is gone. But D has collapsed to zero height. This is because its
* height is controlled by O2, and O2's key window was C, and C is now gone. O2