Previously, only function-typed binders were normalized (not necessarily
limited to global ones!).
functiontest :: TFVec D3 (TFVec D4 Bit) -> TFVec D12 Bit
functiontest = \v -> let r = concat v in r
+functiontest2 :: SizedInt D8 -> SizedInt D8
+functiontest2 = \a -> let r = a + 1 in r
xhwnot x = hwnot x
maptest :: TFVec D4 Bit -> TFVec D4 Bit
-- Find all vars used with a function type. All of these should be global
-- binders (i.e., functions used), since any local binders with a function
-- type should have been inlined already.
- let used_funcs_set = CoreFVs.exprSomeFreeVars (\v -> (Type.isFunTy . snd . Type.splitForAllTys . Id.idType) v) expr'
+ bndrs <- getGlobalBinders
+ let used_funcs_set = CoreFVs.exprSomeFreeVars (\v -> not (Id.isDictId v) && v `elem` bndrs) expr'
let used_funcs = VarSet.varSetElems used_funcs_set
-- Process each of the used functions recursively
mapM normalizeBind used_funcs