--- /dev/null
+import os
+import re
+import pwd
+import grp
+import shutil
+import stat
+# SITES = [(sitename, application_list)]
+# application_list = [application_name, (application_name, command, ...)]
+# Here, sitename is the name of the site. This folder name should exist below ROOT_DIR and
+# is also used below SOCKET_DIR. The site name is also translated to a user and
+# group name by replacing dots by dashes and prepending USER_PREFIX and
+# application_list specifies the applications to start for this site. These can
+# be generic (when only application_name is given), in which case the command
+# is looked up in APPLICATIONS using the application_name. For a site-specific
+# application, command is the command that should be run. It will be prefixed
+# with the site's root dir, if is not an absolute path.
+# ('stderr.nl', ['php']),
+# ('stdin.nl', ['php']),
+ ('stdout.nl', ['php']),
+# ('evolution-events.nl', ['php']), #, ('xerxes', 'applications/xerxes/manage.py runfcgi'), ('wipi', 'applications/wipi/wipi.fcgi')]),
+# ('stdio.flexvps.nl', ['php']),
+# ('foresightsecurity.nl', ['php']),
+# Generic applications that can be run for any site
+# Maps application_name to application_command. application_command will be
+# prefixed with the site's root dir, if it is not an absolute path.
+APPLICATIONS={"php": "/usr/bin/php-cgi"}
+# Kill these procs before starting new ones. Only processes of these names that
+# are run by the sites in SITES are killed. This is a bit hackish, we should
+# really be using pidfiles...
+KILL_PROCS=['php-cgi', 'manage.py']
+## ABSOLUTE path to the spawn-fcgi binary
+## Dir in which to create the UNIX sockets to listen on
+SOCKET_DIR="%s/var/fcgi" % (ROOT_DIR)
+## number of PHP children to spawn
+## maximum number of requests a single PHP process can serve before it is restarted
+# The user to run as, will be prefixed to the sitename
+# The group to run as.
+# The group that should be able to use the sockets created
+# Will be postfixed to the site's root and exported in the PHPRC variable.
+#### END OF CONFIG ####
+for (site, apps) in SITES:
+ site_name = re.sub('\.', '-', site)
+ ## switch to the following user / group
+ user_id = "%s%s" % (USER_PREFIX, site_name)
+ # Find the site dir
+ site_dir = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, site)
+ socket_dir = os.path.join(SOCKET_DIR, site_name)
+ if not site_dir:
+ raise Exception("Site dir does not exist: %s" % (site_dir))
+ # Kill existing processes first
+ for procname in KILL_PROCS:
+ os.system('killall --user %s %s' % (user_id, procname))
+ # Remove old sockets
+ if os.path.exists(socket_dir):
+ shutil.rmtree(socket_dir)
+ # Create dir for sockets. Make owning group root and set group write
+ # permissions, so the mask field in the acl will not block out anything.
+ os.makedirs(socket_dir)
+ os.chown(socket_dir, pwd.getpwnam(user_id)[2], grp.getgrnam(HTTPD_GROUP)[2])
+ #os.chmod(socket_dir, stat.S_IRWXU)
+ for app in apps:
+ # Unpack app tuple or lookup app command in APPLICATIONS
+ if isinstance(app, tuple):
+ if len(app) == 2:
+ (app_name, app_command) = app
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Wrong number of elements in site tuple: %s", app)
+ else:
+ app_name = app
+ app_command = APPLICATIONS[app_name]
+ # Prefix with site dir if not an absolute path
+ if not os.path.isabs(app_command):
+ app_command = os.path.join(site_dir, app_command)
+ # Create socket filename
+ socket = os.path.join(socket_dir, app_name)
+ # Build the command
+ # TODO: Wrap this in env to clear up the environment
+ spawnfcgi = '%s -s "%s" -u "%s" -g "%s"' % (SPAWNFCGI, socket, user_id, SCRIPT_GROUP)
+ fcgiapp = ' -- %s' % (app_command)
+ if app_name == 'php':
+ phprc = os.path.join(site_dir, PHPRC_DIR, 'php.ini')
+ if os.path.exists(phprc):
+ #os.environ['PHPRC'] = phprc
+ fcgiapp += ' -c %s' % (phprc)
+ spawnfcgi += ' -C %s' % (PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN)
+ print spawnfcgi + fcgiapp
+ os.system(spawnfcgi + fcgiapp)
+ # Ensure www-data can write to the socket :-S
+ # Spawn-fcgi explicitely chmods the socket after creation, very
+ # annoying
+ os.chmod(socket, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG)