-- β-reduction
beta, betatop :: Transform
--- Substitute arg for x in expr
-beta (App (Lam x expr) arg) = setChanged >> substitute x arg expr
+-- Substitute arg for x in expr. For value lambda's, also clone before
+-- substitution.
+beta (App (Lam x expr) arg) | CoreSyn.isTyVar x = setChanged >> substitute x arg expr
+ | otherwise = setChanged >> substitute_clone x arg expr
-- Propagate the application into the let
beta (App (Let binds expr) arg) = change $ Let binds (App expr arg)
-- Propagate the application into each of the alternatives
inlinebind condition expr@(Let (NonRec bndr expr') res) = do
applies <- condition (bndr, expr')
if applies
- then
+ then do
-- Substitute the binding in res and return that
- setChanged >> substitute bndr expr' res
+ res' <- substitute_clone bndr expr' res
+ change res'
-- Don't change this let
return expr
changeif True val = change val
changeif False val = return val
--- Creates a transformation that substitutes the given binder with the given
--- expression (This can be a type variable, replace by a Type expression). All
--- value binders in the expression are cloned before the replacement, to
--- guarantee uniqueness.
+-- | Creates a transformation that substitutes the given binder with the given
+-- expression (This can be a type variable, replace by a Type expression).
+-- Does not set the changed flag.
substitute :: CoreBndr -> CoreExpr -> Transform
--- Use CoreSubst to subst a type var in a type
-substitute find (Type repl_ty) (Type ty) = do
- let subst = CoreSubst.extendTvSubst CoreSubst.emptySubst find repl_ty
- let ty' = CoreSubst.substTy subst ty
- return (Type ty')
--- Use CoreSubst to subst a type var in the type annotation of a case
-substitute find repl@(Type repl_ty) (Case scrut bndr ty alts) = do
- let subst = CoreSubst.extendTvSubst CoreSubst.emptySubst find repl_ty
- let ty' = CoreSubst.substTy subst ty
- -- And continue with substituting on all subexpressions of the case
- subeverywhere (substitute find repl) (Case scrut bndr ty' alts)
+-- Use CoreSubst to subst a type var in an expression
+substitute find repl expr = do
+ let subst = CoreSubst.extendSubst CoreSubst.emptySubst find repl
+ return $ CoreSubst.substExpr subst expr
+-- | Creates a transformation that substitutes the given binder with the given
+-- expression. This does only work for value expressions! All binders in the
+-- expression are cloned before the replacement, to guarantee uniqueness.
+substitute_clone :: CoreBndr -> CoreExpr -> Transform
-- If we see the var to find, replace it by a uniqued version of repl
-substitute find repl (Var var) | find == var = do
- setChanged >> (Trans.lift $ CoreTools.genUniques repl)
+substitute_clone find repl (Var var) | find == var = do
+ repl' <- Trans.lift $ CoreTools.genUniques repl
+ change repl'
-- For all other expressions, just look in subexpressions
-substitute find repl expr = subeverywhere (substitute find repl) expr
+substitute_clone find repl expr = subeverywhere (substitute_clone find repl) expr
-- Is the given expression representable at runtime, based on the type?
isRepr :: (CoreTools.TypedThing t) => t -> TransformMonad Bool