--- /dev/null
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+module HsTools where
+-- Standard modules
+import qualified Unsafe.Coerce
+import qualified GHC
+import qualified HscMain
+import qualified HscTypes
+import qualified DynFlags
+import qualified FastString
+import qualified StringBuffer
+import qualified MonadUtils
+import Outputable ( showSDoc, ppr )
+-- Lexer & Parser, i.e. up to HsExpr
+import qualified Lexer
+import qualified Parser
+-- HsExpr representation, renaming, typechecking and desugaring
+-- (i.e., everything up to Core).
+import qualified HsSyn
+import qualified HsExpr
+import qualified HsTypes
+import qualified HsBinds
+import qualified TcRnMonad
+import qualified RnExpr
+import qualified RnEnv
+import qualified TcExpr
+import qualified TcEnv
+import qualified TcSimplify
+import qualified Desugar
+import qualified PrelNames
+import qualified Module
+import qualified OccName
+import qualified RdrName
+import qualified Name
+import qualified SrcLoc
+import qualified BasicTypes
+-- Core representation and handling
+import qualified CoreSyn
+import qualified Id
+import qualified Type
+import qualified TyCon
+-- Local imports
+import GhcTools
+import CoreShow
+-- | Translate a HsExpr to a Core expression. This does renaming, type
+-- checking, simplification of class instances and desugaring. The result is
+-- a let expression that holds the given expression and a number of binds that
+-- are needed for any type classes used to work. For example, the HsExpr:
+-- \x = x == (1 :: Int)
+-- will result in the CoreExpr
+-- let
+-- $dInt = ...
+-- (==) = Prelude.(==) Int $dInt
+-- in
+-- \x = (==) x 1
+toCore :: HsSyn.HsExpr RdrName.RdrName -> GHC.Ghc CoreSyn.CoreExpr
+toCore expr = do
+ env <- GHC.getSession
+ let icontext = HscTypes.hsc_IC env
+ (binds, tc_expr) <- HscTypes.ioMsgMaybe $ MonadUtils.liftIO $
+ -- Translage the TcRn (typecheck-rename) monad into an IO monad
+ TcRnMonad.initTcPrintErrors env PrelNames.iNTERACTIVE $ do
+ (tc_expr, insts) <- TcRnMonad.getLIE $ do
+ -- Rename the expression, resulting in a HsExpr Name
+ (rn_expr, freevars) <- RnExpr.rnExpr expr
+ -- Typecheck the expression, resulting in a HsExpr Id and a list of
+ -- Insts
+ (res, _) <- TcExpr.tcInferRho (SrcLoc.noLoc rn_expr)
+ return res
+ -- Translate the instances into bindings
+ --(insts', binds) <- TcSimplify.tcSimplifyRuleLhs insts
+ binds <- TcSimplify.tcSimplifyTop insts
+ return (binds, tc_expr)
+ -- Create a let expression with the extra binds (for polymorphism etc.) and
+ -- the resulting expression.
+ let letexpr = SrcLoc.noLoc $ HsExpr.HsLet
+ (HsBinds.HsValBinds $ HsBinds.ValBindsOut [(BasicTypes.NonRecursive, binds)] [])
+ tc_expr
+ -- Desugar the expression, resulting in core.
+ let rdr_env = HscTypes.ic_rn_gbl_env icontext
+ desugar_expr <- HscTypes.ioMsgMaybe $ Desugar.deSugarExpr env PrelNames.iNTERACTIVE rdr_env HscTypes.emptyTypeEnv letexpr
+ return desugar_expr
+-- | Create an Id from a RdrName. Might not work for DataCons...
+mkId :: RdrName.RdrName -> GHC.Ghc Id.Id
+mkId rdr_name = do
+ env <- GHC.getSession
+ id <- HscTypes.ioMsgMaybe $ MonadUtils.liftIO $
+ -- Translage the TcRn (typecheck-rename) monad in an IO monad
+ TcRnMonad.initTcPrintErrors env PrelNames.iNTERACTIVE $
+ -- Automatically import all available modules, so fully qualified names
+ -- always work
+ TcRnMonad.setOptM DynFlags.Opt_ImplicitImportQualified $ do
+ -- Lookup a Name for the RdrName. This finds the package (version) in
+ -- which the name resides.
+ name <- RnEnv.lookupGlobalOccRn rdr_name
+ -- Lookup an Id for the Name. This finds out the the type of the thing
+ -- we're looking for.
+ --
+ -- Note that tcLookupId doesn't seem to work for DataCons. See source for
+ -- tcLookupId to find out.
+ TcEnv.tcLookupId name
+ return id
+-- | Translate a core Type to an HsType. Far from complete so far.
+coreToHsType :: Type.Type -> HsTypes.LHsType RdrName.RdrName
+-- Translate TyConApps
+coreToHsType (Type.splitTyConApp_maybe -> Just (tycon, tys)) =
+ foldl (\t a -> SrcLoc.noLoc $ HsTypes.HsAppTy t a) tycon_ty (map coreToHsType tys)
+ where
+ tycon_name = TyCon.tyConName tycon
+ mod_name = Module.moduleName $ Name.nameModule tycon_name
+ occ_name = Name.nameOccName tycon_name
+ tycon_rdrname = RdrName.mkRdrQual mod_name occ_name
+ tycon_ty = SrcLoc.noLoc $ HsTypes.HsTyVar tycon_rdrname
+-- | Evaluate a CoreExpr and return its value. For this to work, the caller
+-- should already know the result type for sure, since the result value is
+-- unsafely coerced into this type.
+execCore :: CoreSyn.CoreExpr -> GHC.Ghc a
+execCore expr = do
+ -- Setup session flags (yeah, this seems like a noop, but
+ -- setSessionDynFlags really does some extra work...)
+ dflags <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags
+ GHC.setSessionDynFlags dflags
+ -- Compile the expressions. This runs in the IO monad, but really wants
+ -- to run an IO-monad-inside-a-GHC-monad for some reason. I don't really
+ -- understand what it means, but it works.
+ env <- GHC.getSession
+ let srcspan = SrcLoc.mkGeneralSrcSpan (FastString.fsLit "XXX")
+ hval <- MonadUtils.liftIO $ HscMain.compileExpr env srcspan expr
+ let res = Unsafe.Coerce.unsafeCoerce hval :: Int
+ return $ Unsafe.Coerce.unsafeCoerce hval
+-- | Evaluate a core Type representing type level int from the TypeLevel
+-- library to a real int.
+eval_type_level_int :: Type.Type -> Int
+eval_type_level_int ty =
+ unsafeRunGhc $ do
+ -- Automatically import modules for any fully qualified identifiers
+ setDynFlag DynFlags.Opt_ImplicitImportQualified
+ let to_int_name = mkRdrName "Data.TypeLevel.Num.Sets" "toInt"
+ let to_int = SrcLoc.noLoc $ HsExpr.HsVar to_int_name
+ let undef = hsTypedUndef $ coreToHsType ty
+ let app = HsExpr.HsApp (to_int) (undef)
+ core <- toCore app
+ execCore core
+-- These functions build (parts of) a LHSExpr RdrName.
+-- | A reference to the Prelude.undefined function.
+hsUndef :: HsExpr.LHsExpr RdrName.RdrName
+hsUndef = SrcLoc.noLoc $ HsExpr.HsVar PrelNames.undefined_RDR
+-- | A typed reference to the Prelude.undefined function.
+hsTypedUndef :: HsTypes.LHsType RdrName.RdrName -> HsExpr.LHsExpr RdrName.RdrName
+hsTypedUndef ty = SrcLoc.noLoc $ HsExpr.ExprWithTySig hsUndef ty
+-- | Create a qualified RdrName from a module name and a variable name
+mkRdrName :: String -> String -> RdrName.RdrName
+mkRdrName mod var =
+ RdrName.mkRdrQual (Module.mkModuleName mod) (OccName.mkVarOcc var)
+-- These three functions are simplified copies of those in HscMain, because
+-- those functions are not exported. These versions have all error handling
+-- removed.
+hscParseType = hscParseThing Parser.parseType
+hscParseStmt = hscParseThing Parser.parseStmt
+hscParseThing :: Lexer.P thing -> DynFlags.DynFlags -> String -> GHC.Ghc thing
+hscParseThing parser dflags str = do
+ buf <- MonadUtils.liftIO $ StringBuffer.stringToStringBuffer str
+ let loc = SrcLoc.mkSrcLoc (FastString.fsLit "<interactive>") 1 0
+ let Lexer.POk _ thing = Lexer.unP parser (Lexer.mkPState buf loc dflags)
+ return thing