mkVHDL binds = do
-- Add the builtin functions
mapM (uncurry addFunc) builtin_funcs
- -- Get the function signatures
- funcs <- mapM mkHWFunction binds
- -- Add them to the session
- mapM (uncurry addFunc) funcs
- let entities = map getEntity (snd $ unzip funcs)
- -- Create architectures for them
- archs <- mapM getArchitecture binds
+ -- Create entities and architectures for them
+ units <- mapM expandBind binds
return $ AST.DesignFile
- ((map AST.LUEntity entities) ++ (map AST.LUArch archs))
+ (concat units)
printTarget (Target (TargetFile file (Just x)) obj Nothing) =
print $ show file
mapOutputPorts (Tuple ports) (Tuple signals) =
concat (zipWith mapOutputPorts ports signals)
+expandBind ::
+ CoreBind -- The binder to expand into VHDL
+ -> VHDLState [AST.LibraryUnit] -- The resulting VHDL
+expandBind (Rec _) = error "Recursive binders not supported"
+expandBind bind@(NonRec var expr) = do
+ -- Create the function signature
+ (hsfunc, hwfunc) <- mkHWFunction bind
+ -- Add it to the session
+ addFunc hsfunc hwfunc
+ arch <- getArchitecture hwfunc expr
+ let entity = getEntity hwfunc
+ return $ [
+ AST.LUEntity entity,
+ AST.LUArch arch ]
getArchitecture ::
- CoreBind -- The binder to expand into an architecture
+ HWFunction -- The function to generate an architecture for
+ -> CoreExpr -- The expression that is bound to the function
-> VHDLState AST.ArchBody -- The resulting architecture
-getArchitecture (Rec _) = error "Recursive binders not supported"
-getArchitecture (NonRec var expr) = do
- let name = (getOccString var)
- HWFunction vhdl_id inports outport <- getHWFunc (HsFunction name [] (Tuple []))
- sess <- State.get
+getArchitecture hwfunc expr = do
+ -- Unpack our hwfunc
+ let HWFunction vhdl_id inports outport = hwfunc
+ -- Expand the expression into an architecture body
(signal_decls, statements, arg_signals, res_signal) <- expandExpr [] expr
let inport_assigns = concat $ zipWith createSignalAssignments arg_signals inports
let outport_assigns = createSignalAssignments outport res_signal