) binds
getPortMapEntry ::
- SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId -- The port name to bind to
- -> SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId
+ SignalNameMap -- The port name to bind to
+ -> SignalNameMap
-- The signal or port to bind to it
-> AST.AssocElem -- The resulting port map entry
(Just portname) AST.:=>: (AST.ADName (AST.NSimple signame))
getInstantiations ::
- [SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId] -- The arguments that need to be applied to the
+ [SignalNameMap] -- The arguments that need to be applied to the
-- expression.
- -> SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId -- The output ports that the expression should generate.
- -> [(CoreBndr, SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId)]
+ -> SignalNameMap -- The output ports that the expression should generate.
+ -> [(CoreBndr, SignalNameMap)]
-- A list of bindings in effect
-> CoreSyn.CoreExpr -- The expression to generate an architecture for
-> VHDLState ([AST.SigDec], [AST.ConcSm])
error $ "Unsupported expression" ++ (showSDoc $ ppr $ expr)
expandExpr ::
- [(CoreBndr, SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId)]
+ [(CoreBndr, SignalNameMap)]
-- A list of bindings in effect
-> CoreExpr -- The expression to expand
-> VHDLState (
[AST.SigDec], -- Needed signal declarations
[AST.ConcSm], -- Needed component instantations and
-- signal assignments.
- [SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId], -- The signal names corresponding to
+ [SignalNameMap], -- The signal names corresponding to
-- the expression's arguments
- SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId) -- The signal names corresponding to
+ SignalNameMap) -- The signal names corresponding to
-- the expression's result.
expandExpr binds lam@(Lam b expr) = do
-- Generate a new signal to which we will expect this argument to be bound.
-- Expands the construction of a tuple into VHDL
expandBuildTupleExpr ::
- [(CoreBndr, SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId)]
+ [(CoreBndr, SignalNameMap)]
-- A list of bindings in effect
-> [CoreExpr] -- A list of expressions to put in the tuple
- -> VHDLState ( [AST.SigDec], [AST.ConcSm], [SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId], SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId)
+ -> VHDLState ( [AST.SigDec], [AST.ConcSm], [SignalNameMap], SignalNameMap)
-- See expandExpr
expandBuildTupleExpr binds args = do
-- Split the tuple constructor arguments into types and actual values.
-- and has a single alternative. This simple form currently allows only for
-- unpacking tuple variables.
expandSingleAltCaseExpr ::
- [(CoreBndr, SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId)]
+ [(CoreBndr, SignalNameMap)]
-- A list of bindings in effect
-> Var.Var -- The scrutinee
-> CoreBndr -- The binder to bind the scrutinee to
-> CoreAlt -- The single alternative
- -> VHDLState ( [AST.SigDec], [AST.ConcSm], [SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId], SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId)
+ -> VHDLState ( [AST.SigDec], [AST.ConcSm], [SignalNameMap], SignalNameMap)
-- See expandExpr
expandSingleAltCaseExpr binds v b alt@(DataAlt datacon, bind_vars, expr) =
-- Expands the application of argument to a function into VHDL
expandApplicationExpr ::
- [(CoreBndr, SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId)]
+ [(CoreBndr, SignalNameMap)]
-- A list of bindings in effect
-> Type -- The result type of the function call
-> Var.Var -- The function to call
-> [CoreExpr] -- A list of argumetns to apply to the function
- -> VHDLState ( [AST.SigDec], [AST.ConcSm], [SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId], SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId)
+ -> VHDLState ( [AST.SigDec], [AST.ConcSm], [SignalNameMap], SignalNameMap)
-- See expandExpr
expandApplicationExpr binds ty f args = do
let name = getOccString f
-- Creates a list of AssocElems (port map lines) that maps the given signals
-- to the given ports.
createAssocElems ::
- SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId -- The port names to bind to
- -> SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId -- The signals to bind to it
+ SignalNameMap -- The port names to bind to
+ -> SignalNameMap -- The signals to bind to it
-> [AST.AssocElem] -- The resulting port map lines
createAssocElems (Signal port_id) (Signal signal_id) =
-- Generates signal declarations for all the signals in the given map
mkSignalsFromMap ::
- SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId
+ SignalNameMap
-> [AST.SigDec]
mkSignalsFromMap (Signal id) =
concat $ map mkSignalsFromMap signals
expandArgs ::
- [(CoreBndr, SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId)] -- A list of bindings in effect
+ [(CoreBndr, SignalNameMap)] -- A list of bindings in effect
-> [CoreExpr] -- The arguments to expand
- -> VHDLState ([AST.SigDec], [AST.ConcSm], [SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId])
+ -> VHDLState ([AST.SigDec], [AST.ConcSm], [SignalNameMap])
-- The resulting signal declarations,
-- component instantiations and a
-- VHDLName for each of the
splitTupleConstructorArgs [] = ([], [])
mapOutputPorts ::
- SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId -- The output portnames of the component
- -> SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId -- The output portnames and/or signals to map these to
+ SignalNameMap -- The output portnames of the component
+ -> SignalNameMap -- The output portnames and/or signals to map these to
-> [AST.AssocElem] -- The resulting output ports
-- Map the output port of a component to the output port of the containing
mkIfaceSigDecs ::
AST.Mode -- The port's mode (In or Out)
- -> SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId -- The ports to generate a map for
+ -> SignalNameMap -- The ports to generate a map for
-> [AST.IfaceSigDec] -- The resulting ports
mkIfaceSigDecs mode (Signal port_id) =
-- Create concurrent assignments of one map of signals to another. The maps
-- should have a similar form.
createSignalAssignments ::
- SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId -- The signals to assign to
- -> SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId -- The signals to assign
+ SignalNameMap -- The signals to assign to
+ -> SignalNameMap -- The signals to assign
-> [AST.ConcSm] -- The resulting assignments
-- A simple assignment of one signal to another (greatly complicated because
createSignalAssignments dst src =
error $ "Non matching source and destination: " ++ show dst ++ "\nand\n" ++ show src
-data SignalNameMap t =
- Tuple [SignalNameMap t]
- | Signal t
+data SignalNameMap =
+ Tuple [SignalNameMap]
+ | Signal AST.VHDLId
deriving (Show)
-- Generate a port name map (or multiple for tuple types) in the given direction for
-- each type given.
-getPortNameMapForTys :: String -> Int -> [Type] -> [SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId]
+getPortNameMapForTys :: String -> Int -> [Type] -> [SignalNameMap]
getPortNameMapForTys prefix num [] = []
getPortNameMapForTys prefix num (t:ts) =
(getPortNameMapForTy (prefix ++ show num) t) : getPortNameMapForTys prefix (num + 1) ts
-getPortNameMapForTy :: String -> Type -> SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId
+getPortNameMapForTy :: String -> Type -> SignalNameMap
getPortNameMapForTy name ty =
if (TyCon.isTupleTyCon tycon) then
-- Expand tuples we find
data HWFunction = HWFunction { -- A function that is available in hardware
vhdlId :: AST.VHDLId,
- inPorts :: [SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId],
- outPort :: SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId
+ inPorts :: [SignalNameMap],
+ outPort :: SignalNameMap
--entity :: AST.EntityDec
} deriving (Show)