import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import Name
import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Accessor
import Data.Generics
import NameEnv ( lookupNameEnv )
import qualified HscTypes
mapM addBuiltIn builtin_funcs
-- Create entities and architectures for them
Monad.zipWithM processBind statefuls binds
- modFuncMap $ (\fdata -> fdata {flatFunc = fmap nameFlatFunction (flatFunc fdata)})
- modFuncMap $ Map.mapWithKey (\hsfunc fdata -> fdata {funcEntity = VHDL.createEntity hsfunc fdata})
+ modFuncMap $ (fdFlatFunc ^: (fmap nameFlatFunction))
+ modFuncMap $ Map.mapWithKey (\hsfunc fdata -> fdEntity ^= (VHDL.createEntity hsfunc fdata) $ fdata)
funcs <- getFuncMap
- modFuncMap $ Map.mapWithKey (\hsfunc fdata -> fdata {funcArch = VHDL.createArchitecture funcs hsfunc fdata})
+ modFuncMap $ Map.mapWithKey (\hsfunc fdata -> fdArch ^= (VHDL.createArchitecture funcs hsfunc fdata) $ fdata)
funcs <- getFuncs
return $ VHDL.getDesignFiles (map snd funcs)
-- Simple module providing some types used by Translator. These are in a
-- separate module to prevent circular dependencies in Pretty for example.
+{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module TranslatorTypes where
import qualified Control.Monad.State as State
import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import qualified Data.Accessor.Template
+import Data.Accessor
import qualified HscTypes
-- | Some stuff we collect about a function along the way.
data FuncData = FuncData {
- flatFunc :: Maybe FlatFunction,
- funcEntity :: Maybe Entity,
- funcArch :: Maybe AST.ArchBody
+ fdFlatFunc_ :: Maybe FlatFunction,
+ fdEntity_ :: Maybe Entity,
+ fdArch_ :: Maybe AST.ArchBody
} deriving (Show)
+-- Derive accessors
+$( Data.Accessor.Template.deriveAccessors ''FuncData )
data VHDLSession = VHDLSession {
coreMod :: HscTypes.CoreModule, -- The current module
nameCount :: Int, -- A counter that can be used to generate unique names
-- | Sets the FlatFunction for the given HsFunction in the current session.
setFlatFunc :: HsFunction -> FlatFunction -> VHDLState ()
setFlatFunc hsfunc flatfunc =
- modFunc (\d -> d { flatFunc = Just flatfunc }) hsfunc
+ modFunc (fdFlatFunc ^= Just flatfunc) hsfunc
-- | Sets the Entity for the given HsFunction in the current session.
setEntity :: HsFunction -> Entity -> VHDLState ()
setEntity hsfunc entity =
- modFunc (\d -> d { funcEntity = Just entity }) hsfunc
+ modFunc (fdEntity ^= Just entity) hsfunc
-- | Sets the Entity for the given HsFunction in the current session.
setArchitecture :: HsFunction -> AST.ArchBody -> VHDLState ()
setArchitecture hsfunc arch =
- modFunc (\d -> d { funcArch = Just arch }) hsfunc
+ modFunc (fdArch ^= Just arch) hsfunc
-- | Modify a function in the map using the given function
modFunc :: (FuncData -> FuncData) -> HsFunction -> VHDLState ()
import qualified Control.Arrow as Arrow
import qualified Data.Traversable as Traversable
import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid
+import Data.Accessor
import qualified Type
import qualified TysWiredIn
--- Entity for builtin functions.
createEntity hsfunc fdata =
- case flatFunc fdata of
+ case fdata ^. fdFlatFunc of
-- Skip (builtin) functions without a FlatFunction
- Nothing -> funcEntity fdata
+ Nothing -> fdata ^. fdEntity
-- Create an entity for all other functions
Just flatfunc ->
-> Maybe AST.ArchBody -- ^ The architecture for this function
createArchitecture funcs hsfunc fdata =
- case flatFunc fdata of
+ case fdata ^. fdFlatFunc of
-- Skip (builtin) functions without a FlatFunction
- Nothing -> funcArch fdata
+ Nothing -> fdata ^. fdArch
-- Create an architecture for all other functions
Just flatfunc ->
entity = Maybe.fromMaybe
(error $ "Using function '" ++ (prettyShow hsfunc) ++ "' without entity declaration? This should not happen!")
- (funcEntity fdata)
+ (fdata ^. fdEntity)
entity_id = ent_id entity
label = (AST.fromVHDLId entity_id) ++ "_" ++ (show num)
-- Add a clk port if we have state
-- | Extracts the generated entity id from the given funcdata
getEntityId :: FuncData -> Maybe AST.VHDLId
getEntityId fdata =
- case funcEntity fdata of
+ case fdata ^. fdEntity of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just e -> case ent_decl e of
Nothing -> Nothing
-> [AST.LibraryUnit] -- | The entity, architecture and optional package for the function
getLibraryUnits fdata =
- case funcEntity fdata of
+ case fdata ^. fdEntity of
Nothing -> []
Just ent ->
case ent_decl ent of
Nothing -> []
Just decl ->
- case funcArch fdata of
+ case fdata ^. fdArch of
Nothing -> []
Just arch ->
[AST.LUEntity decl, AST.LUArch arch]