-- A case expression that checks a single variable and has a single
-- alternative, can be used to take tuples apart
getInstantiations args outs binds (Case (Var v) b _ [res]) =
+ -- Split out the type of alternative constructor, the variables it binds
+ -- and the expression to evaluate with the variables bound.
+ let (altcon, bind_vars, expr) = res in
case altcon of
DataAlt datacon ->
if (DataCon.isTupleCon datacon) then
- getInstantiations args outs binds' expr
+ let
+ -- Lookup the scrutinee (which must be a variable bound to a tuple) in
+ -- the existing bindings list and get the portname map for each of
+ -- it's elements.
+ Tuple tuple_ports = Maybe.fromMaybe
+ (error $ "Case expression uses unknown scrutinee " ++ getOccString v)
+ (lookup v binds)
+ -- Merge our existing binds with the new binds.
+ binds' = (zip bind_vars tuple_ports) ++ binds
+ in
+ -- Evaluate the expression with the new binds list
+ getInstantiations args outs binds' expr
error "Data constructors other than tuples not supported"
otherwise ->
error "Case binders other than tuples not supported"
- where
- binds' = (zip bind_vars tuple_ports) ++ binds
- (altcon, bind_vars, expr) = res
- -- Find the portnamemaps for each of the tuple's elements
- Tuple tuple_ports = Maybe.fromMaybe
- (error $ "Case expression uses unknown scrutinee " ++ getOccString v)
- (lookup v binds)
-- An application is an instantiation of a component
getInstantiations args outs binds app@(App expr arg) = do
name = getOccString f
if isTupleConstructor f
then do
+ -- Get the signals we should bind our results to
let Tuple outports = outs
- (tys, vals) = splitTupleConstructorArgs fargs
+ -- Split the tuple constructor arguments into types and actual values.
+ let (_, vals) = splitTupleConstructorArgs fargs
+ -- Bind each argument to each output signal
insts <- sequence $ zipWith
(\outs' expr' -> getInstantiations args outs' binds expr')
outports vals
+ -- And join all the component instantiations together
return $ concat insts
else do
+ -- This is an normal function application, which maps to a component
+ -- instantiation.
+ -- Lookup the hwfunction to instantiate
HWFunction inports outport <- getHWFunc name
+ -- Generate a unique name for the application
appname <- uniqueName "app"
+ -- Bind each of the input ports to an argument
+ let inmaps = zipWith (getPortMapEntry binds) inports fargs
+ -- Bind each of the output ports to our output signals
+ let outmaps = mapOutputPorts outport outs
+ -- Build and return a component instantiation
let comp = AST.CompInsSm
(AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId appname)
(AST.IUEntity (AST.NSimple (AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId name)))
- (AST.PMapAspect ports)
- ports =
- zipWith (getPortMapEntry binds) inports fargs
- ++ mapOutputPorts outport outs
+ (AST.PMapAspect (inmaps ++ outmaps))
return [AST.CSISm comp]
getInstantiations args outs binds expr =