genScheme = AST.ForGn nPar range
-- Get the entity name and port names
entity_id = ent_id entity
- argport = map (Monad.liftM fst) (ent_args entity)
+ argports = map (Monad.liftM fst) (ent_args entity)
resport = (Monad.liftM fst) (ent_res entity)
-- Assign the ports
- inport = mkAssocElemIndexed (head argport) (varToString arg) nPar
+ inport = mkAssocElemIndexed (argports!!0) (varToString arg) nPar
outport = mkAssocElemIndexed resport (varToString res) nPar
clk_port = mkAssocElem (Just $ mkVHDLExtId "clk") "clk"
portassigns = Maybe.catMaybes [inport,outport,clk_port]
compins = mkComponentInst mapLabel entity_id portassigns
-- Return the generate functions
genSm = AST.GenerateSm label genScheme [] [compins]
+genZipWithCall ::
+ Entity
+ -> [CoreSyn.CoreBndr]
+ -> AST.GenerateSm
+genZipWithCall entity [arg1, arg2, res] = genSm
+ where
+ -- Setup the generate scheme
+ len = (tfvec_len . Var.varType) res
+ label = mkVHDLExtId ("zipWithVector" ++ (varToString res))
+ nPar = AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId "n"
+ range = AST.ToRange (AST.PrimLit "0") (AST.PrimLit $ show (len-1))
+ genScheme = AST.ForGn nPar range
+ -- Get the entity name and port names
+ entity_id = ent_id entity
+ argports = map (Monad.liftM fst) (ent_args entity)
+ resport = (Monad.liftM fst) (ent_res entity)
+ -- Assign the ports
+ inport1 = mkAssocElemIndexed (argports!!0) (varToString arg1) nPar
+ inport2 = mkAssocElemIndexed (argports!!1) (varToString arg2) nPar
+ outport = mkAssocElemIndexed resport (varToString res) nPar
+ clk_port = mkAssocElem (Just $ mkVHDLExtId "clk") "clk"
+ portassigns = Maybe.catMaybes [inport1,inport2,outport,clk_port]
+ -- Generate the portmap
+ mapLabel = "zipWith" ++ (AST.fromVHDLId entity_id)
+ compins = mkComponentInst mapLabel entity_id portassigns
+ -- Return the generate functions
+ genSm = AST.GenerateSm label genScheme [] [compins]
genUnconsVectorFuns :: AST.TypeMark -- ^ type of the vector elements
-> AST.TypeMark -- ^ type of the vector
, ("drop" , (2, Left $ genExprFCall dropId ) )
, ("+>" , (2, Left $ genExprFCall plusgtId ) )
, ("map" , (2, Right $ genMapCall ) )
+ , ("zipWith" , (3, Right $ genZipWithCall ) )
, ("empty" , (0, Left $ genExprFCall emptyId ) )
, ("singleton" , (1, Left $ genExprFCall singletonId ) )
, ("copy" , (2, Left $ genExprFCall copyId ) )