--- /dev/null
+from django.contrib.auth.models import User,Group
+from django.core.mail import EmailMessage
+from django.template import loader
+from ee.tools.misc import make_iter
+Notify someone about something.
+def notify(recipients, template, context = {}):
+ recipients = make_iter(recipients)
+ addresses = [];
+ for r in recipients:
+ if (isinstance(r, User)):
+ addresses.append(r.email)
+ elif (isinstance(r, Group)):
+ addresses += [m.email for m in r.user_set.all()]
+ else:
+ # Assume it is an email address
+ addresses.append(r)
+ # TODO: Make addresses unique
+ context['recipients'] = recipients
+ context['addresses'] = addresses
+ rendered = loader.render_to_string(template, context)
+ (headers, body) = rendered.split('\n\n', 2)
+ # Turn the headers into a dict so EmailMessage can turn them into a
+ # string again. Bit pointless, but it works.
+ # Perhaps we should just use python email stuff directly. OTOH, we
+ # still always need to parse for the From header.
+ headers_dict = {}
+ # If no From header is present, let EmailMessage do the default
+ # thing
+ from_email = None
+ for header in headers.split('\n'):
+ (field, value) = header.split(':')
+ headers_dict[field] = value
+ if (field == 'From'):
+ from_email = value
+ msg = EmailMessage(
+ # Only setting the From address through headers won't set the
+ # envelope address right.
+ from_email = from_email,
+ body = body,
+ to = addresses,
+ headers = headers_dict
+ )
+ msg.send()