module NormalizeTools where
-- Standard modules
import Debug.Trace
+import qualified List
import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid
import qualified Control.Monad as Monad
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as State
(expr', changed) <- Writer.runWriterT $ Monad.foldM (flip ($)) expr transs
if Monoid.getAny changed then dotransforms' transs expr' else return expr'
+-- Inline all let bindings that satisfy the given condition
+inlinebind :: ((CoreBndr, CoreExpr) -> Bool) -> Transform
+inlinebind condition (Let (Rec binds) expr) | not $ null replace =
+ change newexpr
+ where
+ -- Find all simple bindings
+ (replace, others) = List.partition condition binds
+ -- Substitute the to be replaced binders with their expression
+ newexpr = substitute replace (Let (Rec others) expr)
+-- Leave all other expressions unchanged
+inlinebind _ expr = return expr
-- Sets the changed flag in the TransformMonad, to signify that some
-- transform has changed the result
setChanged :: TransformMonad ()