flattenExpr binds l@(Let (Rec _) _) = error $ "Recursive let definitions not supported: " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr l)
+flattenExpr binds expr@(Case (Var v) b _ alts) =
+ case alts of
+ [alt] -> flattenSingleAltCaseExpr binds v b alt
+ otherwise -> error $ "Multiple alternative case expression not supported: " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr expr)
+ where
+ flattenSingleAltCaseExpr ::
+ BindMap
+ -- A list of bindings in effect
+ -> Var.Var -- The scrutinee
+ -> CoreBndr -- The binder to bind the scrutinee to
+ -> CoreAlt -- The single alternative
+ -> FlattenState ( [SignalDefMap], SignalUseMap)
+ -- See expandExpr
+ flattenSingleAltCaseExpr binds v b alt@(DataAlt datacon, bind_vars, expr) =
+ if not (DataCon.isTupleCon datacon)
+ then
+ error $ "Dataconstructors other than tuple constructors not supported in case pattern of alternative: " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr alt)
+ else
+ let
+ -- Lookup the scrutinee (which must be a variable bound to a tuple) in
+ -- the existing bindings list and get the portname map for each of
+ -- it's elements.
+ Left (Tuple tuple_sigs) = Maybe.fromMaybe
+ (error $ "Case expression uses unknown scrutinee " ++ Name.getOccString v)
+ (lookup v binds)
+ -- TODO include b in the binds list
+ -- Merge our existing binds with the new binds.
+ binds' = (zip bind_vars (map Left tuple_sigs)) ++ binds
+ in
+ -- Expand the expression with the new binds list
+ flattenExpr binds' expr
+ flattenSingleAltCaseExpr _ _ _ alt = error $ "Case patterns other than data constructors not supported in case alternative: " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr alt)
flattenExpr _ _ = do
return ([], Tuple [])