flattenFunction _ (Rec _) = error "Recursive binders not supported"
flattenFunction hsfunc bind@(NonRec var expr) =
- FlatFunction args res defs sigs''''
+ FlatFunction args res defs sigs
init_state = ([], [], 0)
- (fres, end_state) = State.runState (flattenExpr [] expr) init_state
+ (fres, end_state) = State.runState (flattenTopExpr hsfunc expr) init_state
(defs, sigs, _) = end_state
(args, res) = fres
- arg_ports = concat (map Foldable.toList args)
- res_ports = Foldable.toList res
- -- Mark args and result signals as input and output ports resp.
- sigs' = fmap (markSignals SigPortIn arg_ports) sigs
- sigs'' = fmap (markSignals SigPortOut res_ports) sigs'
- -- Mark args and result states as old and new state resp.
- args_states = concat $ zipWith stateList (hsFuncArgs hsfunc) args
- sigs''' = foldl (\s (num, id) -> map (markSignal (SigStateOld num) id) s) sigs'' args_states
- res_states = stateList (hsFuncRes hsfunc) res
- sigs'''' = foldl (\s (num, id) -> map (markSignal (SigStateNew num) id) s) sigs''' res_states
+flattenTopExpr ::
+ HsFunction
+ -> CoreExpr
+ -> FlattenState ([SignalMap], SignalMap)
+flattenTopExpr hsfunc expr = do
+ -- Flatten the expression
+ (args, res) <- flattenExpr [] expr
+ -- Join the signal ids and uses together
+ let zipped_args = zipWith zipValueMaps args (hsFuncArgs hsfunc)
+ let zipped_res = zipValueMaps res (hsFuncRes hsfunc)
+ -- Set the signal uses for each argument / result, possibly updating
+ -- argument or result signals.
+ args' <- mapM (Traversable.mapM $ hsUseToSigUse args_use) zipped_args
+ res' <- Traversable.mapM (hsUseToSigUse res_use) zipped_res
+ return (args', res')
+ where
+ args_use Port = SigPortIn
+ args_use (State n) = SigStateOld n
+ res_use Port = SigPortOut
+ res_use (State n) = SigStateNew n
+hsUseToSigUse ::
+ (HsValueUse -> SigUse) -- ^ A function to actually map the use value
+ -> (SignalId, HsValueUse) -- ^ The signal to look at and its use
+ -> FlattenState SignalId -- ^ The resulting signal. This is probably the
+ -- same as the input, but it could be different.
+hsUseToSigUse f (id, use) = do
+ info <- getSignalInfo id
+ id' <- case sigUse info of
+ -- Internal signals can be marked as different uses freely.
+ SigInternal -> do
+ return id
+ -- Signals that already have another use, must be duplicated before
+ -- marking. This prevents signals mapping to the same input or output
+ -- port or state variables and ports overlapping, etc.
+ otherwise -> do
+ duplicateSignal id
+ setSignalInfo id' (info { sigUse = f use})
+ return id'
+-- | Duplicate the given signal, assigning its value to the new signal.
+-- Returns the new signal id.
+duplicateSignal :: SignalId -> FlattenState SignalId
+duplicateSignal id = do
+ -- Find the type of the original signal
+ info <- getSignalInfo id
+ let ty = sigTy info
+ -- Generate a new signal (which is SigInternal for now, that will be
+ -- sorted out later on).
+ id' <- genSignalId SigInternal ty
+ -- Assign the old signal to the new signal
+ addDef $ UncondDef id id'
+ -- Replace the signal with the new signal
+ return id'
flattenExpr ::
-> CoreExpr