--- /dev/null
+# Define /phpldapadmin alias, this is the default
+<IfModule mod_alias.c>
+ Alias /phpldapadmin /usr/share/phpldapadmin/htdocs
+# You can also use phpLDAPadmin as a VirtualHost
+# <VirtualHost *:*>
+# ServerName ldap.example.com
+# ServerAdmin root@example.com
+# DocumentRoot /usr/share/phpldapadmin
+# ErrorLog logs/ldap.example.com-error.log
+# CustomLog logs/ldap.example.com-access.log common
+# </VirtualHost>
+<Directory /usr/share/phpldapadmin/htdocs/>
+ DirectoryIndex index.php
+ Options +FollowSymLinks
+ AllowOverride None
+ Order allow,deny
+ Allow from all
+ <IfModule mod_mime.c>
+ <IfModule mod_php5.c>
+ AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
+ php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off
+ php_flag track_vars On
+ php_flag register_globals On
+ php_value include_path .
+ </IfModule>
+ <IfModule !mod_php5.c>
+ <IfModule mod_actions.c>
+ <IfModule mod_cgi.c>
+ AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
+ Action application/x-httpd-php /cgi-bin/php5
+ </IfModule>
+ <IfModule mod_cgid.c>
+ AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
+ Action application/x-httpd-php /cgi-bin/php5
+ </IfModule>
+ </IfModule>
+ </IfModule>
+ </IfModule>
--- /dev/null
+/** NOTE **
+ ** Make sure that <?php is the FIRST line of this file!
+ ** IE: There should NOT be any blank lines or spaces BEFORE <?php
+ **/
+ * The phpLDAPadmin config file
+ *
+ * This is where you can customise some of the phpLDAPadmin defaults
+ * that are defined in config_default.php.
+ *
+ * To override a default, use the $config->custom variable to do so.
+ * For example, the default for defining the language in config_default.php
+ *
+ * $this->default->appearance['lang'] = array(
+ * 'desc'=>'Language',
+ * 'default'=>'auto');
+ *
+ * to override this, use $config->custom->appearance['lang'] = 'en';
+ *
+ * This file is also used to configure your LDAP server connections.
+ *
+ * You must specify at least one LDAP server there. You may add
+ * as many as you like. You can also specify your language, and
+ * many other options.
+ *
+ * NOTE: Commented out values in this file prefixed by //, represent the
+ * defaults that have been defined in config_default.php.
+ * Commented out values prefixed by #, dont reflect their default value, you can
+ * check config_default.php if you want to see what the default is.
+ *
+ * DONT change config_default.php, you changes will be lost by the next release
+ * of PLA. Instead change this file - as it will NOT be replaced by a new
+ * version of phpLDAPadmin.
+ */
+/* Useful important configuration overrides */
+/* If you are asked to put pla in debug mode, this is how you do it: */
+# $config->custom->debug['level'] = 255;
+# $config->custom->debug['syslog'] = true;
+# $config->custom->debug['file'] = '/tmp/pla_debug.log';
+/* phpLDAPadmin can encrypt the content of sensitive cookies if you set this
+ to a big random string. */
+// $config->custom->session['blowfish'] = null;
+/* The language setting. If you set this to 'auto', phpLDAPadmin will attempt
+ to determine your language automatically. Otherwise, available lanaguages
+ are: 'ct', 'de', 'en', 'es', 'fr', 'it', 'nl', and 'ru'
+ Localization is not complete yet, but most strings have been translated.
+ Please help by writing language files. See lang/en.php for an example. */
+// $config->custom->appearance['language'] = 'auto';
+/* The temporary storage directory where we will put jpegPhoto data
+ This directory must be readable and writable by your web server. */
+// $config->custom->jpeg['tmpdir'] = "/tmp"; // Example for Unix systems
+# $config->custom->jpeg['tmpdir'] = "c:\\temp"; // Example for Windows systems
+/* Set this to (bool)true if you do NOT want a random salt used when
+ calling crypt(). Instead, use the first two letters of the user's
+ password. This is insecure but unfortunately needed for some older
+ environments. */
+# $config->custom->password['no_random_crypt_salt'] = true;
+/* PHP script timeout control. If php runs longer than this many seconds then
+ PHP will stop with an Maximum Execution time error. Increase this value from
+ the default if queries to your LDAP server are slow. The default is either
+ 30 seconds or the setting of max_exection_time if this is null. */
+// $config->custom->session['timelimit'] = 30;
+/* Commands */
+/* Command availability ; if you don't authorize a command the command
+ links will not be shown and the command action will not be permitted.
+ For better security, set also ACL in your ldap directory. */
+$config->custom->commands['all'] = array(
+ 'home' => true,
+ 'external_links' => array('feature' => true,
+ 'bug' => true,
+ 'donation' => true,
+ 'help' => true,
+ 'credits' => true),
+ 'purge' => true,
+ 'schema' => true,
+ 'import' => true,
+ 'export' => true,
+ 'logout' => true,
+ 'search' => array('simple_search' => true,
+ 'predefined_search' => true,
+ 'advanced_search' => true),
+ 'server_refresh' => true,
+ 'server_info' => true,
+ 'entry_refresh' => true,
+ 'entry_move' => true,
+ 'entry_internal_attributes_show' => true,
+ 'entry_delete' => array('simple_delete' => true,
+ 'mass_delete' => false),
+ 'entry_rename' => true,
+ 'entry_compare' => true,
+ 'entry_create' => true,
+ 'attribute_add' => true,
+ 'attribute_add_value' => true,
+ 'attribute_delete' => true,
+ 'attribute_delete_value' => true);
+/* Appearance */
+/* If you want to choose the appearance of the tree, specify a class name which
+ inherits from the Tree class. */
+// $config->custom->appearance['tree'] = "AJAXTree";
+# $config->custom->appearance['tree'] = "HTMLTree";
+/* If you want to customise the entry view/edition, specify your factory name which
+ inherits from the EntryFactory class.
+ The 'DefaultEntryFactory' draws all the attributes of an entry according this
+ config file and the ldap schema definition ; the 'TemplateEntryFactory' draws
+ an entry according to the template whose regexp matches with the dn. */
+# $config->custom->appearance['entry_factory'] = "DefaultEntryFactory";
+// $config->custom->appearance['entry_factory'] = "TemplateEntryFactory";
+/* If you want to customise an attribute view/edition, specify your factory name which
+ inherits from the AttributeFactory class.
+ An AttributeFactory defines which class to use to represent a given attribute */
+// $config->custom->appearance['attribute_factory'] = "AttributeFactory";
+/* Configure what objects are shown in left hand tree */
+// $config->custom->appearance['tree_filter'] = '(objectclass=*)';
+/* The height and width of the tree. If these values are not set, then
+ no tree scroll bars are provided.
+// $config->custom->appearance['tree_height'] = null;
+# $config->custom->appearance['tree_height'] = 600;
+// $config->custom->appearance['tree_width'] = null;
+# $config->custom->appearance['tree_width'] = 250;
+/* Define your LDAP servers in this section */
+$ldapservers = new LDAPServers;
+/* A convenient name that will appear in the tree viewer and throughout
+ phpLDAPadmin to identify this LDAP server to users. */
+$ldapservers->SetValue($i,'server','name','My LDAP Server');
+/* Examples:
+ 'ldap.example.com',
+ 'ldaps://ldap.example.com/',
+ 'ldapi://%2fusr%local%2fvar%2frun%2fldapi'
+ (Unix socket at /usr/local/var/run/ldap) */
+/* The port your LDAP server listens on (no quotes). 389 is standard. */
+// $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'server','port','389');
+/* Array of base DNs of your LDAP server. Leave this blank to have phpLDAPadmin
+ auto-detect it for you. */
+/* Four options for auth_type:
+ 1. 'cookie': you will login via a web form, and a client-side cookie will
+ store your login dn and password.
+ 2. 'session': same as cookie but your login dn and password are stored on the
+ web server in a persistent session variable.
+ 3. 'http': same as session but your login dn and password are retrieved via
+ HTTP authentication.
+ 4. 'config': specify your login dn and password here in this config file. No
+ login will be required to use phpLDAPadmin for this server.
+ Choose wisely to protect your authentication information appropriately for
+ your situation. If you choose 'cookie', your cookie contents will be
+ encrypted using blowfish and the secret your specify above as
+ session['blowfish']. */
+/* The DN of the user for phpLDAPadmin to bind with. For anonymous binds or
+ 'cookie' or 'session' auth_types, LEAVE THE LOGIN_DN AND LOGIN_PASS BLANK. If
+ you specify a login_attr in conjunction with a cookie or session auth_type,
+ then you can also specify the login_dn/login_pass here for searching the
+ directory for users (ie, if your LDAP server does not allow anonymous binds. */
+// $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'login','dn','');
+ $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'login','dn','cn=admin,dc=drsnuggles,dc=stderr,dc=nl');
+/* Your LDAP password. If you specified an empty login_dn above, this MUST also
+ be blank. */
+// $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'login','pass','');
+ $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'login','pass','');
+/* Use TLS (Transport Layer Security) to connect to the LDAP server. */
+// $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'server','tls',false);
+ * SASL Authentication *
+ ************************************/
+/* Enable SASL authentication LDAP SASL authentication requires PHP 5.x
+ configured with --with-ldap-sasl=DIR. If this option is disabled (ie, set to
+ false), then all other sasl options are ignored. */
+// $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'server','sasl_auth',false);
+/* SASL auth mechanism */
+// $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'server','sasl_mech','PLAIN');
+/* SASL authentication realm name */
+// $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'server','sasl_realm','');
+# $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'server','sasl_realm',"example.com");
+/* SASL authorization ID name
+ If this option is undefined, authorization id will be computed from bind DN,
+ using sasl_authz_id_regex and sasl_authz_id_replacement. */
+// $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'server','sasl_authz_id', null);
+/* SASL authorization id regex and replacement
+ When sasl_authz_id property is not set (default), phpLDAPAdmin will try to
+ figure out authorization id by itself from bind distinguished name (DN).
+ This procedure is done by calling preg_replace() php function in the
+ following way:
+ $authz_id = preg_replace($sasl_authz_id_regex,$sasl_authz_id_replacement,
+ $bind_dn);
+ For info about pcre regexes, see:
+ - pcre(3), perlre(3)
+ - http://www.php.net/preg_replace */
+// $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'server','sasl_authz_id_regex',null);
+// $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'server','sasl_authz_id_replacement',null);
+# $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'server','sasl_authz_id_regex','/^uid=([^,]+)(.+)/i');
+# $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'server','sasl_authz_id_replacement','$1');
+/* SASL auth security props.
+ See http://beepcore-tcl.sourceforge.net/tclsasl.html#anchor5 for explanation.
+// $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'server','sasl_props',null);
+/* If the link between your web server and this LDAP server is slow, it is
+ recommended that you set 'low_bandwidth' to true. This will enable
+ phpLDAPadmin to forego some "fancy" features to conserve bandwidth. */
+// $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'server','low_bandwidth',false);
+/* Default password hashing algorithm. One of md5, ssha, sha, md5crpyt, smd5,
+ blowfish, crypt or leave blank for now default algorithm. */
+// $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'appearance','password_hash','md5');
+/* If you specified 'cookie' or 'session' as the auth_type above, you can
+ optionally specify here an attribute to use when logging in. If you enter
+ 'uid' and login as 'dsmith', phpLDAPadmin will search for (uid=dsmith)
+ and log in as that user.
+ Leave blank or specify 'dn' to use full DN for logging in. Note also that if
+ your LDAP server requires you to login to perform searches, you can enter the
+ DN to use when searching in 'login_dn' and 'login_pass' above. You may also
+ specify 'string', in which case you can provide a string to use for logging
+ users in. See 'login_string' directly below. */
+// $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'login','attr','dn');
+/* If you specified something different from 'dn', for example 'uid', as the
+ login_attr above, you can optionally specify here to fall back to
+ authentication with dn.
+ This is useful, when users should be able to log in with their uid, but
+ the ldap administrator wants to log in with his root-dn, that does not
+ necessarily have the uid attribute. */
+// $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'login','fallback_dn',false);
+/* If you specified 'cookie' or 'session' as the auth_type above, and you
+ specified 'string' for 'login_attr' above, you must provide a string here for
+ logging users in. If, for example, I have a lot of user entries with DNs like
+ "uid=dsmith,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com", then I can specify a string
+ "uid=<username>,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" and my users can login with
+ their user names alone, ie: "dsmith" in this case. */
+# $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'login','string','uid=<username>,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com');
+/* If 'login_attr' is used above such that phpLDAPadmin will search for your DN
+ at login, you may restrict the search to a specific objectClass. EG, set this
+ to 'posixAccount' or 'inetOrgPerson', depending upon your setup. */
+// $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'login','class',null);
+/* Specify true If you want phpLDAPadmin to not display or permit any
+ modification to the LDAP server. */
+// $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'server','read_only',false);
+/* Specify false if you do not want phpLDAPadmin to draw the 'Create new' links
+ in the tree viewer. */
+// $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'appearance','show_create',true);
+/* This feature allows phpLDAPadmin to automatically determine the next
+ available uidNumber for a new entry. */
+// $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'auto_number','enable',true);
+/* The mechanism to use when finding the next available uidNumber. Two possible
+ values: 'uidpool' or 'search'.
+ The 'uidpool' mechanism uses an existing uidPool entry in your LDAP server to
+ blindly lookup the next available uidNumber. The 'search' mechanism searches
+ for entries with a uidNumber value and finds the first available uidNumber
+ (slower). */
+// $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'auto_number','mechanism','search');
+/* The DN of the search base when the 'search' mechanism is used above. */
+# $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'auto_number','search_base','ou=People,dc=example,dc=com');
+/* The minimum number to use when searching for the next available UID number
+ (only when 'search' is used for auto_uid_number_mechanism' */
+// $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'auto_number','min','1000');
+/* The DN of the uidPool entry when 'uidpool' mechanism is used above. */
+# $servers[$i]['auto_uid_number_uid_pool_dn'] = 'cn=uidPool,dc=example,dc=com';
+/* If you set this, then phpldapadmin will bind to LDAP with this user ID when
+ searching for the uidnumber. The idea is, this user id would have full
+ (readonly) access to uidnumber in your ldap directory (the logged in user
+ may not), so that you can be guaranteed to get a unique uidnumber for your
+ directory. */
+// $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'auto_number','dn',null);
+/* The password for the dn above. */
+// $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'auto_number','pass',null);
+/* Enable anonymous bind login. */
+// $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'login','anon_bind',true);
+/* Use customized page with prefix when available. */
+# $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'custom','pages_prefix','custom_');
+/* If you set this, then phpldapadmin will bind to LDAP with this user when
+ testing for unique attributes (as set in unique_attrs array). If you want to
+ enforce unique attributes, than this id should have full (readonly) access
+ to the attributes in question (the logged in user may not have enough access)
+// $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'unique_attrs','dn',null);
+/* The password for the dn above */
+// $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'unique_attrs','pass',null);
+/* If you set this, then only these DNs are allowed to log in. This array can
+ contain individual users, groups or ldap search filter(s). Keep in mind that
+ the user has not authenticated yet, so this will be an anonymous search to
+ the LDAP server, so make your ACLs allow these searches to return results! */
+# $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'login','allowed_dns',array(
+# 'uid=stran,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com',
+# '(&(gidNumber=811)(objectClass=groupOfNames))',
+# '(|(uidNumber=200)(uidNumber=201))',
+# 'cn=callcenter,ou=Group,dc=example,dc=com'));
+/* Set this if you dont want this LDAP server to show in the tree */
+// $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'appearance','visible',true);
+/* This is the time out value in minutes for the server. After as many minutes
+ of inactivity you will be automatically logged out. If not set, the default
+ value will be ( session_cache_expire()-1 ) */
+# $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'login','timeout',30);
+/* Set this if you want phpldapadmin to perform rename operation on entry which
+ has children. Certain servers are known to allow it, certain are not */
+// $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'server','branch_rename',false);
+ * If you want to configure additional LDAP servers, do so below. *
+ * Remove the commented lines and use this section as a template for all *
+ * your other LDAP servers. *
+ **************************************************************************/
+$ldapservers->SetValue($i,'server','name','LDAP Server');
+# SASL auth
+/* User-friendly attribute translation */
+/* Use this array to map attribute names to user friendly names. For example, if
+ you don't want to see "facsimileTelephoneNumber" but rather "Fax". */
+$friendly_attrs = array();
+$friendly_attrs['facsimileTelephoneNumber'] = 'Fax';
+$friendly_attrs['telephoneNumber'] = 'Phone';
+$friendly_attrs['uid'] = 'User Name';
+/* Support for attrs display order */
+/* Use this array if you want to have your attributes displayed in a specific
+ order. You can use default attribute names or their fridenly names.
+ For example, "sn" will be displayed right after "givenName". All the other
+ attributes that are not specified in this array will be displayed after in
+ alphabetical order. */
+# $attrs_display_order = array(
+# 'givenName',
+# 'sn',
+# 'cn',
+# 'displayName',
+# 'uid',
+# 'uidNumber',
+# 'gidNumber',
+# 'homeDirectory',
+# 'mail',
+# 'userPassword'
+# );
+/* Hidden attributes */
+/* You may want to hide certain attributes from being displayed in the editor
+ screen. Do this by adding the desired attributes to this list (and uncomment
+ it). This only affects the editor screen. Attributes will still be visible in
+ the schema browser and elsewhere. An example is provided below:
+ NOTE: The user must be able to read the hidden_except_dn entry to be
+ excluded. */
+# $hidden_attrs = array( 'jpegPhoto', 'objectClass' );
+# $hidden_except_dn = "cn=PLA UnHide,ou=Groups,c=AU";
+/* Hidden attributes in read-only mode. If undefined, it will be equal to
+ $hidden_attrs. */
+# $hidden_attrs_ro = array(
+# 'objectClass','shadowWarning', 'shadowLastChange', 'shadowMax',
+# 'shadowFlag', 'shadowInactive', 'shadowMin', 'shadowExpire');
+/** **/
+/** Read-only attributes **/
+/** **/
+/* You may want to phpLDAPadmin to display certain attributes as read only,
+ meaning that users will not be presented a form for modifying those
+ attributes, and they will not be allowed to be modified on the "back-end"
+ either. You may configure this list here:
+ NOTE: The user must be able to read the read_only_except_dn entry to be
+ excluded. */
+# $read_only_attrs = array( 'objectClass' );
+# $read_only_except_dn = "cn=PLA ReadWrite,ou=Groups,c=AU";
+/* An example of how to specify multiple read-only attributes: */
+# $read_only_attrs = array( 'jpegPhoto', 'objectClass', 'someAttribute' );
+/* Unique attributes */
+/* You may want phpLDAPadmin to enforce some attributes to have unique values
+ (ie: not belong to other entries in your tree. This (together with
+ unique_attrs['dn'] and unique_attrs['pass'] option will not let updates to
+ occur with other attributes have the same value.
+ NOTE: Currently the unique_attrs is NOT enforced when copying a dn. (Need to
+ present a user with the option of changing the unique attributes. */
+# $unique_attrs = array('uid','uidNumber','mail');
+/* Group attributes */
+/* Add "modify group members" link to the attribute. */
+// $config->custom->modify_member['groupattr'] = array('member','uniqueMember','memberUid')
+/* Configure filter for member search. This only applies to "modify group members" feature */
+// $config->custom->modify_member['filter'] = '(objectclass=Person)';
+/* Attribute that is added to the group member attribute. */
+// $config->custom->modify_member['attr'] = 'dn';
+/* Predefined Queries (canned views) */
+/* To make searching easier, you may setup predefined queries below: */
+$queries = array();
+/* The name that will appear in the simple search form */
+$queries[$q]['name'] = 'User List';
+/* The base to search on */
+$queries[$q]['base'] = 'dc=example,dc=com';
+/* The search scope (sub, base, one) */
+$queries[$q]['scope'] = 'sub';
+/* The LDAP filter to use */
+$queries[$q]['filter'] = '(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=*))';
+/* The attributes to return */
+$queries[$q]['attributes'] = 'cn, uid, homeDirectory, telephonenumber, jpegphoto';
+/* If you want to configure more pre-defined queries, copy and paste the above (including the "$q++;") */
+$queries[$q]['name'] = 'Samba Users';
+$queries[$q]['base'] = 'dc=example,dc=com';
+$queries[$q]['scope'] = 'sub';
+$queries[$q]['filter'] = '(&(|(objectClass=sambaAccount)(objectClass=sambaSamAccount))(objectClass=posixAccount)(!(uid=*$)))';
+$queries[$q]['attributes'] = 'uid, smbHome, uidNumber';
+$queries[$q]['name'] = 'Samba Computers';
+$queries[$q]['base'] = 'dc=example,dc=com';
+$queries[$q]['scope'] = 'sub';
+$queries[$q]['filter'] = '(&(objectClass=sambaAccount)(uid=*$))';
+$queries[$q]['attributes'] = 'uid, homeDirectory';
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE template SYSTEM "template.dtd">
+<title>Posix Group - SUSE</title>
+<!-- <regexp>^ou=.*,</regexp> -->
+<description>Posix Group - SUSE</description>
+<objectClass id="posixGroup"></objectClass>
+<objectClass id="namedObject"></objectClass>
+<attribute id="cn">
+ <display>Group</display>
+ <order>1</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="gidNumber">
+ <display>GID Number</display>
+ <hint>Automatically determined</hint>
+ <value>=php.GetNextNumber(/,gid)</value>
+ <readonly>1</readonly>
+ <order>2</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+ <spacer>1</spacer>
+<attribute id="memberUid">
+ <maxvalnb>10</maxvalnb>
+ <display>Users</display>
+ <type>Dn</type>
+ <hidden>0</hidden>
+ <order>3</order>
+ <page>1</page>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE template SYSTEM "template.dtd">
+<title>Samba3 Group Mapping - SUSE</title>
+<!-- <regexp>^ou=.*,</regexp> -->
+<description>New Samba3 Group Mapping</description>
+<objectClass id="posixGroup"></objectClass>
+<objectClass id="namedObject"></objectClass>
+<objectClass id="sambaGroupMapping"></objectClass>
+<attribute id="cn">
+ <display>Group</display>
+ <order>1</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="displayName">
+ <display>Windows Name</display>
+ <order>2</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="gidNumber">
+ <display>GID Number</display>
+ <hint>Automatically determined</hint>
+ <value>=php.GetNextNumber(/,gid)</value>
+ <readonly>1</readonly>
+ <order>3</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+ <spacer>1</spacer>
+<attribute id="sambaSID">
+ <display>Samba SID</display>
+ <option>=php.PickList(/,(objectClass=sambaDomain),sambaSID,%sambaSID% (%sambaDomainName%))</option>
+ <helper>
+ <id>sidsuffix</id>
+ <value></value>
+ </helper>
+ <post>=php.Join(-,(%sambaSID%,%sidsuffix%))</post>
+ <order>4</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="sambaGroupType">
+ <display>Samba Group Type</display>
+ <option id="2">Domain Group</option>
+ <option id="4">Local Group</option>
+ <option id="5">Well-known Group</option>
+ <value>2</value>
+ <order>5</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+ <spacer>1</spacer>
+<attribute id="memberUid">
+ <maxvalnb>10</maxvalnb>
+ <display>Users</display>
+ <type>Dn</type>
+ <hidden>0</hidden>
+ <order>10</order>
+ <page>1</page>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE template SYSTEM "template.dtd">
+<!--This template doesnt work needs modification to the Engine.-->
+<title>LDAP Alias</title>
+<description>New LDAP Alias</description>
+<objectClass id="alias"></objectClass>
+<objectClass id="extensibleObject"></objectClass>
+<attribute id="aliasedObjectName">
+ <display>Alias To</display>
+ <order>1</order>
+ <page>1</page>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE template SYSTEM "template.dtd">
+<title>Courier Mail Account</title>
+<description>New Courier Mail Account</description>
+<objectClass id="inetOrgPerson"></objectClass>
+<objectClass id="courierMailAccount"></objectClass>
+<attribute id="givenName">
+ <display>Given Name</display>
+ <onchange>autoFill:cn,%givenName% %sn%</onchange>
+ <onchange>autoFill:uid,%gidNumber|0-0/T%-%givenName|0-1/l%%sn/l%</onchange>
+ <order>1</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="sn">
+ <display>Last name</display>
+ <onchange>autoFill:cn,%givenName% %sn%</onchange>
+ <onchange>autoFill:uid,%gidNumber|0-0/T%-%givenName|0-1/l%%sn/l%</onchange>
+ <order>2</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="cn">
+ <display>Common Name</display>
+ <order>3</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+ <spacer>1</spacer>
+<attribute id="uid">
+ <display>User ID</display>
+ <icon>images/uid.png</icon>
+ <!--<onchange>autoFill:homeDirectory,/home/users/%uid%</onchange>-->
+ <onchange>autoFill:homeDirectory,/home/users/%gidNumber|0-0/T%/%uid|3-%</onchange>
+ <order>4</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="uidNumber">
+ <display>UID Number</display>
+ <hint>Automatically determined</hint>
+ <icon>images/terminal.png</icon>
+ <value>=php.GetNextNumber(/,uid)</value>
+ <readonly>1</readonly>
+ <order>6</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="gidNumber">
+ <display>GID Number</display>
+ <onchange>autoFill:uid,%gidNumber|0-0/T%-%givenName|0-1/l%%sn/l%</onchange>
+ <onchange>autoFill:homeDirectory,/home/users/%gidNumber|0-0/T%/%uid|3-%</onchange>
+ <option>=php.PickList(/,(objectClass=posixGroup),gidNumber,%cn%)</option>
+ <order>7</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+ <spacer>1</spacer>
+<attribute id="homeDirectory">
+ <display>Home Directory</display>
+ <order>8</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="mail">
+ <display>Email</display>
+ <icon>images/mail.png</icon>
+ <order>9</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="mailbox">
+ <display>Mailbox</display>
+ <order>10</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="userPassword">
+ <display>Password</display>
+ <icon>images/lock.png</icon>
+ <type>password</type>
+ <verify>1</verify>
+ <helper>
+ <display>Encryption</display>
+ <id>enc</id>
+ <option>blowfish</option>
+ <option>clear</option>
+ <option>crypt</option>
+ <option>ext_des</option>
+ <option>md5</option>
+ <option>md5crypt</option>
+ <option>sha</option>
+ <option>smd5</option>
+ <option>ssha</option>
+ <value>md5</value>
+ </helper>
+ <post>=php.Password(%enc%,%userPassword%)</post>
+ <order>11</order>
+ <page>1</page>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE template SYSTEM "template.dtd">
+<title>Courier Mail Alias</title>
+<description>New Courier Mail Alias</description>
+<objectClass id="inetOrgPerson"></objectClass>
+<objectClass id="courierMailAlias"></objectClass>
+<attribute id="cn">
+ <display>Common Name</display>
+ <order>1</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="sn">
+ <display>Last name</display>
+ <order>2</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="mail">
+ <display>Email</display>
+ <order>3</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="maildrop">
+ <display>Maildrop</display>
+ <order>4</order>
+ <page>1</page>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE template SYSTEM "template.dtd">
+<title>DNS Entry</title>
+<description>New DNS Entry</description>
+<objectClass id="dnsDomain"></objectClass>
+<objectClass id="domainRelatedObject"></objectClass>
+<attribute id="domainComponent">
+ <description>Domain Component</description>
+ <display>DC Name</display>
+ <order>1</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="associatedDomain">
+ <display>Associated Domain</display>
+ <order>2</order>
+ <page>1</page>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE template SYSTEM "template.dtd">
+<title>Example entry</title>
+<description>This is the description</description>
+<objectClass id="organization"></objectClass>
+<attribute id="attribute1">
+ <description>This is the attribute description</description>
+ <display>Attribute 1</display>
+ <hint>This is an example</hint>
+ <icon>images/user.png</icon>
+ <order>1</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="attribute2">
+ <description>This is the attribute description</description>
+ <display>Attribute 2</display>
+ <order>2</order>
+ <page>2</page>
+<attribute id="attribute3">
+ <description>This is the attribute description</description>
+ <display>Attribute 3</display>
+ <order>1</order>
+ <page>2</page>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE template SYSTEM "template.dtd">
+<title>Address Book Entry</title>
+<description>New Address Book Entry</description>
+<objectClass id="inetOrgPerson"></objectClass>
+<attribute id="givenName">
+ <display>First name</display>
+ <icon>images/uid.png</icon>
+ <onchange>autoFill:cn,%givenName% %sn%</onchange>
+ <order>1</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="sn">
+ <display>Last name</display>
+ <onchange>autoFill:cn,%givenName% %sn%</onchange>
+ <order>2</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="cn">
+ <display>Common Name</display>
+ <order>3</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+ <spacer>1</spacer>
+<attribute id="o">
+ <display>Organisation</display>
+ <order>4</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="street">
+ <display>Street</display>
+ <icon>images/mail.png</icon>
+ <type>textarea</type>
+ <cols>50</cols>
+ <rows>4</rows>
+ <order>4</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="l">
+ <display>City</display>
+ <order>5</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="st">
+ <display>State</display>
+ <order>6</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="postalCode">
+ <display>Postal code</display>
+ <order>7</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+ <spacer>1</spacer>
+<attribute id="telephoneNumber">
+ <display>Work phone</display>
+ <icon>images/phone.png</icon>
+ <order>8</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="facsimileTelephoneNumber">
+ <display>Fax</display>
+ <order>9</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="mobile">
+ <display>Mobile</display>
+ <order>9</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="mail">
+ <display>Email</display>
+ <order>10</order>
+ <page>1</page>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE template SYSTEM "template.dtd">
+<title>Kolab User Entry</title>
+<description>New Address Book Entry</description>
+<objectClass id="inetOrgPerson"></objectClass>
+<attribute id="givenName">
+ <display>First name</display>
+ <icon>images/uid.png</icon>
+ <onchange>autoFill:cn,%givenName% %sn%</onchange>
+ <order>1</order>
+<attribute id="sn">
+ <display>Last name</display>
+ <onchange>autoFill:cn,%givenName% %sn%</onchange>
+ <order>2</order>
+<attribute id="cn">
+ <display>Common Name</display>
+ <order>3</order>
+<attribute id="mail">
+ <display>Email</display>
+ <order>4</order>
+<attribute id="userPassword">
+ <display>Password</display>
+ <icon>images/lock.png</icon>
+ <type>password</type>
+ <verify>1</verify>
+ <helper>
+ <display>Encryption</display>
+ <id>enc</id>
+ <option>blowfish</option>
+ <option>clear</option>
+ <option>crypt</option>
+ <option>ext_des</option>
+ <option>md5</option>
+ <option>md5crypt</option>
+ <option>sha</option>
+ <option>smd5</option>
+ <option>ssha</option>
+ <value>md5</value>
+ </helper>
+ <post>=php.Password(%enc%,%userPassword%)</post>
+ <order>5</order>
+ <spacer>1</spacer>
+<attribute id="title">
+ <display>Title</display>
+ <icon>images/ou.png</icon>
+ <order>6</order>
+<attribute id="alias">
+ <display>Alias</display>
+ <order>7</order>
+<attribute id="o">
+ <display>Organisation</display>
+ <order>8</order>
+<attribute id="ou">
+ <display>Organisational unit</display>
+ <order>9</order>
+<attribute id="roomNumber">
+ <display>Room Number</display>
+ <order>10</order>
+ <spacer>1</spacer>
+<attribute id="street">
+ <display>Address</display>
+ <icon>images/mail.png</icon>
+ <order>11</order>
+<attribute id="postOfficeBox">
+ <display>Post box</display>
+ <order>12</order>
+<attribute id="l">
+ <display>City</display>
+ <order>13</order>
+<attribute id="st">
+ <display>State</display>
+ <order>14</order>
+<attribute id="postalCode">
+ <display>Postal code</display>
+ <order>15</order>
+<attribute id="c">
+ <display>Country</display>
+ <order>16</order>
+ <spacer>1</spacer>
+<attribute id="telephoneNumber">
+ <display>Work phone</display>
+ <icon>images/phone.png</icon>
+ <order>17</order>
+<attribute id="facsimileTelephoneNumber">
+ <display>Fax</display>
+ <order>18</order>
+<attribute id="mobile">
+ <display>Mobile</display>
+ <order>19</order>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE template SYSTEM "template.dtd">
+<title>Address Book Entry (mozillaOrgPerson)</title>
+<description>New Address Book Entry</description>
+<objectClass id="inetOrgPerson"></objectClass>
+<objectClass id="mozillaAddressBookEntry"></objectClass>
+<attribute id="givenName">
+ <display>First Name</display>
+ <icon>images/uid.png</icon>
+ <onchange>autoFill:cn,%sn% %givenName%</onchange>
+ <order>1</order>
+<attribute id="sn">
+ <display>Last Name</display>
+ <onchange>autoFill:cn,%sn% %givenName%</onchange>
+ <order>2</order>
+<attribute id="cn">
+ <display>Common Name</display>
+ <order>3</order>
+<attribute id="mozillaNickName">
+ <display>Nickname</display>
+ <order>4</order>
+ <spacer>1</spacer>
+<attribute id="mail">
+ <display>t_email</display>
+ <order>5</order>
+<attribute id="mozillaSecondEmail">
+ <display>Additional email</display>
+ <order>6</order>
+ <spacer>1</spacer>
+<attribute id="telephoneNumber">
+ <display>Work Phone</display>
+ <icon>images/phone.png</icon>
+ <order>7</order>
+<attribute id="homePhone">
+ <display>Home Phone</display>
+ <order>8</order>
+<attribute id="facsimileTelephoneNumber">
+ <display>Fax</display>
+ <order>9</order>
+<attribute id="pager">
+ <display>Page</display>
+ <order>10</order>
+<attribute id="mobile">
+ <display>Mobile</display>
+ <order>11</order>
+ <spacer>1</spacer>
+<attribute id="homePostalAddress">
+ <display>Home Address</display>
+ <order>12</order>
+<attribute id="mozillaHomePostalAddress2">
+ <display>Home Address 2</display>
+ <order>13</order>
+<attribute id="mozillaHomeLocalityName">
+ <display>Home City</display>
+ <order>14</order>
+<attribute id="mozillaHomeState">
+ <display>Home State</display>
+ <order>15</order>
+<attribute id="mozillaHomePostalCode">
+ <display>Home ZIP/Postal Code</display>
+ <order>16</order>
+<attribute id="mozillaHomeCountryName">
+ <display>Home Country</display>
+ <order>17</order>
+<attribute id="mozillaHomeUrl">
+ <display>Home Web page</display>
+ <order>18</order>
+ <spacer>1</spacer>
+<attribute id="title">
+ <display>Work Title</display>
+ <order>19</order>
+<attribute id="ou">
+ <display>Work Department</display>
+ <order>20</order>
+<attribute id="o">
+ <display>Work Organization</display>
+ <order>21</order>
+<attribute id="street">
+ <display>Work Address</display>
+ <order>22</order>
+<attribute id="mozillaWorkStreet2">
+ <display>Work Address 2</display>
+ <order>23</order>
+<attribute id="l">
+ <display>Work City</display>
+ <order>24</order>
+<attribute id="st">
+ <display>Work State/Province</display>
+ <order>25</order>
+<attribute id="postalCode">
+ <display>Work ZIP/Postal Code</display>
+ <order>26</order>
+<attribute id="c">
+ <display>Work Country</display>
+ <order>27</order>
+<attribute id="mozillaWorkUrl">
+ <display>Work Web page</display>
+ <order>28</order>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE template SYSTEM "template.dtd">
+<title>Organisational Role</title>
+<description>New Organisational Role</description>
+<objectClass id="organizationalRole"></objectClass>
+<attribute id="cn">
+ <display>Role CN</display>
+ <order>1</order>
+ <spacer>1</spacer>
+<attribute id="telephoneNumber">
+ <display>Work phone</display>
+ <icon>images/phone.png</icon>
+ <order>2</order>
+<attribute id="facsimileTelephoneNumber">
+ <display>Fax</display>
+ <order>3</order>
+ <spacer>1</spacer>
+<attribute id="description">
+ <display>Comments</display>
+ <icon>images/light.png</icon>
+ <order>4</order>
+ <spacer>1</spacer>
+<attribute id="roleOccupant">
+ <display>Occupant</display>
+ <icon>images/object.png</icon>
+ <order>5</order>
+ <spacer>1</spacer>
+<attribute id="street">
+ <display>Street Address</display>
+ <icon>images/mail.png</icon>
+ <order>6</order>
+<attribute id="l">
+ <display>City</display>
+ <order>7</order>
+<attribute id="st">
+ <display>State</display>
+ <order>8</order>
+<attribute id="postalCode">
+ <display>Postal code</display>
+ <order>9</order>
+ <spacer>1</spacer>
+<attribute id="postalAddress">
+ <display>Postal Address</display>
+ <icon>images/mail.png</icon>
+ <order>10</order>
+ <spacer>1</spacer>
+<attribute id="registeredAddress">
+ <display>Registered Address</display>
+ <icon>images/mail.png</icon>
+ <order>11</order>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE template SYSTEM "template.dtd">
+<title>Organisational Unit</title>
+<!-- <regexp>^o=.*,</regexp> -->
+<description>New Organisational Unit</description>
+<objectClass id="organizationalUnit"></objectClass>
+<attribute id="ou">
+ <description>Organisational Unit</description>
+ <display>Organisational Unit</display>
+ <hint>don't include "ou="</hint>
+ <order>1</order>
+ <page>1</page>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE template SYSTEM "template.dtd">
+<title>User Account</title>
+<description>New User Account</description>
+<objectClass id="inetOrgPerson"></objectClass>
+<objectClass id="posixAccount"></objectClass>
+<attribute id="givenName">
+ <display>First name</display>
+ <icon>images/uid.png</icon>
+ <onchange>autoFill:cn,%givenName% %sn%</onchange>
+ <onchange>autoFill:uid,%givenName|0-1/l%%sn/l%</onchange>
+ <order>1</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="sn">
+ <display>Last name</display>
+ <onchange>autoFill:cn,%givenName% %sn%</onchange>
+ <onchange>autoFill:uid,%givenName|0-1/l%%sn/l%</onchange>
+ <!-- <onchange>autoFill:homeDirectory,/home/users/%uid|0-1/l%/%uid%</onchange> -->
+ <order>2</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="cn">
+ <display>Common Name</display>
+ <order>3</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="uid">
+ <display>User ID</display>
+ <onchange>autoFill:homeDirectory,/home/users/%uid%</onchange>
+ <order>4</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+ <spacer>1</spacer>
+<attribute id="homeDirectory">
+ <display>Home directory</display>
+ <!-- <onchange>autoFill:homeDirectory,/home/users/%gidNumber|0-0/T%/%uid|3-%</onchange> -->
+ <order>8</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="uidNumber">
+ <display>UID Number</display>
+ <hint>Automatically determined</hint>
+ <icon>images/terminal.png</icon>
+ <order>6</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+ <value>=php.GetNextNumber(/,uid)</value>
+ <readonly>1</readonly>
+<attribute id="gidNumber">
+ <display>GID Number</display>
+ <!-- <onchange>autoFill:homeDirectory,/home/users/%gidNumber|0-0/T%/%uid|3-%</onchange> -->
+ <order>7</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+ <option>=php.PickList(/,(objectClass=posixGroup),gidNumber,%cn%)</option>
+<attribute id="loginShell">
+ <display>Login shell</display>
+ <order>9</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+ <!-- <option>=php.PickList(/,(objectClass=posixAccount),loginShell,%loginShell%)</option> -->
+ <option>/bin/sh</option>
+ <option>/bin/tsh</option>
+ <option>/bin/csh</option>
+<attribute id="userPassword">
+ <display>Password</display>
+ <icon>images/lock.png</icon>
+ <type>password</type>
+ <verify>1</verify>
+ <helper>
+ <display>Encryption</display>
+ <id>enc</id>
+ <option>blowfish</option>
+ <option>clear</option>
+ <option>crypt</option>
+ <option>ext_des</option>
+ <option>md5</option>
+ <option>md5crypt</option>
+ <option>sha</option>
+ <option>smd5</option>
+ <option>ssha</option>
+ <value>md5</value>
+ </helper>
+ <post>=php.Password(%enc%,%userPassword%)</post>
+ <order>5</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+ <spacer>1</spacer>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE template SYSTEM "template.dtd">
+<title>Posix Group</title>
+<!-- <regexp>^ou=.*,</regexp> -->
+<description>New Posix Group</description>
+<objectClass id="posixGroup"></objectClass>
+<attribute id="cn">
+ <display>Group</display>
+ <order>1</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="gidNumber">
+ <display>GID Number</display>
+ <hint>Automatically determined</hint>
+ <order>2</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+ <value>=php.GetNextNumber(/,gid)</value>
+ <readonly>1</readonly>
+ <spacer>1</spacer>
+ <!-- <option>=php.GetNextNumber(/,gid,false,(&(objectClass=posixGroup)),*2;+1000)</option> -->
+<attribute id="memberUid">
+ <display>Users</display>
+ <!-- <option>=php.MultiList(/,(objectClass=posixAccount),uid,%cn% (%uid|-4%))</option> -->
+ <hidden>0</hidden>
+ <order>3</order>
+ <page>1</page>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE template SYSTEM "template.dtd">
+<title>Samba Domain</title>
+<description>New Samba Domain</description>
+<objectClass id="sambaDomain"></objectClass>
+<attribute id="sambaDomainName">
+ <display>Samba Domain Name</display>
+ <order>1</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="sambaSID">
+ <display>Samba SID</display>
+ <hint>Samba SID is in the format S-1-5-21-x-y-z</hint>
+ <value>S-1-5-21-</value>
+ <order>2</order>
+ <page>1</page>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE template SYSTEM "template.dtd">
+<title>Samba3 Group Mapping</title>
+<!-- <regexp>^ou=.*,</regexp> -->
+<description>New Samba3 Group Mapping</description>
+<objectClass id="posixGroup"></objectClass>
+<objectClass id="sambaGroupMapping"></objectClass>
+<attribute id="cn">
+ <display>Group</display>
+ <order>1</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="displayName">
+ <display>Windows Name</display>
+ <order>2</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="gidNumber">
+ <display>GID Number</display>
+ <hint>Automatically determined</hint>
+ <value>=php.GetNextNumber(/,gid,true,(&(objectClass=sambaDomain)(sambaDomainName=mysambadomain))</value>
+ <readonly>1</readonly>
+ <order>3</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+ <spacer>1</spacer>
+<attribute id="sambaSID">
+ <display>Samba SID</display>
+ <option>=php.PickList(/,(objectClass=sambaDomain),sambaSID,%sambaSID% (%sambaDomainName%))</option>
+ <helper>
+ <id>sidsuffix</id>
+ <option>=php.GetNextNumber(/,gid,false,(&(objectClass=sambaDomain)(sambaDomainName=mysambadomain)),*2;+1000)</option>
+ </helper>
+ <post>=php.Join(-,(%sambaSID%,%sidsuffix%))</post>
+ <order>4</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="sambaGroupType">
+ <display>Samba Group Type</display>
+ <option id="2">Domain Group</option>
+ <option id="4">Local Group</option>
+ <option id="5">Well-known Group</option>
+ <value>2</value>
+ <order>5</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+ <spacer>1</spacer>
+<attribute id="memberUid">
+ <display>Users</display>
+ <type>multiselect</type>
+ <option>=php.MultiList(/,(objectClass=posixAccount),uid,%cn% %uid|-4/U%,memberUid,dmdName=users:::dc=localdomain,root => cn=root; nobody => cn=nobody,cn,,,)</option>
+ <value>=php.MultiList(/,(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(gidNumber=29999)),uid)</value>
+ <size>10</size>
+ <hidden>0</hidden>
+ <order>10</order>
+ <page>1</page>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE template SYSTEM "template.dtd">
+<title>Samba3 Machine</title>
+<description>New Samba3 Machine</description>
+<objectClass id="sambaSAMAccount"></objectClass>
+<objectClass id="posixAccount"></objectClass>
+<objectClass id="account"></objectClass>
+<attribute id="uid">
+ <display>Machine Name</display>
+ <hint>The machine name should end with a $</hint>
+ <icon>images/terminal.png</icon>
+ <onchange>autoFill:cn,%uid%</onchange>
+ <order>1</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="uidNumber">
+ <display>UID Number</display>
+ <hint>Automatically determined</hint>
+ <value>=php.GetNextNumber(/,uid)</value>
+ <readonly>1</readonly>
+ <order>2</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="gidNumber">
+ <display>GID Number</display>
+ <option>=php.PickList(/,(objectClass=posixGroup),gidNumber,%cn%)</option>
+ <order>3</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="sambaSID">
+ <display>Samba SID</display>
+ <option>=php.PickList(/,(objectClass=sambaDomain),sambaSID,%sambaSID% (%sambaDomainName%))</option>
+ <helper>
+ <id>sidsuffix</id>
+ <value></value>
+ </helper>
+ <post>=php.Join(-,(%sambaSID%,%sidsuffix%))</post>
+ <order>2</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="sambaAcctFlags">
+ <value>[W]</value>
+ <hidden>1</hidden>
+<attribute id="homeDirectory">
+ <value>/dev/null</value>
+ <hidden>1</hidden>
+<attribute id="cn">
+ <value></value>
+ <hidden>1</hidden>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE template SYSTEM "template.dtd">
+<title>Samba3 Account</title>
+<description>New Samba3 Account</description>
+<objectClass id="inetOrgPerson"></objectClass>
+<objectClass id="sambaSAMAccount"></objectClass>
+<objectClass id="posixAccount"></objectClass>
+<attribute id="givenName">
+ <display>First name</display>
+ <icon>images/uid.png</icon>
+ <onchange>autoFill:cn,%givenName% %sn%</onchange>
+ <order>1</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="sn">
+ <display>Last name</display>
+ <onchange>autoFill:cn,%givenName% %sn%</onchange>
+ <onchange>autoFill:uid,%gidNumber|0-0/T%-%givenName|0-1/l%%sn/l%</onchange>
+ <order>2</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="cn">
+ <display>Common Name</display>
+ <order>3</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+ <spacer>1</spacer>
+<attribute id="uid">
+ <display>User ID</display>
+ <onchange>autoFill:homeDirectory,/home/users/%gidNumber|0-0/T%/%uid|3-%</onchange>
+ <order>4</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+ <spacer>1</spacer>
+<attribute id="uidNumber">
+ <display>UID Number</display>
+ <hint>Automatically determined</hint>
+ <value>=php.GetNextNumber(/,uid)</value>
+ <order>5</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+ <readonly>1</readonly>
+<attribute id="sambaSID">
+ <display>Samba SID</display>
+ <option>=php.PickList(/,(objectClass=sambaDomain),sambaSID,%sambaSID% (%sambaDomainName%))</option>
+ <helper>
+ <id>sidsuffix</id>
+ <option>=php.GetNextNumber(/,uid,false,,*2;+1000)</option>
+ </helper>
+ <post>=php.Join(-,(%sambaSID%,%sidsuffix%))</post>
+ <order>6</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+ <spacer>1</spacer>
+<attribute id="userPassword">
+ <display>Password</display>
+ <icon>images/lock.png</icon>
+ <onchange>autoFill:sambaLMPassword,%userPassword%</onchange>
+ <onchange>autoFill:sambaNTPassword,%userPassword%</onchange>
+ <type>password</type>
+ <verify>1</verify>
+ <helper>
+ <display>Encryption</display>
+ <id>enc</id>
+ <option>blowfish</option>
+ <option>clear</option>
+ <option>crypt</option>
+ <option>ext_des</option>
+ <option>md5</option>
+ <option>md5crypt</option>
+ <option>sha</option>
+ <option>smd5</option>
+ <option>ssha</option>
+ <value>md5</value>
+ </helper>
+ <post>=php.Password(%enc%,%userPassword%)</post>
+ <order>7</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="sambaLMPassword">
+ <display>LM Password</display>
+ <type>password</type>
+ <post>=php.SambaPassword(LM,%sambaLMPassword%)</post>
+ <order>8</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="sambaNTPassword">
+ <display>NT Password</display>
+ <type>password</type>
+ <post>=php.SambaPassword(NT,%sambaNTPassword%)</post>
+ <order>9</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+ <spacer>1</spacer>
+<attribute id="loginShell">
+ <display>Login shell</display>
+ <icon>images/terminal.png</icon>
+ <!-- <option>=php.PickList(/,(objectClass=posixAccount),loginShell,%loginShell%)</option> -->
+ <option>/bin/sh</option>
+ <option>/bin/tsh</option>
+ <option>/bin/csh</option>
+ <order>10</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="gidNumber">
+ <display>GID Number</display>
+ <onchange>autoFill:homeDirectory,/home/users/%gidNumber|0-0/T%/%uid|3-%</onchange>
+ <option>=php.PickList(/,(objectClass=posixGroup),gidNumber,%cn%)</option>
+ <order>11</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="sambaPrimaryGroupSID">
+ <display>Primary Group ID</display>
+ <option>=php.PickList(/,(objectClass=sambaGroupMapping),sambaSID,%sambaSID% (%cn%),sambaPrimaryGroupSID)</option>
+ <helper>
+ <id>sidpgsuffix</id>
+ <value></value>
+ </helper>
+ <post>=php.Join(-,(%sambaPrimaryGroupSID%,%sidpgsuffix%))</post>
+ <order>13</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+ <spacer>1</spacer>
+<attribute id="homeDirectory">
+ <display>Home directory</display>
+ <order>14</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="sambaAcctFlags">
+ <value>[U]</value>
+ <hidden>1</hidden>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE template SYSTEM "template.dtd">
+<title>Sendmail Alias</title>
+<description>New Sendmail Alias</description>
+<objectClass id="sendmailMTAAliasObject"></objectClass>
+<attribute id="sendmailMTACluster">
+ <display>Sendmail Cluster Name</display>
+ <icon>images/object.png</icon>
+ <order>1</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="sendmailMTAHost">
+ <display>Sendmail Hostname</display>
+ <hint>Leave Blank</hint>
+ <order>2</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="sendmailMTAKey">
+ <display>Email alias</display>
+ <order>3</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="sendmailMTAAliasValue">
+ <display>Recipient Addresses</display>
+ <type>textarea</type>
+ <order>4</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="sendmailMTAAliasGrouping">
+ <value>aliases</value>
+ <hidden>1</hidden>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE template SYSTEM "template.dtd">
+<title>Sendmail Domain</title>
+<description>New Sendmail Domain</description>
+<objectClass id="sendmailMTAClass"></objectClass>
+<attribute id="sendmailMTACluster">
+ <display>Sendmail Cluster Name</display>
+ <icon>images/object.png</icon>
+ <order>1</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="sendmailMTAHost">
+ <display>Sendmail Hostname</display>
+ <hint>Leave Blank</hint>
+ <order>2</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="sendmailMTAClassValue">
+ <display>Email domain</display>
+ <order>3</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="sendmailMTAClassName">
+ <value>w</value>
+ <hidden>1</hidden>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE template SYSTEM "template.dtd">
+<title>Sendmail Cluster</title>
+<description>New Sendmail Cluster</description>
+<objectClass id="sendmailMTA"></objectClass>
+<attribute id="sendmailMTACluster">
+ <display>Alias To</display>
+ <order>1</order>
+ <page>1</page>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE template SYSTEM "template.dtd">
+<!--This template doesnt work needs modification to the Engine.-->
+<title>Sendmail Relays</title>
+<description>New Sendmail Relays</description>
+<objectClass id="sendmailMTAClass"></objectClass>
+<attribute id="sendmailMTACluster">
+ <display>Sendmail Cluster Name</display>
+ <icon>images/object.png</icon>
+ <order>1</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="sendmailMTAHost">
+ <display>Sendmail Hostname</display>
+ <hint>Leave Blank</hint>
+ <order>2</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="sendmailMTAKey">
+ <display>Host/Network/Address</display>
+ <option>RELAY: Allow host/network/address to relay</option>
+ <option>OK: Accept local mail but disallow relay</option>
+ <option>REJECT: Reject messages</option>
+ <option>DISCARD: Discard messages</option>
+ <option>SKIP: Apply default action to messages</option>
+ <option>ERROR: Reject message with custom error</option>
+ <order>3</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="sendmailMTAMapName">
+ <value>access</value>
+ <hidden>1</hidden>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE template SYSTEM "template.dtd">
+<title>Sendmail Virtual Domain</title>
+<description>New Sendmail Domain</description>
+<objectClass id="sendmailMTAClass"></objectClass>
+<attribute id="sendmailMTACluster">
+ <display>Sendmail Cluster Name</display>
+ <icon>images/object.png</icon>
+ <order>1</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="sendmailMTAHost">
+ <display>Sendmail Hostname</display>
+ <hint>Leave Blank</hint>
+ <order>2</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="sendmailMTAClassValue">
+ <display>Email domain</display>
+ <order>3</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="sendmailMTAClassName">
+ <value>VirtHost</value>
+ <hidden>1</hidden>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE template SYSTEM "template.dtd">
+<title>Sendmail Virtual Users</title>
+<description>New Sendmail Virtual User</description>
+<objectClass id="sendmailMTAMapObject"></objectClass>
+<attribute id="sendmailMTACluster">
+ <display>Sendmail Cluster Name</display>
+ <icon>images/object.png</icon>
+ <order>1</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="sendmailMTAHost">
+ <display>Sendmail Hostname</display>
+ <hint>Leave Blank</hint>
+ <order>2</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="sendmailMTAKey">
+ <display>Email alias</display>
+ <hint>use @example.com to map entire domain</hint>
+ <order>3</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="sendmailMTAMapValue">
+ <display>Recipient Addresses</display>
+ <hint>use %1 to map user name port of address</hint>
+ <type>textarea</type>
+ <order>4</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+<attribute id="sendmailMTAMapName">
+ <value>virtuser</value>
+ <hidden>1</hidden>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE template SYSTEM "template.dtd">
+<title>Simple Security Object</title>
+<description>New Simple Security Object</description>
+<objectClass id="account"></objectClass>
+<objectClass id="simpleSecurityObject"></objectClass>
+<attribute id="userid">
+ <display>User Name</display>
+ <icon>images/uid.png</icon>
+ <order>1</order>
+ <page>1</page>
+ <spacer>1</spacer>
+<attribute id="userPassword">
+ <display>Password</display>
+ <icon>images/lock.png</icon>
+ <type>password</type>
+ <verify>1</verify>
+ <helper>
+ <display>Encryption</display>
+ <id>enc</id>
+ <option>blowfish</option>
+ <option>clear</option>
+ <option>crypt</option>
+ <option>ext_des</option>
+ <option>md5</option>
+ <option>md5crypt</option>
+ <option>sha</option>
+ <option>smd5</option>
+ <option>ssha</option>
+ <value>md5</value>
+ </helper>
+ <post>=php.Password(%enc%,%userPassword%)</post>
+ <order>5</order>
+ <page>1</page>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE template SYSTEM "template.dtd">
+<title>Address Book Entry</title>
+<objectClass id="inetOrgPerson"></objectClass>
+<objectClass id="top"></objectClass>
+<attribute id="givenName">
+ <display>First name</display>
+ <icon>images/uid.png</icon>
+ <onchange>autoFill:cn,%givenName% %sn%</onchange>
+ <order>1</order>
+<attribute id="sn">
+ <display>Last name</display>
+ <onchange>autoFill:cn,%givenName% %sn%</onchange>
+ <order>2</order>
+<attribute id="cn">
+ <display>Common Name</display>
+ <readonly>1</readonly>
+ <order>3</order>
+ <spacer>1</spacer>
+<attribute id="o">
+ <display>Organisation</display>
+ <order>4</order>
+<attribute id="street">
+ <display>Street</display>
+ <icon>images/mail.png</icon>
+ <type>textarea</type>
+ <cols>50</cols>
+ <rows>4</rows>
+ <order>5</order>
+<attribute id="l">
+ <display>City</display>
+ <option>Berlin</option>
+ <option>London</option>
+ <option>Paris</option>
+ <option>Washington</option>
+ <option>Other</option>
+ <order>6</order>
+<attribute id="st">
+ <display>State</display>
+ <order>7</order>
+<attribute id="postalCode">
+ <display>Postal code</display>
+ <maxlength>5</maxlength>
+ <order>8</order>
+ <spacer>1</spacer>
+<attribute id="telephoneNumber">
+ <display>Work phone</display>
+ <icon>images/phone.png</icon>
+ <order>9</order>
+<attribute id="facsimileTelephoneNumber">
+ <display>Fax</display>
+ <order>10</order>
+<attribute id="mobile">
+ <display>Mobile</display>
+ <order>11</order>
+<attribute id="mail">
+ <display>Email</display>
+ <order>12</order>
--- /dev/null
+<!-- ==========================================================================
+ This is the DTD for phpLDAPAdmin Templates (draft).
+ Copyright (c) 2005 <adezorzi AT rhx DOT it>
+ temporary URI for the DTD: http://www.phamm.org/DTD/pla-template-strict.dtd
+ Validate your templates here: http://www.stg.brown.edu/service/xmlvalid/
+========================================================================== -->
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+<!-- ================================================================ -->
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+ destinationcontainer?,action?,leaf?,
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+ presubmit?, rows?, spacer*, type?, option*, verify?)>
+<!ATTLIST attribute id CDATA #REQUIRED>
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+<!-- ================================================================ -->
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+<!ELEMENT action (#PCDATA)>
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+<!ELEMENT cols (#PCDATA)>
+<!ELEMENT value (#PCDATA)>
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+<!-- Helper Parameters -->
+<!ELEMENT location (#PCDATA)>
+<!ELEMENT option (#PCDATA)>