getArchitecture (NonRec var expr) =
"architecture structural of " ++ name ++ " is\n"
++ "begin\n"
- ++ getInstantiations (Args [Tuple [Port "portin0", Port "portin1"]]) [] expr
+ ++ getInstantiations (Args inportnames) [] expr
++ "end structural\n"
name = (getOccString var)
ty = CoreUtils.exprType expr
+ (fargs, res) = Type.splitFunTys ty
+ --state = if length fargs == 1 then () else (last fargs)
+ ports = if length fargs == 1 then fargs else (init fargs)
+ inportnames = case ports of
+ [port] -> [getPortNameMapForTy "portin" port]
+ ps -> getPortNameMapForTys "portin" 0 ps
data PortNameMap =
Args [PortNameMap] -- Each of the submaps represent an argument to the
-- function. Should only occur at top level.
| Tuple [PortNameMap]
| Port String
+-- Generate a port name map (or multiple for tuple types) in the given direction for
+-- each type given.
+getPortNameMapForTys :: String -> Int -> [Type] -> [PortNameMap]
+getPortNameMapForTys prefix num [] = []
+getPortNameMapForTys prefix num (t:ts) =
+ (getPortNameMapForTy (prefix ++ show num) t) : getPortNameMapForTys prefix (num + 1) ts
+getPortNameMapForTy :: String -> Type -> PortNameMap
+getPortNameMapForTy name ty =
+ if (TyCon.isTupleTyCon tycon) then
+ -- Expand tuples we find
+ Tuple (getPortNameMapForTys name 0 args)
+ else -- Assume it's a type constructor application, ie simple data type
+ -- TODO: Add type?
+ Port name
+ where
+ (tycon, args) = Type.splitTyConApp ty