-- | Add the function to the session
addFunc :: HsFunction -> VHDLState ()
-addFunc hsfunc = do
- fs <- State.gets funcs -- Get the funcs element from the session
- let fs' = Map.insert hsfunc (FuncData Nothing Nothing Nothing) fs -- Insert function
- State.modify (\x -> x {funcs = fs' })
+addFunc hsfunc =
+ modFuncMap (Map.insert hsfunc (FuncData Nothing Nothing Nothing))
-- | Find the given function in the current session
getFunc :: HsFunction -> VHDLState (Maybe FuncData)
-- | Sets the FlatFunction for the given HsFunction in the given setting.
setFlatFunc :: HsFunction -> FlatFunction -> VHDLState ()
-setFlatFunc hsfunc flatfunc = do
+setFlatFunc hsfunc flatfunc =
+ modFunc (\d -> d { flatFunc = Just flatfunc }) hsfunc
+-- | Modify a function in the map using the given function
+modFunc :: (FuncData -> FuncData) -> HsFunction -> VHDLState ()
+modFunc f hsfunc =
+ modFuncMap (Map.adjust f hsfunc)
+-- | Modify the function map in the session using the given function
+modFuncMap :: (FuncMap -> FuncMap) -> VHDLState ()
+modFuncMap f = do
fs <- State.gets funcs -- Get the funcs element from the session
- let fs'= Map.adjust (\d -> d { flatFunc = Just flatfunc }) hsfunc fs
+ let fs' = f fs
State.modify (\x -> x {funcs = fs' })
-- | Modify all functions in the map using the given function
modFuncs :: (HsFunction -> FuncData -> FuncData) -> VHDLState ()
-modFuncs f = do
- fs <- State.gets funcs -- Get the funcs element from the session
- let fs' = Map.mapWithKey f fs
- State.modify (\x -> x {funcs = fs' })
+modFuncs f =
+ modFuncMap (Map.mapWithKey f)
getModule :: VHDLState HscTypes.CoreModule
getModule = State.gets coreMod -- Get the coreMod element from the session