--- /dev/null
+{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
+-- This module provides functions for program transformations.
+module NormalizeTools where
+-- Standard modules
+import Debug.Trace
+import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid
+import qualified Control.Monad as Monad
+import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as State
+import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Writer as Writer
+import qualified "transformers" Control.Monad.Trans as Trans
+import Data.Accessor
+import CoreSyn
+import qualified UniqSupply
+import qualified Unique
+import qualified OccName
+import qualified Name
+import qualified Var
+import qualified SrcLoc
+import qualified Type
+import qualified IdInfo
+import Outputable ( showSDoc, ppr, nest )
+-- Local imports
+import NormalizeTypes
+-- Create a new internal var with the given name and type. A Unique is
+-- appended to the given name, to ensure uniqueness (not strictly neccesary,
+-- since the Unique is also stored in the name, but this ensures variable
+-- names are unique in the output).
+mkInternalVar :: String -> Type.Type -> TransformMonad Var.Var
+mkInternalVar str ty = do
+ uniq <- mkUnique
+ let occname = OccName.mkVarOcc (str ++ show uniq)
+ let name = Name.mkInternalName uniq occname SrcLoc.noSrcSpan
+ return $ Var.mkLocalIdVar name ty IdInfo.vanillaIdInfo
+-- Apply the given transformation to all expressions in the given expression,
+-- including the expression itself.
+everywhere :: (String, Transform) -> Transform
+everywhere trans = applyboth (subeverywhere (everywhere trans)) trans
+-- Apply the first transformation, followed by the second transformation, and
+-- keep applying both for as long as expression still changes.
+applyboth :: Transform -> (String, Transform) -> Transform
+applyboth first (name, second) expr = do
+ -- Apply the first
+ expr' <- first expr
+ -- Apply the second
+ (expr'', changed) <- Writer.listen $ second expr'
+ if Monoid.getAny changed
+ then
+ trace ("Transform " ++ name ++ " changed from:\n" ++ showSDoc (nest 4 $ ppr expr') ++ "\nTo:\n" ++ showSDoc (nest 4 $ ppr expr'') ++ "\n") $
+ applyboth first (name, second) expr''
+ else
+ return expr''
+-- Apply the given transformation to all direct subexpressions (only), not the
+-- expression itself.
+subeverywhere :: Transform -> Transform
+subeverywhere trans (App a b) = do
+ a' <- trans a
+ b' <- trans b
+ return $ App a' b'
+subeverywhere trans (Let (Rec binds) expr) = do
+ expr' <- trans expr
+ binds' <- mapM transbind binds
+ return $ Let (Rec binds') expr'
+ where
+ transbind :: (CoreBndr, CoreExpr) -> TransformMonad (CoreBndr, CoreExpr)
+ transbind (b, e) = do
+ e' <- trans e
+ return (b, e')
+subeverywhere trans (Lam x expr) = do
+ expr' <- trans expr
+ return $ Lam x expr'
+subeverywhere trans (Case scrut b t alts) = do
+ scrut' <- trans scrut
+ alts' <- mapM transalt alts
+ return $ Case scrut' b t alts'
+ where
+ transalt :: CoreAlt -> TransformMonad CoreAlt
+ transalt (con, binders, expr) = do
+ expr' <- trans expr
+ return (con, binders, expr')
+subeverywhere trans expr = return expr
+-- Apply the given transformation to all expressions, except for every first
+-- argument of an application.
+notapplied :: (String, Transform) -> Transform
+notapplied trans = applyboth (subnotapplied trans) trans
+-- Apply the given transformation to all (direct and indirect) subexpressions
+-- (but not the expression itself), except for the first argument of an
+-- applicfirst argument of an application
+subnotapplied :: (String, Transform) -> Transform
+subnotapplied trans (App a b) = do
+ a' <- subnotapplied trans a
+ b' <- notapplied trans b
+ return $ App a' b'
+-- Let subeverywhere handle all other expressions
+subnotapplied trans expr = subeverywhere (notapplied trans) expr
+-- Run the given transforms over the given expression
+dotransforms :: [Transform] -> UniqSupply.UniqSupply -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
+dotransforms transs uniqSupply = (flip State.evalState initState) . (dotransforms' transs)
+ where initState = TransformState uniqSupply
+-- Runs each of the transforms repeatedly inside the State monad.
+dotransforms' :: [Transform] -> CoreExpr -> State.State TransformState CoreExpr
+dotransforms' transs expr = do
+ (expr', changed) <- Writer.runWriterT $ Monad.foldM (flip ($)) expr transs
+ if Monoid.getAny changed then dotransforms' transs expr' else return expr'
+-- Sets the changed flag in the TransformMonad, to signify that some
+-- transform has changed the result
+setChanged :: TransformMonad ()
+setChanged = Writer.tell (Monoid.Any True)
+-- Sets the changed flag and returns the given value.
+change :: a -> TransformMonad a
+change val = do
+ setChanged
+ return val
+-- Create a new Unique
+mkUnique :: TransformMonad Unique.Unique
+mkUnique = Trans.lift $ do
+ us <- getA tsUniqSupply
+ let (us', us'') = UniqSupply.splitUniqSupply us
+ putA tsUniqSupply us'
+ return $ UniqSupply.uniqFromSupply us''
module Translator where
import qualified Directory
import qualified List
+import Debug.Trace
+import qualified Control.Arrow as Arrow
import GHC hiding (loadModule, sigName)
import CoreSyn
import qualified CoreUtils
import Outputable ( showSDoc, ppr )
import GHC.Paths ( libdir )
import DynFlags ( defaultDynFlags )
+import qualified UniqSupply
import List ( find )
import qualified List
import qualified Monad
import TranslatorTypes
import HsValueMap
import Pretty
+import Normalize
import Flatten
import FlattenTypes
import VHDLTypes
moduleToVHDL :: HscTypes.CoreModule -> [(String, Bool)] -> IO [(AST.VHDLId, AST.DesignFile)]
moduleToVHDL core list = do
let (names, statefuls) = unzip list
- --liftIO $ putStr $ prettyShow (cm_binds core)
let binds = findBinds core names
- --putStr $ prettyShow binds
+ -- Generate a UniqSupply
+ -- Running
+ -- egrep -r "(initTcRnIf|mkSplitUniqSupply)" .
+ -- on the compiler dir of ghc suggests that 'z' is not used to generate a
+ -- unique supply anywhere.
+ uniqSupply <- UniqSupply.mkSplitUniqSupply 'z'
-- Turn bind into VHDL
- let (vhdl, sess) = State.runState (mkVHDL binds statefuls) (TranslatorSession core 0 Map.empty)
+ let (vhdl, sess) = State.runState (mkVHDL uniqSupply binds statefuls) (TranslatorSession core 0 Map.empty)
mapM (putStr . render . ForSyDe.Backend.Ppr.ppr . snd) vhdl
putStr $ "\n\nFinal session:\n" ++ prettyShow sess ++ "\n\n"
return vhdl
-- Turns the given bind into VHDL
- mkVHDL :: [(CoreBndr, CoreExpr)] -> [Bool] -> TranslatorState [(AST.VHDLId, AST.DesignFile)]
- mkVHDL binds statefuls = do
+ mkVHDL :: UniqSupply.UniqSupply -> [(CoreBndr, CoreExpr)] -> [Bool] -> TranslatorState [(AST.VHDLId, AST.DesignFile)]
+ mkVHDL uniqSupply binds statefuls = do
+ let binds'' = map (Arrow.second $ normalize uniqSupply) binds
+ let binds' = trace ("Before:\n\n" ++ showSDoc ( ppr binds ) ++ "\n\nAfter:\n\n" ++ showSDoc ( ppr binds'')) binds''
-- Add the builtin functions
--mapM addBuiltIn builtin_funcs
-- Create entities and architectures for them
--Monad.zipWithM processBind statefuls binds
--modA tsFlatFuncs (Map.map nameFlatFunction)
--flatfuncs <- getA tsFlatFuncs
- return $ VHDL.createDesignFiles binds
+ return $ VHDL.createDesignFiles binds'
-- | Write the given design file to a file with the given name inside the
-- given dir