. Changed order of -s to mail for compatibility
. fixed permission stat call so it uses the --format supported by
coreutils (Closes: #382747)
+ . Added disk space report option (thanks Adam Kosmin)
handler changes
Added tar handler:
. create tarballs
0.4.3 will integrate them)
. Now forbid to (try to) include /.
- . Many more system checks were added, thanks to Petr Klíma
+ . Many more system checks were added, (thanks to Petr Klíma)
. Added warning if no devices were found (thanks Ranier Zocholl)
- . Enhanced debian package selections to include purged packages (Thanks Tom Hoover)
+ . Enhanced debian package selections to include purged packages (thanks Tom Hoover)
+ . Removed warning about vserver not running (thanks anarcat)
. Compress now happens in-line to save some disk space (Closes: #370778)
# even if there was no error. (default = yes)
reportwarning = yes
+# if set to 'yes', disk space usage will be included in
+# the backup email report
+reportspace = no
# set to the administration group that is allowed to
# read/write configuration files in /etc/backup.d
admingroup = root
- warning "vserver $vserver is not running, skipping installed packages report."
getconf configdirectory @CFGDIR@/backup.d
getconf scriptdirectory @datadir@
getconf reportemail
+getconf reportspace
getconf reportsuccess yes
getconf reportwarning yes
getconf loglevel 3
echo ${messages[$i]}
echo -e "$errormsg"
+ if [ "$reportspace" == "yes" ]; then
+ previous=""
+ for i in $(ls "$configdirectory"); do
+ backuploc=$(grep ^directory "$configdirectory"/"$i" | awk '{print $3}')
+ if [ "$backuploc" != "$previous" ]; then
+ mountdev=$(mount | grep "$backuploc" | awk '{print $1}')
+ df -h "$mountdev"
+ previous="$backuploc"
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
} | mail -s "backupninja: $hostname $subject" $reportemail