genSizedInt :: BuiltinBuilder
genSizedInt = genFromInteger
+-- | Generate a Builder for the builtin datacon TFVec
genTFVec :: BuiltinBuilder
-genTFVec (Left res) f [Left veclist] = do {
- ; let (CoreSyn.Let (CoreSyn.Rec letbndrs) rez) = veclist
- ; letapps <- mapM genLetApp letbndrs
- ; let bndrs = Maybe.catMaybes (map fst letapps)
- ; (aap,kooi) <- reduceFSVECListToHsList rez
- ; sigs <- mapM (\x -> MonadState.lift vsType $ varToVHDLExpr x) (bndrs ++ aap)
- ; let vecsigns = concatsigs sigs
- ; let vecassign = mkUncondAssign (Left res) vecsigns
- ; sig_dec_maybes <- mapM mkSigDec (bndrs ++ aap)
- ; let sig_decs = map (AST.BDISD) (Maybe.catMaybes $ sig_dec_maybes)
- ; let block_label = mkVHDLExtId ("FSVec_" ++ (show (map varToString (bndrs ++ aap))))
- ; let block = AST.BlockSm block_label [] (AST.PMapAspect []) sig_decs ((concat (map snd letapps)) ++ kooi ++ [vecassign])
+genTFVec (Left res) f [Left (CoreSyn.Let (CoreSyn.Rec letBinders) letRes)] = do {
+ -- Generate Assignments for all the binders
+ ; letAssigns <- mapM genBinderAssign letBinders
+ -- Generate assignments for the result (which might be another let binding)
+ ; (resBinders,resAssignments) <- genResAssign letRes
+ -- Get all the Assigned binders
+ ; let assignedBinders = Maybe.catMaybes (map fst letAssigns)
+ -- Make signal names for all the assigned binders
+ ; sigs <- mapM (\x -> MonadState.lift vsType $ varToVHDLExpr x) (assignedBinders ++ resBinders)
+ -- Assign all the signals to the resulting vector
+ ; let { vecsigns = mkAggregateSignal sigs
+ ; vecassign = mkUncondAssign (Left res) vecsigns
+ } ;
+ -- Generate all the signal declaration for the assigned binders
+ ; sig_dec_maybes <- mapM mkSigDec (assignedBinders ++ resBinders)
+ ; let { sig_decs = map (AST.BDISD) (Maybe.catMaybes $ sig_dec_maybes)
+ -- Setup the VHDL Block
+ ; block_label = mkVHDLExtId ("TFVec_" ++ show (varToString res))
+ ; block = AST.BlockSm block_label [] (AST.PMapAspect []) sig_decs ((concat (map snd letAssigns)) ++ resAssignments ++ [vecassign])
+ } ;
+ -- Return the block statement coressponding to the TFVec literal
; return $ [AST.CSBSm block]
- concatsigs x = AST.Aggregate (map (\z -> AST.ElemAssoc Nothing z) x)
+ genBinderAssign :: (CoreSyn.CoreBndr, CoreSyn.CoreExpr) -> VHDLSession (Maybe CoreSyn.CoreBndr, [AST.ConcSm])
+ -- For now we only translate applications
+ genBinderAssign (bndr, app@(CoreSyn.App _ _)) = do
+ let (CoreSyn.Var f, args) = CoreSyn.collectArgs app
+ let valargs = get_val_args (Var.varType f) args
+ apps <- genApplication (Left bndr) f (map Left valargs)
+ return (Just bndr, apps)
+ genBinderAssign _ = return (Nothing,[])
+ genResAssign :: CoreSyn.CoreExpr -> VHDLSession ([CoreSyn.CoreBndr], [AST.ConcSm])
+ genResAssign app@(CoreSyn.App _ letexpr) = do
+ case letexpr of
+ (CoreSyn.Let (CoreSyn.Rec letbndrs) letres) -> do
+ letapps <- mapM genBinderAssign letbndrs
+ let bndrs = Maybe.catMaybes (map fst letapps)
+ let app = (map snd letapps)
+ (vars, apps) <- genResAssign letres
+ return ((bndrs ++ vars),((concat app) ++ apps))
+ otherwise -> return ([],[])
+ genResAssign _ = return ([],[])
-genLetApp :: (CoreSyn.CoreBndr, CoreSyn.CoreExpr) -> VHDLSession (Maybe CoreSyn.CoreBndr, [AST.ConcSm])
-genLetApp (bndr, app@(CoreSyn.App _ _)) = do
- let (CoreSyn.Var f, args) = CoreSyn.collectArgs app
- let valargs = get_val_args (Var.varType f) args
- apps <- genApplication (Left bndr) f (map Left valargs)
- return (Just bndr, apps)
+genTFVec (Left res) f [Left app@(CoreSyn.App _ _)] = do {
+ ; let { elems = reduceCoreListToHsList app
+ -- Make signal names for all the binders
+ ; binders = map (\expr -> case expr of
+ (CoreSyn.Var b) -> b
+ otherwise -> error $ "\nGenerate.genTFVec: Cannot generate TFVec: "
+ ++ show res ++ ", with elems:\n" ++ show elems ++ "\n" ++ pprString elems) elems
+ } ;
+ ; sigs <- mapM (\x -> MonadState.lift vsType $ varToVHDLExpr x) binders
+ -- Assign all the signals to the resulting vector
+ ; let { vecsigns = mkAggregateSignal sigs
+ ; vecassign = mkUncondAssign (Left res) vecsigns
+ -- Setup the VHDL Block
+ ; block_label = mkVHDLExtId ("TFVec_" ++ show (varToString res))
+ ; block = AST.BlockSm block_label [] (AST.PMapAspect []) [] [vecassign]
+ } ;
+ -- Return the block statement coressponding to the TFVec literal
+ ; return $ [AST.CSBSm block]
+ }
-genLetApp _ = return (Nothing,[])
-reduceFSVECListToHsList :: CoreSyn.CoreExpr -> VHDLSession ([CoreSyn.CoreBndr], [AST.ConcSm])
-reduceFSVECListToHsList app@(CoreSyn.App _ letexpr) = do
- case letexpr of
- (CoreSyn.Let (CoreSyn.Rec letbndrs) rez) -> do
- letapps <- mapM genLetApp letbndrs
- let bndrs = Maybe.catMaybes (map fst letapps)
- let app = (map snd letapps)
- (vars, apps) <- reduceFSVECListToHsList rez
- return ((bndrs ++ vars),((concat app) ++ apps))
- otherwise -> return ([],[])
+genTFVec (Left name) _ [Left xs] = error $ "\nGenerate.genTFVec: Cannot generate TFVec: " ++ show name ++ ", with elems:\n" ++ show xs ++ "\n" ++ pprString xs
+genTFVec (Right name) _ _ = error $ "\nGenerate.genTFVec: Cannot generate TFVec assigned to VHDLName: " ++ show name
-- | Generate a generate statement for the builtin function "map"
genMap :: BuiltinBuilder