-{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
-- | This module provides a number of functions to find out things about Core
-- programs. This module does not provide the actual plumbing to work with
-- Core and Haskell (it uses HsTools for this), but only the functions that
import qualified Name
import qualified OccName
import qualified Type
+import qualified Id
import qualified TyCon
import qualified TysWiredIn
import qualified Bag
--- | Does the given expression have a State type?
-hasStateType :: CoreSyn.CoreExpr -> Bool
-hasStateType (CoreSyn.Type _) = False
-hasStateType expr = (isStateType . CoreUtils.exprType) expr
+-- | Does the given TypedThing have a State type?
+hasStateType :: (TypedThing t) => t -> Bool
+hasStateType expr = case getType expr of
+ Nothing -> False
+ Just ty -> isStateType ty
+-- | A class of things that (optionally) have a core Type. The type is
+-- optional, since Type expressions don't have a type themselves.
+class TypedThing t where
+ getType :: t -> Maybe Type.Type
+instance TypedThing CoreSyn.CoreExpr where
+ getType (CoreSyn.Type _) = Nothing
+ getType expr = Just $ CoreUtils.exprType expr
+instance TypedThing CoreSyn.CoreBndr where
+ getType = return . Id.idType
+instance TypedThing Type.Type where
+ getType = return . id