then do
bndrs' <- Monad.filterM hasNonEmptyType bndrs
case List.elemIndex sel_bndr bndrs' of
- Just i -> do
+ Just sel_i -> do
htypeScrt <- MonadState.lift tsType $ mkHTypeEither (Var.varType scrut)
htypeBndr <- MonadState.lift tsType $ mkHTypeEither (Var.varType bndr)
case htypeScrt == htypeBndr of
return ([mkUncondAssign (Left bndr) sel_expr], [])
otherwise ->
case htypeScrt of
- Right (AggrType _ _) -> do
- labels <- MonadState.lift tsType $ getFieldLabels (Id.idType scrut)
- let label = labels!!i
+ Right htype@(AggrType _ _ _) -> do
+ let dc_i = datacon_index (Id.idType scrut) dc
+ let labels = getFieldLabels htype dc_i
+ let label = labels!!sel_i
let sel_name = mkSelectedName (varToVHDLName scrut) label
let sel_expr = AST.PrimName sel_name
return ([mkUncondAssign (Left bndr) sel_expr], [])
-- binders in the alts and only variables in the case values and a variable
-- for a scrutinee. We check the constructor of the second alt, since the
-- first is the default case, if there is any.
-mkConcSm (bndr, (CoreSyn.Case (CoreSyn.Var scrut) _ _ (alt:alts))) = do
- scrut' <- MonadState.lift tsType $ varToVHDLExpr scrut
- -- Omit first condition, which is the default
- altcons <- MonadState.lift tsType $ mapM (altconToVHDLExpr . (\(con,_,_) -> con)) alts
- let cond_exprs = map (\x -> scrut' AST.:=: x) altcons
+mkConcSm (bndr, expr@(CoreSyn.Case (CoreSyn.Var scrut) _ _ alts)) = do
+ htype <- MonadState.lift tsType $ mkHType ("\nVHDL.mkConcSm: Unrepresentable scrutinee type? Expression: " ++ pprString expr) scrut
+ -- Turn the scrutinee into a VHDLExpr
+ scrut_expr <- MonadState.lift tsType $ varToVHDLExpr scrut
+ (enums, cmp) <- case htype of
+ EnumType _ enums -> do
+ -- Enumeration type, compare with the scrutinee directly
+ return (map stringToVHDLExpr enums, scrut_expr)
+ AggrType _ (Just (name, EnumType _ enums)) _ -> do
+ -- Extract the enumeration field from the aggregation
+ let sel_name = mkSelectedName (varToVHDLName scrut) (mkVHDLBasicId name)
+ let sel_expr = AST.PrimName sel_name
+ return (map stringToVHDLExpr enums, sel_expr)
+ (BuiltinType "Bit") -> do
+ let enums = [AST.PrimLit "'1'", AST.PrimLit "'0'"]
+ return (enums, scrut_expr)
+ (BuiltinType "Bool") -> do
+ let enums = [AST.PrimLit "true", AST.PrimLit "false"]
+ return (enums, scrut_expr)
+ _ -> error $ "\nSelector case on weird scrutinee: " ++ pprString scrut ++ " scrutinee type: " ++ pprString (Id.idType scrut)
+ -- Omit first condition, which is the default. Look up each altcon in
+ -- the enums list from the HType to find the actual enum value names.
+ let altcons = map (\(CoreSyn.DataAlt dc, _, _) -> enums!!(datacon_index scrut dc)) (tail alts)
+ -- Compare the (constructor field of the) scrutinee with each of the
+ -- alternatives.
+ let cond_exprs = map (\x -> cmp AST.:=: x) altcons
-- Rotate expressions to the left, so that the expression related to the default case is the last
- exprs <- MonadState.lift tsType $ mapM (varToVHDLExpr . (\(_,_,CoreSyn.Var expr) -> expr)) (alts ++ [alt])
+ exprs <- MonadState.lift tsType $ mapM (varToVHDLExpr . (\(_,_,CoreSyn.Var expr) -> expr)) ((tail alts) ++ [head alts])
return ([mkAltsAssign (Left bndr) cond_exprs exprs], [])
mkConcSm (_, CoreSyn.Case _ _ _ _) = error "\nVHDL.mkConcSm: Not in normal form: Case statement does not have a simple variable as scrutinee"
genZip' (Left res) f args@[arg1, arg2] = do {
-- Setup the generate scheme
; len <- MonadState.lift tsType $ tfp_to_int $ (tfvec_len_ty . Var.varType) res
+ ; res_htype <- MonadState.lift tsType $ mkHType "\nGenerate.genZip: Invalid result type" (tfvec_elem (Var.varType res))
-- TODO: Use something better than varToString
; let { label = mkVHDLExtId ("zipVector" ++ (varToString res))
; n_id = mkVHDLBasicId "n"
; resname' = mkIndexedName (varToVHDLName res) n_expr
; argexpr1 = vhdlNameToVHDLExpr $ mkIndexedName (varToVHDLName arg1) n_expr
; argexpr2 = vhdlNameToVHDLExpr $ mkIndexedName (varToVHDLName arg2) n_expr
- } ;
- ; labels <- MonadState.lift tsType $ getFieldLabels (tfvec_elem (Var.varType res))
+ ; labels = getFieldLabels res_htype 0
+ }
; let { resnameA = mkSelectedName resname' (labels!!0)
; resnameB = mkSelectedName resname' (labels!!1)
; resA_assign = mkUncondAssign (Right resnameA) argexpr1
genFst = genNoInsts $ genVarArgs genFst'
genFst' :: (Either CoreSyn.CoreBndr AST.VHDLName) -> CoreSyn.CoreBndr -> [Var.Var] -> TranslatorSession [AST.ConcSm]
genFst' (Left res) f args@[arg] = do {
- ; labels <- MonadState.lift tsType $ getFieldLabels (Var.varType arg)
- ; let { argexpr' = varToVHDLName arg
+ ; arg_htype <- MonadState.lift tsType $ mkHType "\nGenerate.genFst: Invalid argument type" (Var.varType arg)
+ ; let {
+ ; labels = getFieldLabels arg_htype 0
+ ; argexpr' = varToVHDLName arg
; argexprA = vhdlNameToVHDLExpr $ mkSelectedName argexpr' (labels!!0)
; assign = mkUncondAssign (Left res) argexprA
} ;
genSnd = genNoInsts $ genVarArgs genSnd'
genSnd' :: (Either CoreSyn.CoreBndr AST.VHDLName) -> CoreSyn.CoreBndr -> [Var.Var] -> TranslatorSession [AST.ConcSm]
genSnd' (Left res) f args@[arg] = do {
- ; labels <- MonadState.lift tsType $ getFieldLabels (Var.varType arg)
- ; let { argexpr' = varToVHDLName arg
+ ; arg_htype <- MonadState.lift tsType $ mkHType "\nGenerate.genSnd: Invalid argument type" (Var.varType arg)
+ ; let {
+ ; labels = getFieldLabels arg_htype 0
+ ; argexpr' = varToVHDLName arg
; argexprB = vhdlNameToVHDLExpr $ mkSelectedName argexpr' (labels!!1)
; assign = mkUncondAssign (Left res) argexprB
} ;
-- resulting VHDL, making the the unzip no longer required.
case htype of
-- A normal vector containing two-tuples
- VecType _ (AggrType _ [_, _]) -> do {
+ VecType _ (AggrType _ _ [_, _]) -> do {
-- Setup the generate scheme
; len <- MonadState.lift tsType $ tfp_to_int $ (tfvec_len_ty . Var.varType) arg
+ ; arg_htype <- MonadState.lift tsType $ mkHType "\nGenerate.genUnzip: Invalid argument type" (Var.varType arg)
+ ; res_htype <- MonadState.lift tsType $ mkHType "\nGenerate.genUnzip: Invalid result type" (Var.varType res)
-- TODO: Use something better than varToString
; let { label = mkVHDLExtId ("unzipVector" ++ (varToString res))
; n_id = mkVHDLBasicId "n"
; genScheme = AST.ForGn n_id range
; resname' = varToVHDLName res
; argexpr' = mkIndexedName (varToVHDLName arg) n_expr
+ ; reslabels = getFieldLabels res_htype 0
+ ; arglabels = getFieldLabels arg_htype 0
} ;
- ; reslabels <- MonadState.lift tsType $ getFieldLabels (Var.varType res)
- ; arglabels <- MonadState.lift tsType $ getFieldLabels (tfvec_elem (Var.varType arg))
; let { resnameA = mkIndexedName (mkSelectedName resname' (reslabels!!0)) n_expr
; resnameB = mkIndexedName (mkSelectedName resname' (reslabels!!1)) n_expr
; argexprA = vhdlNameToVHDLExpr $ mkSelectedName argexpr' (arglabels!!0)
-- Both elements of the tuple were state, so they've disappeared. No
-- need to do anything
- VecType _ (AggrType _ []) -> return []
+ VecType _ (AggrType _ _ []) -> return []
-- A vector containing aggregates with more than two elements?
- VecType _ (AggrType _ _) -> error $ "Unzipping a value that is not a vector of two-tuples? Value: " ++ pprString arg ++ "\nType: " ++ pprString (Var.varType arg)
+ VecType _ (AggrType _ _ _) -> error $ "Unzipping a value that is not a vector of two-tuples? Value: " ++ pprString arg ++ "\nType: " ++ pprString (Var.varType arg)
-- One of the elements of the tuple was state, so there won't be a
-- tuple (record) in the VHDL output. We can just do a plain
-- assignment, then.
genSplit' :: (Either CoreSyn.CoreBndr AST.VHDLName) -> CoreSyn.CoreBndr -> [Var.Var] -> TranslatorSession [AST.ConcSm]
genSplit' (Left res) f args@[vecIn] = do {
- ; labels <- MonadState.lift tsType $ getFieldLabels (Var.varType res)
; len <- MonadState.lift tsType $ tfp_to_int $ (tfvec_len_ty . Var.varType) vecIn
- ; let { block_label = mkVHDLExtId ("split" ++ (varToString vecIn))
+ ; res_htype <- MonadState.lift tsType $ mkHType "\nGenerate.genSplit': Invalid result type" (Var.varType res)
+ ; let {
+ ; labels = getFieldLabels res_htype 0
+ ; block_label = mkVHDLExtId ("split" ++ (varToString vecIn))
; halflen = round ((fromIntegral len) / 2)
; rangeL = vecSlice (AST.PrimLit "0") (AST.PrimLit $ show (halflen - 1))
; rangeR = vecSlice (AST.PrimLit $ show halflen) (AST.PrimLit $ show (len - 1))
-- It's a datacon. Create a record from its arguments.
Left bndr -> do
-- We have the bndr, so we can get at the type
- htype <- MonadState.lift tsType $ mkHTypeEither (Var.varType bndr)
+ htype_either <- MonadState.lift tsType $ mkHTypeEither (Var.varType bndr)
let argsNostate = filter (\x -> not (either hasStateType (\x -> False) x)) args
case argsNostate of
[arg] -> do
[arg'] <- argsToVHDLExprs [arg]
return ([mkUncondAssign dst arg'], [])
otherwise ->
- case htype of
- Right (AggrType _ _) -> do
- labels <- MonadState.lift tsType $ getFieldLabels (Var.varType bndr)
+ case htype_either of
+ Right htype@(AggrType _ _ _) -> do
+ let dc_i = datacon_index (Var.varType bndr) dc
+ let labels = getFieldLabels htype dc_i
args' <- argsToVHDLExprs argsNostate
return (zipWith mkassign labels args', [])
case TyCon.tyConDataCons tycon of
-- Not an algebraic type
[] -> return $ Left $ "VHDLTools.mkTyConHType: Only custom algebraic types are supported: " ++ pprString tycon
- [dc] -> do
- let arg_tys = DataCon.dataConRepArgTys dc
- let real_arg_tys = map (CoreSubst.substTy subst) arg_tys
- let real_arg_tys_nostate = filter (\x -> not (isStateType x)) real_arg_tys
- elem_htys_either <- mapM mkHTypeEither real_arg_tys_nostate
- case Either.partitionEithers elem_htys_either of
- ([], [elem_hty]) ->
- return $ Right elem_hty
- -- No errors in element types
- ([], elem_htys) ->
- return $ Right $ AggrType (nameToString (TyCon.tyConName tycon)) elem_htys
- -- There were errors in element types
- (errors, _) -> return $ Left $
- "\nVHDLTools.mkTyConHType: Can not construct type for: " ++ pprString tycon ++ "\n because no type can be construced for some of the arguments.\n"
- ++ (concat errors)
dcs -> do
- let arg_tys = concatMap DataCon.dataConRepArgTys dcs
- let real_arg_tys = map (CoreSubst.substTy subst) arg_tys
- case real_arg_tys of
- [] ->
- return $ Right $ EnumType (nameToString (TyCon.tyConName tycon)) (map (nameToString . DataCon.dataConName) dcs)
- xs -> return $ Left $
- "VHDLTools.mkTyConHType: Only enum-like constructor datatypes supported: " ++ pprString dcs ++ "\n"
+ let arg_tyss = map DataCon.dataConRepArgTys dcs
+ let enum_ty = EnumType name (map (nameToString . DataCon.dataConName) dcs)
+ case (concat arg_tyss) of
+ -- No arguments, this is just an enumeration type
+ [] -> return (Right enum_ty)
+ -- At least one argument, this becomes an aggregate type
+ _ -> do
+ -- Resolve any type arguments to this type
+ let real_arg_tyss = map (map (CoreSubst.substTy subst)) arg_tyss
+ -- Remove any state type fields
+ let real_arg_tyss_nostate = map (filter (\x -> not (isStateType x))) real_arg_tyss
+ elem_htyss_either <- mapM (mapM mkHTypeEither) real_arg_tyss_nostate
+ let (errors, elem_htyss) = unzip (map Either.partitionEithers elem_htyss_either)
+ case errors of
+ [] -> case (dcs, concat elem_htyss) of
+ -- A single constructor with a single (non-state) field?
+ ([dc], [elem_hty]) -> return $ Right elem_hty
+ -- If we get here, then all of the argument types were state
+ -- types (we check for enumeration types at the top). Not
+ -- sure how to handle this, so error out for now.
+ (_, []) -> error $ "ADT with only State elements (or something like that?) Dunno how to handle this yet. Tycon: " ++ pprString tycon ++ " Arguments: " ++ pprString args
+ -- A full ADT (with multiple fields and one or multiple
+ -- constructors).
+ (_, elem_htys) -> do
+ let (_, fieldss) = List.mapAccumL (List.mapAccumL label_field) labels elem_htyss
+ -- Only put in an enumeration as part of the aggregation
+ -- when there are multiple datacons
+ let enum_ty_part = case dcs of
+ [dc] -> Nothing
+ _ -> Just ("constructor", enum_ty)
+ -- Create the AggrType HType
+ return $ Right $ AggrType name enum_ty_part fieldss
+ -- There were errors in element types
+ errors -> return $ Left $
+ "\nVHDLTools.mkTyConHType: Can not construct type for: " ++ pprString tycon ++ "\n because no type can be construced for some of the arguments.\n"
+ ++ (concat $ concat errors)
+ name = (nameToString (TyCon.tyConName tycon))
tyvars = TyCon.tyConTyVars tycon
subst = CoreSubst.extendTvSubstList CoreSubst.emptySubst (zip tyvars args)
+ -- Label a field by taking the first available label and returning
+ -- the rest.
+ label_field :: [String] -> HType -> ([String], (String, HType))
+ label_field (l:ls) htype = (ls, (l, htype))
+ labels = map (:[]) ['A'..'Z']
--- Translate a Haskell type to a VHDL type, generating a new type if needed.
--- Returns an error value, using the given message, when no type could be
--- created. Returns Nothing when the type is valid, but empty.
vhdlTy :: (TypedThing t, Outputable.Outputable t) =>
String -> t -> TypeSession (Maybe AST.TypeMark)
vhdlTy msg ty = do
htype <- mkHType msg ty
vhdlTyMaybe htype
+-- | Translate a Haskell type to a VHDL type, generating a new type if needed.
+-- Returns an error value, using the given message, when no type could be
+-- created. Returns Nothing when the type is valid, but empty.
vhdlTyMaybe :: HType -> TypeSession (Maybe AST.TypeMark)
vhdlTyMaybe htype = do
typemap <- MonadState.get tsTypes
mkTyconTy :: HType -> TypeSession TypeMapRec
mkTyconTy htype =
case htype of
- (AggrType tycon args) -> do
- elemTysMaybe <- mapM vhdlTyMaybe args
- case Maybe.catMaybes elemTysMaybe of
- [] -> -- No non-empty members
+ (AggrType name enum_field_maybe fieldss) -> do
+ let (labelss, elem_htypess) = unzip (map unzip fieldss)
+ elemTyMaybess <- mapM (mapM vhdlTyMaybe) elem_htypess
+ let elem_tyss = map Maybe.catMaybes elemTyMaybess
+ case concat elem_tyss of
+ [] -> -- No non-empty fields
return Nothing
- elem_tys -> do
- let elems = zipWith AST.ElementDec recordlabels elem_tys
- let elem_names = concatMap prettyShow elem_tys
- let ty_id = mkVHDLExtId $ tycon ++ elem_names
- let ty_def = AST.TDR $ AST.RecordTypeDef elems
- let tupshow = mkTupleShow elem_tys ty_id
+ _ -> do
+ let reclabelss = map (map mkVHDLBasicId) labelss
+ let elemss = zipWith (zipWith AST.ElementDec) reclabelss elem_tyss
+ let elem_names = concatMap (concatMap prettyShow) elem_tyss
+ let ty_id = mkVHDLExtId $ name ++ elem_names
+ -- Find out if we need to add an extra field at the start of
+ -- the record type containing the constructor (only needed
+ -- when there's more than one constructor).
+ enum_ty_maybe <- case enum_field_maybe of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just (_, enum_htype) -> do
+ enum_ty_maybe' <- vhdlTyMaybe enum_htype
+ case enum_ty_maybe' of
+ Nothing -> error $ "Couldn't translate enumeration type part of AggrType: " ++ show htype
+ -- Note that the first Just means the type is
+ -- translateable, while the second Just means that there
+ -- is a enum_ty at all (e.g., there's multiple
+ -- constructors).
+ Just enum_ty -> return $ Just enum_ty
+ -- Create an record field declaration for the first
+ -- constructor field, if needed.
+ enum_dec_maybe <- case enum_field_maybe of
+ Nothing -> return $ Nothing
+ Just (enum_name, enum_htype) -> do
+ enum_vhdl_ty_maybe <- vhdlTyMaybe enum_htype
+ let enum_vhdl_ty = Maybe.fromMaybe (error $ "\nVHDLTools.mkTyconTy: Enumeration field should not have empty type: " ++ show enum_htype) enum_vhdl_ty_maybe
+ return $ Just $ AST.ElementDec (mkVHDLBasicId enum_name) enum_vhdl_ty
+ -- Turn the maybe into a list, so we can prepend it.
+ let enum_decs = Maybe.maybeToList enum_dec_maybe
+ let enum_tys = Maybe.maybeToList enum_ty_maybe
+ let ty_def = AST.TDR $ AST.RecordTypeDef (enum_decs ++ concat elemss)
+ let tupshow = mkTupleShow (enum_tys ++ concat elem_tyss) ty_id
MonadState.modify tsTypeFuns $ Map.insert (htype, showIdString) (showId, tupshow)
return $ Just (ty_id, Just $ Left ty_def)
(EnumType tycon dcs) -> do
MonadState.modify tsTypeFuns $ Map.insert (htype, showIdString) (showId, enumShow)
return $ Just (ty_id, Just $ Left ty_def)
otherwise -> error $ "\nVHDLTools.mkTyconTy: Called for HType that is neiter a AggrType or EnumType: " ++ show htype
- where
- -- Generate a bunch of labels for fields of a record
- recordlabels = map (\c -> mkVHDLBasicId [c]) ['A'..'Z']
-- | Create a VHDL vector type
mkVectorTy ::
let ty_def = AST.SubtypeIn signedTM (Just range)
return (Just (ty_id, Just $ Right ty_def))
--- Finds the field labels for VHDL type generated for the given Core type,
--- which must result in a record type.
-getFieldLabels :: Type.Type -> TypeSession [AST.VHDLId]
-getFieldLabels ty = do
- -- Ensure that the type is generated (but throw away it's VHDLId)
- let error_msg = "\nVHDLTools.getFieldLabels: Can not get field labels, because: " ++ pprString ty ++ "can not be generated."
- vhdlTy error_msg ty
- -- Get the types map, lookup and unpack the VHDL TypeDef
- types <- MonadState.get tsTypes
- -- Assume the type for which we want labels is really translatable
- htype <- mkHType error_msg ty
- case Map.lookup htype types of
- Nothing -> error $ "\nVHDLTools.getFieldLabels: Type not found? This should not happen!\nLooking for type: " ++ (pprString ty) ++ "\nhtype: " ++ (show htype)
- Just Nothing -> return [] -- The type is empty
- Just (Just (_, Just (Left (AST.TDR (AST.RecordTypeDef elems))))) -> return $ map (\(AST.ElementDec id _) -> id) elems
- Just (Just (_, Just vty)) -> error $ "\nVHDLTools.getFieldLabels: Type not a record type? This should not happen!\nLooking for type: " ++ pprString (ty) ++ "\nhtype: " ++ (show htype) ++ "\nFound type: " ++ (show vty)
+-- Finds the field labels and types for aggregation HType. Returns an
+-- error on other types.
+getFields ::
+ HType -- ^ The HType to get fields for
+ -> Int -- ^ The constructor to get fields for (e.g., 0
+ -- for the first constructor, etc.)
+ -> [(String, HType)] -- ^ A list of fields, with their name and type
+getFields htype dc_i = case htype of
+ (AggrType name _ fieldss)
+ | dc_i >= 0 && dc_i < length fieldss -> fieldss!!dc_i
+ | otherwise -> error $ "Invalid constructor index: " ++ (show dc_i) ++ ". No such constructor in HType: " ++ (show htype)
+ _ -> error $ "Can't get fields from non-aggregate HType: " ++ show htype
+-- Finds the field labels for an aggregation type, as VHDLIds.
+getFieldLabels ::
+ HType -- ^ The HType to get field labels for
+ -> Int -- ^ The constructor to get fields for (e.g., 0
+ -- for the first constructor, etc.)
+ -> [AST.VHDLId] -- ^ The labels
+getFieldLabels htype dc_i = ((map mkVHDLBasicId) . (map fst)) (getFields htype dc_i)
mktydecl :: (AST.VHDLId, Maybe (Either AST.TypeDef AST.SubtypeIn)) -> Maybe AST.PackageDecItem
mytydecl (_, Nothing) = Nothing
mktydecl (ty_id, Just (Left ty_def)) = Just $ AST.PDITD $ AST.TypeDec ty_id ty_def