appsimpl, appsimpltop :: Transform
-- Don't simplify arguments that are already simple.
appsimpl expr@(App f (Var v)) = return expr
--- Simplify all non-applicable (to prevent loops with inlinefun) arguments,
--- except for type arguments (since a let can't bind type vars, only a lambda
--- can). Do this by introducing a new Let that binds the argument and passing
--- the new binder in the application.
-appsimpl (App f expr) | (not $ is_applicable expr) && (not $ CoreSyn.isTypeArg expr) = do
- id <- mkInternalVar "arg" (CoreUtils.exprType expr)
- change $ Let (Rec [(id, expr)]) (App f (Var id))
+-- Simplify all representable arguments. Do this by introducing a new Let
+-- that binds the argument and passing the new binder in the application.
+appsimpl expr@(App f arg) = do
+ -- Check runtime representability
+ repr <- isRepr arg
+ if repr
+ then do -- Extract representable arguments
+ id <- mkInternalVar "arg" (CoreUtils.exprType arg)
+ change $ Let (Rec [(id, arg)]) (App f (Var id))
+ else -- Leave non-representable arguments unchanged
+ return expr
-- Leave all other expressions unchanged
appsimpl expr = return expr
-- Perform this transform everywhere
appsimpltop = everywhere ("appsimpl", appsimpl)
-- Type argument propagation