PortNameMap -- The arguments that need to be applied to the
-- expression. Should always be the Args
-- constructor.
+ -> PortNameMap -- The output ports that the expression should generate.
-> [(CoreBndr, PortNameMap)] -- A list of bindings in effect
-> CoreSyn.CoreExpr -- The expression to generate an architecture for
-> String -- The resulting VHDL code
-- A lambda expression binds the first argument (a) to the binder b.
-getInstantiations (Args (a:as)) binds (Lam b expr) =
- getInstantiations (Args as) ((b, a):binds) expr
+getInstantiations (Args (a:as)) outs binds (Lam b expr) =
+ getInstantiations (Args as) outs ((b, a):binds) expr
-- A case expression that checks a single variable and has a single
-- alternative, can be used to take tuples apart
-getInstantiations args binds (Case (Var v) b _ [res]) =
+getInstantiations args outs binds (Case (Var v) b _ [res]) =
case altcon of
DataAlt datacon ->
if (DataCon.isTupleCon datacon) then
- getInstantiations args binds' expr
+ getInstantiations args outs binds' expr
error "Data constructors other than tuples not supported"
otherwise ->
(lookup v binds)
-- An application is an instantiation of a component
-getInstantiations args binds app@(App expr arg) =
+getInstantiations args outs binds app@(App expr arg) =
--indent ++ "F:\n" ++ (getInstantiations (' ':indent) expr) ++ "\n" ++ indent ++ "A:\n" ++ (getInstantiations (' ':indent) arg) ++ "\n"
"app : " ++ (getOccString f) ++ "\n"
++ "port map (\n"
+ -- Map input ports of f
++ concat (zipWith (getPortMapEntry binds) ["portin0", "portin1"] args)
+ -- Map output ports of f
+ ++ mapOutputPorts (Port "portout") outs
++ ");\n"
((Var f), args) = collectArgs app
-getInstantiations args binds expr = showSDoc $ ppr $ expr
+getInstantiations args outs binds expr = showSDoc $ ppr $ expr
+-- Map the output port of a component to the output port of the containing
+-- entity.
+mapOutputPorts (Port port) (Port signal) =
+ "\t" ++ port ++ " => " ++ signal ++ "\n"
+-- Map matching output ports in the tuple
+mapOutputPorts (Tuple ports) (Tuple signals) =
+ concat (zipWith mapOutputPorts ports signals)
getArchitecture (NonRec var expr) =
"architecture structural of " ++ name ++ " is\n"
++ "begin\n"
- ++ getInstantiations (Args inportnames) [] expr
+ ++ getInstantiations (Args inportnames) outport [] expr
++ "end structural\n"
name = (getOccString var)
inportnames = case ports of
[port] -> [getPortNameMapForTy "portin" port]
ps -> getPortNameMapForTys "portin" 0 ps
+ outport = getPortNameMapForTy "portout" res
data PortNameMap =
Args [PortNameMap] -- Each of the submaps represent an argument to the