case body_maybe of
Just body -> do
let (bndrs, binds, res) = splitNormalizedNonRep body
- -- Get the free local variables of res
- global_bndrs <- Trans.lift getGlobalBinders
- let interesting var = Var.isLocalVar var && (var `notElem` global_bndrs)
- let free_vars = VarSet.varSetElems $ CoreFVs.exprSomeFreeVars interesting res
- let free_var_types = map Id.idType free_vars
- let n_free_vars = length free_vars
- -- Get a tuple datacon to wrap around the free variables
- let fvs_datacon = TysWiredIn.tupleCon BasicTypes.Boxed n_free_vars
- let fvs_datacon_id = DataCon.dataConWorkId fvs_datacon
- -- Let the function now return a tuple with references to
- -- all free variables of the old return value. First pass
- -- all the types of the variables, since tuple
- -- constructors are polymorphic.
- let newres = mkApps (Var fvs_datacon_id) (map Type free_var_types ++ map Var free_vars)
- -- Recreate the function body with the changed return value
- let newbody = mkLams bndrs (Let (Rec binds) newres)
- -- Create the new function
- f' <- Trans.lift $ mkFunction f newbody
- -- Call the new function
- let newapp = mkApps (Var f') args
- res_bndr <- Trans.lift $ mkBinderFor newapp "res"
- -- Create extractor case expressions to extract each of the
- -- free variables from the tuple.
- sel_cases <- Trans.lift $ mapM (mkSelCase (Var res_bndr)) [0..n_free_vars-1]
- -- Bind the res_bndr to the result of the new application
- -- and each of the free variables to the corresponding
- -- selector case. Replace the let body with the original
- -- body of the called function (which can still access all
- -- of its free variables, from the let).
- let binds = (res_bndr, newapp):(zip free_vars sel_cases)
- let letexpr = Let (Rec binds) res
- -- Finally, regenarate all uniques in the new expression,
- -- since the free variables could otherwise become
- -- duplicated. It is not strictly necessary to regenerate
- -- res, since we're moving that expression, but it won't
- -- hurt.
- letexpr_uniqued <- Trans.lift $ genUniques letexpr
- change letexpr_uniqued
+ if has_free_tyvars res
+ then
+ -- Don't touch anything with free type variables, since
+ -- we can't return those. We'll wait until argprop
+ -- removed those variables.
+ return expr
+ else do
+ -- Get the free local variables of res
+ global_bndrs <- Trans.lift getGlobalBinders
+ let interesting var = Var.isLocalVar var && (var `notElem` global_bndrs)
+ let free_vars = VarSet.varSetElems $ CoreFVs.exprSomeFreeVars interesting res
+ let free_var_types = map Id.idType free_vars
+ let n_free_vars = length free_vars
+ -- Get a tuple datacon to wrap around the free variables
+ let fvs_datacon = TysWiredIn.tupleCon BasicTypes.Boxed n_free_vars
+ let fvs_datacon_id = DataCon.dataConWorkId fvs_datacon
+ -- Let the function now return a tuple with references to
+ -- all free variables of the old return value. First pass
+ -- all the types of the variables, since tuple
+ -- constructors are polymorphic.
+ let newres = mkApps (Var fvs_datacon_id) (map Type free_var_types ++ map Var free_vars)
+ -- Recreate the function body with the changed return value
+ let newbody = mkLams bndrs (Let (Rec binds) newres)
+ -- Create the new function
+ f' <- Trans.lift $ mkFunction f newbody
+ -- Call the new function
+ let newapp = mkApps (Var f') args
+ res_bndr <- Trans.lift $ mkBinderFor newapp "res"
+ -- Create extractor case expressions to extract each of the
+ -- free variables from the tuple.
+ sel_cases <- Trans.lift $ mapM (mkSelCase (Var res_bndr)) [0..n_free_vars-1]
+ -- Bind the res_bndr to the result of the new application
+ -- and each of the free variables to the corresponding
+ -- selector case. Replace the let body with the original
+ -- body of the called function (which can still access all
+ -- of its free variables, from the let).
+ let binds = (res_bndr, newapp):(zip free_vars sel_cases)
+ let letexpr = Let (Rec binds) res
+ -- Finally, regenarate all uniques in the new expression,
+ -- since the free variables could otherwise become
+ -- duplicated. It is not strictly necessary to regenerate
+ -- res, since we're moving that expression, but it won't
+ -- hurt.
+ letexpr_uniqued <- Trans.lift $ genUniques letexpr
+ change letexpr_uniqued
Nothing -> return expr
-- Don't touch representable expressions or (applications of)